August 2013; Surg-e-versary month

Aug 30, 2013

85 lbs down this year, feeling good. It's gone by so fast.

Need to get some pictures taken! LOL, just too busy.

Spent most of the month of July with a gastroenteritis, kicked my butt. Now back to good, finally (one hospital stay, a colonoscopy, a bunch of IV fluids & potassium later). 

Size 12-14.

Goal for the next year is to get the remaining 20-25 lbs off. Now comes the hard work...


July 1, 2013

Jul 01, 2013

Weight 197.2, 73# off at 10 months.  

Slowly coming down. I'm an exercise slacker. Otherwise, happy with results and being down to a size 14.
All labs look good. Feeling GREAT. 

Gotta kick it into gear. 


June 2013

Jun 06, 2013

After a month of "OMG how did my weight go up 4# in a week when my clothes size is still going down!?!" - the scale has finally moved. The 4 lbs "gained" on vacation are gone and an additional one to boot. The key has been (duh) going back to thinking first before putting anything in my mouth, and um, exercise. Getting back on program. Yep: DUH.

I started doing kettlebell exercises a couple of times a week to get some core strengthening. Since I'm not hurting too bad, I must not be using heavy enough weight, LOL!! But I think getting the hang of it first before moving up in weight, just makes sense. At least it seems to be doable and I haven't broken any windows yet!! I stopped snacking on carb stuff between meals (a few crackers, a few popcorn chips, a little of this and that... it was all adding up)

I'm so glad the scale is now reading 199.4! I'm so glad to be in a size 14 pant and a lg top! I'm so glad to feel so healthy! 


April 2013

Apr 16, 2013

Almost 70# off! Things are slowing down, but still heading in the right direction. So many NSVs!

April 14th marks 8 months and me at the point of leaving the 200 club!! I guess that's a scale victory, but less important than the other stuff. Also, I'm just a smidge away from leaving the obese classification and being merely overweight. Um, I haven't NOT been obese or morbidly obese since HIGH SCHOOL in the 70's!

One year ago, I took photos of myself going to Spring Fling, our big work event - and was horrified. This year, I am happy to report that my XL top that I haven't been able to wear since 2006, was too big for me. What the hell, I wore it anyway in celebration. My full length photos look great! I'm actually happy with them! (Note to self: don't get TOO content!) No reason to think that next year's won't just look even BETTER YET!! I won an award, but the big award was so many people congratulating me on my weight loss. I got the "you just sparkle" comment a few times too. ::giggles::

Earlier this month, I went to a memorial service for my ex-father in law. He passed a few months ago, but they finally got the whole family down for the service. Neither my ex, nor his mom recognized me from across the church. He finally recognized me when I got closer, but the MIL still had to ask him who I was. HAHAHA, I was only married to her son for 30 years! I'm sure she thought I was the new girlfriend. She couldn't stop telling him how great I looked. He couldn't NOT tell me how great I looked! Um, and how HAPPY I seemed... LaTeDah! I am happy and not just from that 190# of HIM that I lost about 7 years ago! I AM happy. (Not just the weight, but a great job, a great relationship and much better health!!)

We went to St Thomas last month. I wore a bathing suit, played in the water, went kayaking, hiking, snorkeling and sailing. I had a great time and never felt tired or short of breath ONCE. I also felt comfortable in the heat and although I perspired, I didn't WILT like I used to. OMG, it was wonderful!

So I'm feeling good, I'm doing good and I'm content with my progress. I haven't been coming on the site as much. It's too hard comparing myself to the surgery-virgins who have lost a hundred pounds or more to my 70! I keep telling myself that I am my only competition, but it's hard not to feel a little envious. The surgeon is happy - I'm happy. He tells me I'm 25# from goal, I tell him I'm still 45# away. Either way, I'm good where I am right now!



January 11, 2013

Jan 11, 2013

Note to self:

I look in the mirror and see the same self most of the time.

Random measurement - have lost 5" per thigh.

Dropped 10 BMI points total.

Not a bad 2012.

Look again.

Yep, smaller.


