April 2013

Apr 16, 2013

Almost 70# off! Things are slowing down, but still heading in the right direction. So many NSVs!

April 14th marks 8 months and me at the point of leaving the 200 club!! I guess that's a scale victory, but less important than the other stuff. Also, I'm just a smidge away from leaving the obese classification and being merely overweight. Um, I haven't NOT been obese or morbidly obese since HIGH SCHOOL in the 70's!

One year ago, I took photos of myself going to Spring Fling, our big work event - and was horrified. This year, I am happy to report that my XL top that I haven't been able to wear since 2006, was too big for me. What the hell, I wore it anyway in celebration. My full length photos look great! I'm actually happy with them! (Note to self: don't get TOO content!) No reason to think that next year's won't just look even BETTER YET!! I won an award, but the big award was so many people congratulating me on my weight loss. I got the "you just sparkle" comment a few times too. ::giggles::

Earlier this month, I went to a memorial service for my ex-father in law. He passed a few months ago, but they finally got the whole family down for the service. Neither my ex, nor his mom recognized me from across the church. He finally recognized me when I got closer, but the MIL still had to ask him who I was. HAHAHA, I was only married to her son for 30 years! I'm sure she thought I was the new girlfriend. She couldn't stop telling him how great I looked. He couldn't NOT tell me how great I looked! Um, and how HAPPY I seemed... LaTeDah! I am happy and not just from that 190# of HIM that I lost about 7 years ago! I AM happy. (Not just the weight, but a great job, a great relationship and much better health!!)

We went to St Thomas last month. I wore a bathing suit, played in the water, went kayaking, hiking, snorkeling and sailing. I had a great time and never felt tired or short of breath ONCE. I also felt comfortable in the heat and although I perspired, I didn't WILT like I used to. OMG, it was wonderful!

So I'm feeling good, I'm doing good and I'm content with my progress. I haven't been coming on the site as much. It's too hard comparing myself to the surgery-virgins who have lost a hundred pounds or more to my 70! I keep telling myself that I am my only competition, but it's hard not to feel a little envious. The surgeon is happy - I'm happy. He tells me I'm 25# from goal, I tell him I'm still 45# away. Either way, I'm good where I am right now!



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Surgery Date
Jul 20, 2012
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