dragonfly3 wrote a blog post 15 years, 1 month ago
2 week post op check.... - Well, I had my 2 week post-op check up today and it went fantastic!  I weighed in at 292!  That means I lost 16 lbs in 2 weeks!!!  I am just amazed and so thankful that I will neve...

dragonfly3 wrote a blog post 15 years, 1 month ago
My journey has begun! - The time is just flying on by since Monday!!  My surgery went very well.  Dr Baker is just absolutely fantastic!!  I guess it only lasted about 45 minutes too.  Of course I was in ...

dragonfly3 wrote a blog post 15 years, 2 months ago
2 days to go!!! - Well, I thought that it was going to feel like forever until my surgery but the time has flown on by so quickly!!  I only have 2 days to go until I am on the other side and startin...

dragonfly3 wrote a blog post 15 years, 2 months ago
Making Progress - I had my pre-op appt at GHP yesterday and then went to get my pre-op labwork done.  Was very happy I didn't have to fast first.  Of course being on this meal plan, there really isn...

dragonfly3 wrote a blog post 15 years, 2 months ago
Inspiration - So, I am still plugging away at the pre-op meal plan (day 4 is almost under my belt!!).  So far so good. I haven't "cheated" yet, and surprisingly, I haven't wanted to.  Although f...

dragonfly3 wrote a blog post 15 years, 2 months ago
2 down 12 to go...... - So, yesterday I had my all morning group appt at my surgeons office.  We met with the dietician to go over the meal plan pre-op and post op and place our food orders.  Then we met ...
About Me
Grand Rapids, MI
Sep 03, 2009
Member Since

Friends 15

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