I ran a straight mile for the first time in my life!

Oct 23, 2009

I’ve had a rough week I’ve been feeling a little down and haven’t had much motivation. Work has picked up a lot and added a little stress to my life too. I even missed working with my trainer 2 times this week because I couldn’t leave work to workout. This morning though I went to the gym even though I knew my trainer had another client and said I’ll just do some cardio on my own. I went at 8 and this is a gym downtown where most people go before work or at lunch so it was DEAD I was the only one on the cardio machines and I was doing the bouncy elliptical thingy (my favorite machine) and the treadmill was right in front of me calling my name. I was trying to remember the last time I went for a run and it’s been 7 days and that day I wasn’t into it and did more walking than running. So I decide ok I’ll get my butt on that treadmill and see if I have the guts to run. I start out walking at a 3.5…too slow…go to a 4.0 almost….4.2…easier to jog at this pace than walk so I keep at it. This treadmill has these little red arrows that go around in a oval simulating a track so I decide at this point ok Kim run 2 laps. You can do this you have done it before on the track outside so just go for it no one is here to watch you anyways. So I run the 2 laps and keep going I get really excited at this point and say to myself you can’t stop you can go 3 and how exciting it will be for me to write a post about running 3 laps on OH and another mini goal reached. Then that 4 lap comes up and my legs keep going my HR is about 168 and my trainer has told me I could go as high at 170 so I keep running and I’m going strong! I ran a full mile without stopping in 13:32 and I didn’t die! I didn’t even feel like I was going to die! Never in my life have I ever ran a mile without stopping. I remember hating PE in HS when they would make us do the mile I could never even run half of it back then. So here I am instead of writing about a mini goal on OH I’m writing about a VERY BIG personal goal that I achieved today!   I love my band I could have never done this without it!

