deniseo278o 21 years, 5 months ago

1-3-03 I am 13 day away from my next meeting with Dr. I have been on xenical per her orders ,and to day I weight my self.( drum roll please) I got thru the holiday and still lost weight.Im dowm 15/ lb .Yea I am sure that if I stop taking the pillS I will put it all back on.I hope to get my date for surgery when I see the Dr. Denise Hogan

Sharon Neva 21 years, 5 months ago

DENISE~~BEST WISHES ON YOUR WLS JOURNEY~~ May the world hug you today with its warmth, and love.....Pray it whispers a joyful tune in your heart.....And may the wind carry a voice that tells you there is a friend sitting in another corner of the world wishing you well!~~

deniseo278o 21 years, 5 months ago

12-30-02 Two day till the New Year.I have my next Dr, appt. on Jan.16.03.I hope that all my test results are done and i will hear good news.I have promised my self that this was my year to be a healther me.My D.H is worryed but is supported of my decision.As are my children.My journey has not been as long as others.But to me it been for ever.I hope that when next i post i will have my DATE.

deniseo278o 21 years, 6 months ago

12-17-0 I made it to my sleep test last night. the snow let up in the afternoon. All went well the young man who did it was great,funny and very nice to talk to.after hooking everything up i went to my roon and he pluged me in.fell a sleep real easy. Then he came in around 2/30 and said i had to put the mask on(not fun).Fell a sleep again .Then it was 6am.he woke me up said i did ok i have mild sleep apnea.That gets worest when i go to reem sleep( that deep sleep). so i prouble will need to be on the machine.Will see my Dr. in January and she will decide .I was not surprised just a little worryed that this will make my wait for surgery longer.Well it GOD'S hand , and if it;S to be then he will help me get it

deniseo278o 21 years, 6 months ago

My sleep test was moved to 12-16 and to day is the day.Got up this morning and it was snowing. Called to see if i did't make it when was the next possable date . Earlest was in MAY. Told the girl i;ll be there if i have to hire a dog sled, I;ll keep my finger crossed it slowes down.

deniseo278o 21 years, 6 months ago

12-5-02 One week from tonight on the 12 , i go for my sleep test. Had one two years ago, so i know what will happen. Then i hope i will hear from my Dr. that all the test are fine and it's on to the next step,( The dreaded Insurance) .I have seen on this sight that others have same, and have no problem.Will pray for good news. This would be a great New Years present to my self.and my family.

deniseo278o 21 years, 6 months ago

Sitting in my favorite chair *PooF* I and a brainstorm and suprise it wasn't about food. If you would like Go to It has my photo/ a word of thank's to all you wonderful people helping me get through this! Also a day to day log

deniseo278o 21 years, 6 months ago

11-25-02 Still no word from eather my DR. or the ins. i started this journey on September 19.02/ have done all my test except sleep test. Head Dr. said he would wright a good letter for me that i was well perpared for the surgery. The holidays are here and we all know what that can bring.Not only santa but those dreaded[it was good at the moment guilt pang]Iso want to be able to have a great summer with my grandkids. not just siting on the deck and watching them in the pool .That i have not been able to get into for years.

deniseo278o 21 years, 7 months ago

11-18-02Today i had my psych. meeting with Dr. Leonard.It went very well, he said i was well perpared for the operation and could handle any stress or problem that might come .He will forward my letter to my ins. and Dr. Ferzoco my Dr. I also took a chance and called to see if i could move my appt. for my sleep test up, i got a new appt. for the 12,of Dec. the old one was in Jamuary.S things are moveing right along. My only worry is my ins.How long will they take.And will they say yes????.
About Me
Taunton, Ma
Surgery Date
Nov 06, 2002
Member Since
