deniseo278o 19 years, 9 months ago

8-04 It;s been a while. My weight loss has started to slow way down. But that ok, I have lost 121 lb in 18 months.I feel great, I try to go to the gym at least 3 times a week and I hope to walk more now that it getting cooler here in Fla.That;s if the lovebugs arn"t to bad. The grandkids came for a 3 week visit and we had a wonderful time we took them to seaworld and I had no trouble keeping up with then, as a matter of fact they had to tell me to hold up for them.We went to the mall .the beach and yes I went in the water with them, I can fit into a size 14 pants a med. top.Ilove to shop and even have bought a few dresses, something I have:t done for 20 years or more.Last week I watched some old videos we had and cant belive how big I was and am so very happy I had this surgery it saved my life.

deniseo278o 19 years, 12 months ago

6-23-04 We made it to Fla. Found a wonderful house and moved in three weeks ago. I have been very busy getting settled, getting a Fla drivers licence, trying to find my way around, and trying to find a Dr. that know about the aftercare of gastric-bypass. after calling three and being told they won;t take me cause someome else did the operation I finaly found a Dr. Overcash in Ocala that will see me . I go next monday. I found his name on this site, I still go to the gym but not curves the curves her is to small and stuffy. so I joined a place call lifestyles for women. I have lost 117lb in 14 months I can wear a size 14-pants and a medium top.The house we have has a real nice pool and I go in almost every day when it not raining .Boy it rains here a lot.T he weather is very hot but Im not haveing to much trouble with it 117lb ago I won;t have neaver been able to live in Fla. in June or any other month.

deniseo278o 20 years, 2 months ago

3-30-0 One year tomorrow, what a year sure has gone bye fast. I have lost 111,lb not as much as some but that ok Im very greatful for every lb lost. And for all the wonderful things that I can do now .This time last year I was walking with a cane,tired and felt so very old.Now I feel ten yeard younger can keep up with my grandkids and have my life back. My husband and I are moveing in April to FL. to start the secon half of our lives. and now I can do it knowing that I will have a fuller life and a healther one. I thank GOD and my wonderful DR. LISA FERZOCO for all of this.

deniseo278o 20 years, 3 months ago

3-11-04 It been a while and I;M sory about that. It;s almost been a year sence my surgery,3-31. Things have been going great I have joind the century club and have lost 1o5 lb. I have gone from a size 3x on top to a medium ,and a 3x bottom to 14-16. From a 44dd bar to a 38d. I go to CURVES 5 time a week. and love it last year at this time I was walking with a cane and found it very hard to get to the mail box every day.I love my new life and thank god and the DR, every day.My husband and I have made a big decision something we have been wanting to do for years,but because of my weight and health have only dreamed about. WE ARE MOVEING TO FLORIDA. The house is sold and almost packed and some time in the beging of May we will be looking for a home in FLA,I know that this will be a big change for us we have alway been in Mass, our kids and grankids are here , but we have decide that the second part of our life is for us.

deniseo278o 20 years, 6 months ago

12-01-03 Made it true Thanksgiven, went to curves and lost 15lb this month, I;m pass the 200 mark not yet a member of the 100 lb club but getting there I have lost 92lb sence March 31 -03Went from a 26-28 bottom to a 16 from a 3x top to a large , from a 44dd to a 38d. and life is good feeling great and Im looking forward to chrismas when I wont hide from the camera this year.

deniseo278o 20 years, 7 months ago

11-12-03 Its been awhile ,Things are going great, down 87 Lb. Went in to Boston to see a new Dr, for my after care sence Dr.Ferzcco left Good Sam;s in Stoughton and moved her practice to Dedham. She is no longer in my ins plan. So I went in to Saint Elizbath to see a DR.O'Donnall. What can I say about DR.O'Donnall ? I wasn;t all that inpressed with him I guess cause he did;t do the surgery the fact that Im doing ok is enough, he did have much to ask or say .So it good I only have to see him once a year.One thing I did find out is that in my blood work it showed I have something called H-PYLOREy it;s a bactaier(sp) that can cause ulscers an has to be treated with 3 different med I;m still waiting for his office to call and let me know when and how it will be done . On the good side of my life I get to go to N,Y this weekend with my daughter and granddaughter for the day, we are going to see the Rocketts and do some shopping, and sightseeingwith 87 less lb I know I will be able to do it this year,and I can;t wait. I am also going to do a walk for the Special Olympics in Dec. with my granddaughtrer something I would neaver have been able to do before wls.My life is full and getting better every day.

deniseo278o 20 years, 8 months ago

10-20-03 What a wonderful week-end I had . Went to the mall[ I neaver go to the mall to shop cause I hated the walking and neaver found anything to fit ) But this weekend I went with my oldes daughter and we had a blast, I went shopping in Filines,JC Pennys and found some great bargins,neavcer payed much notise how much cheaper smaller size cloths are.I fit into a 16 but for me it was still a little snug and at 56 snug is not cool.So I got 18 and will add 16 to my xmass list for hubby.It was so nice to not have to buy elastic wast pants, Sunday I went crazy going thru my closets and getting rid of all and I MEAN ALL of my elastis wast pants.and size 3x tops,and it felt wonderful.LIFE IS GOOD AND WITH GOD HELP IT WILL ONLKY GET BETTER.

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 8 months ago

<b>I SAID A PRAYER FOR YOU TODAY~*~ I said a prayer for you today And know God must have heard- I felt the answer in my heart Although He spoke no word I didn't ask for wealth or fame, I knew you wouldn't mind, I asked Him to send treasures Of a far more lasting kind, I asked that He'd be near you At the start of each new day, To grant you health and blessings And friends to share your way. I asked for happiness for you In all things great and small, But it was for His loving care I prayed the most of all. (unknown author)FROM MY HEART TO YOU ~*~Hugs~*~</b>

deniseo278o 20 years, 8 months ago

10-11-03 Went to see DR. Ferzoco this week for my 6 month checkup.Had a hard time finding hgere new office , but got there 45 min late. Was great to see her ,she was very pleased to see how well everything is going.Say I was a posterchild for the surgery, that made me feel good.She orderd some blood work and checked my scar, and said see you in 6 more months.Keep up the good work.I have lost 84lb so far and she said I should lose for another year and a half if all stay well.She also saide I should tryt to go to one of the suport groups meeting they have at the new Hospital she is at ,and I will try to do that. I wentshopping this week end to try to find some long sleve shirts and I was schocked to find I can wear a 14-16 top. Life keeps getting better and better.

deniseo278o 20 years, 8 months ago

10-6-03Just got home from a month in Fla. with hubby. We had a wonderful time.Visit with my best friend her her husband stayed with them. They made sure we saw and did a lot.Hubby played golf every day while I enjoyed the sun and shopped. I even wore a bathing suit and swam almost every day,I also went to the curves they had down the street so I stayed on the program even on vacation.I lost 13lb. to boot. We went to Disney and I wore shorts{ that a first I neaver wore them out in public at home before{ I am in 16-18 from 26-28 and I can wear a 14-16 top.It only been 6 months and I am so happy with my decision to have wls. and the changes in my life, the things I can do . Every day I find something new I can do ,like walk thru a turnstyle and not have to turn sideways or worry I wont fit.Sit in a booth, cross my legs, walk for hours and not hurt for days.Enjoy life again.
About Me
Taunton, Ma
Surgery Date
Nov 06, 2002
Member Since