January 6, 2013

Jan 06, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hubby and I went out on NYE and had a great time. I'm not the girl in the micro mini (especially at a BMI of 31 and age 53!) But we did have fun. I had a couple of drinks slowly - over the course of the evening, which I know I should not have. At first the next morning, I thought I might have been experiencing a hangover!!

When I woke up the next morning I had the most severe case of vertigo that I've experienced in years. I'm used to the dizziness, having had it multiple times, so I knew it wasn't really a hangover. The difference between the last episode was that this time I couldn't vomit. Oh, my, the dry heaves were horrible and I gagged and choked while my head spun and the room whirled. This is about the 4th episode I've had of severe vertigo. I simply hold still, don't move any more than I have to, don't drive, watch TV, read or play on the computer. I take meclizine and within a few days, it passes. Well, this time, I decided that since this was most likely an inner ear canalith, I would do a routine on myself, called the Epley Maneuver, to dislodge the tiny stone and preempt the vertigo. It didn't really work; in fact it made it worse for a short time. I decided again that enough was enough!

Luckily, I was able to slide into the ENT's office the next day.  When he repeated the Epley Maneuver, he found the same thing; I had persistent nystagmus (eye movements) in a horizontal, rather than rotational motion and they did not go away; they were also present on both sides. He sent me for an MRI the next day, to differentiate between labrynthitis and an acoustic neuroma and started me on steroids (LOVELY! Thanks for the appetite stimulant!!) The dizziness started to resolve within 8 hours  and what started out as a horrendous New Year improved rapidly. I'm about 99% back to good now. Of course, there was NO brain tumor, LOL. But another finding popped up. "Demylinating deep tissue white matter disease" in scattered areas. Now the ENT is concerned about MS. The only other symptoms that could be considered in keeping with this are fatigue and mild depression (and maybe a little imbalance.) But I've always related those to working more than I should and not getting enough sleep. I'm seeing a neurologist tomorrow, and am hopeful that this is really just a red herring. Whatever it is, I know I can handle it. Just keep the vertigo away!!


December 26, 2012

Dec 25, 2012

The holiday period from Thanksgiving to now has been a blur. Busy at work, busy at home. Busy, busy, busy. During Thanksgiving, I did great without overeating. I did sample a little of this and that. But I was very pleased that I didn't over-indulge. However, the week after Thanksgiving, which was stressful due to family drama, was a mess (there's one person who creates drama in every family, isn't there?). I ate a pc of pie every day, and other off-limits stuff. Thought I was getting away with it the first day or two, till the tummy kicked in and was heard from. That all lead to a 3 week weight loss stall, during which time I had my 4 month post-op check. They were happy with my wt loss at 55 lbs, which was "ahead of expectation for a revision," but I was still thinking about my dietary indiscretions and feeling like a failure. After that visit, at ~215, I kicked back into healthy eating/exercise mode and have lost 5 lbs since then. YAY! I'm feeling more positive now. The surgeon wants me below or at 200 by my next visit in April. I'm shooting for at least that much.  On a bright note, we went to Key West the beginning of December and walked the entire island! Felt great being down 55#.


November 14, 2012

Nov 14, 2012

3 month surgiversary!

Hubby told me "You look PRETTY!" today. He even kinda ogled me...

Yay! Nice NSV


November 12, 2012

Nov 12, 2012

Wore a dress to work today for the first time since I have worked here... so 4 1/2 years. And yes, it's a misses and not a plus size. So hard to find pants right now; I don't want to spend a fortune to buy stuff that I will shrink out of in a couple of months.

Last weight about 10 days ago was 216!




October 30, 2012

Oct 30, 2012

Solidly down into an XL now (from a 2X). My 18W pants are hanging on me, and I can wear my old 18 misses (but not keeping them for long, cuz I don't like much that I have in that size.) My next adventure will be into sizes that I haven't seen since highschool! YAY!

I thought I might let the incision site close since the opening was less than a pencil's circumference. But when I tried that the past weekend, there was just a little serous drainage, so I went back to packing. I can only get a tiny strip of gauze in there now, the opening is about the size of an applicator. Going to try leaving it unpacked again by this weekend, and hopefully there will be no more drainage.

Weight today was 219.8.


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Jul 20, 2012
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