8 month follow up

Oct 27, 2013

Had my 8 month follow up with Dr. Zare on Friday.   Talked about the "plateau" that I am on.   I told him I had tried a lot of different tactics, started counting calories, etc.    He told me that for Bariatric patients (male) the maximum calorie intake is 1000 calories a day.   So I had been above this as I had thought the target was higher.    So... cut it back to 1000 calories or less a day.  Hit 201 today which is the 1st time I have been that low.


Changed to two meals a day replaced with protien drink

Sep 20, 2013

This seems to be a winner.   Wasn't getting the traction I wanted out of just calorie counting (about 1600/day).... even though BMR calculations said I should lose a pound a week.   A friend who had the same surgery suggested I substitute protein drinks for 2 meals a day.  Did that.... really seems to be working!  I am still tracking daily calories, but am under 1500/day now with the 2 protein drinks.


Gradually beginning to lose again!

Sep 07, 2013

So I started counting calories a few weeks ago given I had plateau'd.  Used BMR calculations to determine number of daily calories that would lead to losing 1 pound a week.   For me it is about 1700.... so I actually try to track myself to 1500 or 1600 calories to allow for any downside error.  It's working... have lost 3 pounds in 3 weeks now.... feels good to get back  on track, but I now know that losing the last 33 pounds to my target is going to mean real work vs the almost miraculous loss I had from 251 to 209 in 3 months.


FINALLY - broke my 6 week plateau!!! hit 205

Aug 26, 2013

I finally hit 205 today... breaking 6 weeks of hovering around 206....    I stopped drinking beer... switched to wine....   I think this is the most significant change I made.   Watching my eating habits and what I eat more... although my intake is very small so this is not a major change.


Hoping to continue the ramp to 170!


Well... got off track.. back on now but took 6 weeks to recover

Aug 13, 2013

I went on vacation in July to Monterey, and realized that I might not be able to put much food in my stomach, but certainly can put the wrong things in it.   I gained about 7 pounds after that trip!


I have been really unhappy about it and just finally this week have gotten back down to my 206 weight.   I have eaten virtually nothing to drop off that excess weight.  I drink a protein drink in the morning and eat a bowl of soup, or a piece of chicken for dinner.  That's about it.   I do drink beer.... I suspect the alcohol has the affect of slowing down loss... so changing to wine.... past experience say it is not as harmful as beer to diets.


Anyway... it was a nice vacation....now back to the grind


Finally hit 214

Apr 26, 2013

Hard to believe that I plateau'd for 17 days waiting to get from 215 to 214.... finally made it today.. hope this is the beginning of at least a few more pounds weight loss before I plateau again.


Thoughts on change of eating habits since surgery

Mar 30, 2013

At this point (7 weeks post surgery) I am able to eat most foods. I have focused myself on eating protein 1st, vegetable 2nd and carbohydrates last.  I should say I never have room left to get to the carbohydrates.  My feelings of hunger are greatly reduced.  I find that it is very clear to me when I am "full".... I immediately know that I have to stop because there is just no room left.  Overall I feel a little loss since there was a great satisfaction in eating until I was full before which is gone now.  On the other hand I am thrilled to be losing the weight !


219 today, took most of March for 10 lbs

Mar 30, 2013

Was just looking back at history... it took most of March to lose 10 lbs.  I guess I shouldn't complain.. that is over 2 lbs / week. 


A flat loss week until the last two days or so

Mar 17, 2013

I seemed to hit a plateau this week until just the last couple of days.   One day actually showed a 2.5 pound gain.   In the end I dropped to 224.   Can't wait to get the 200 pound mark behind me!


227 today.. seems like weight loss is slowing down

Mar 10, 2013

So I hit a solid 227 today.  I know when I have lost weight before there are periods where I lost "inches" and then I would lose pounds.  Hopefully that is all that is happening.  Overall hard to complain when I am at the 4 week mark post surgery and have already lost 25 lbs.

No more pain when walking from largest incision.  Feel great.  Really limited by how much I can eat.  I  can eat "just so much" and then I can feel myself getting "queasy" and need to stop.

Ahhhh.. the price of losing weight!

