Back to work and back on track...right?

Jan 04, 2010

I’ve been bad! I didn’t really gain much weight at least but haven’t been working out much at all and have been eating anything and everything. I’m almost 6 months post op and still have only lost about 40 pounds. I have almost another 55 to go to get to my 30th Birthday goal in August of 180lbs. I simply can not enter my 30s like I entered my 20s (over 200lbs). I think this is going to be a good year for me in many ways and I hope for weight loss as well. The past couple of years I finally started making new years resolutions (never did them before) and I’ve managed to keep/reach a few of them so hopefully it will be the same this year even though I’m setting them a little higher.    

Just to share here are a couple 2009 resolutions I kept/met:
Start the couch to 5K running program- (Started but haven’t finished)
Join a gym
Get a trainer
Pay off school loan
Stop drinking soda
Cook more meals at home using fresh foods  

2010 resolutions:

Count/track my calories in and calories burned at least every so often to see where I am
Complete the couch to 5K running program
Run a 5K without walking
Have a BMI under 30
Complete a 5K under 40 minutes
Start my 30s under 199lbs
Continue to go to the gym 2 or more times a week
Use my wii once a week
Pay off my car loan
Never go to bed with dishes in the sink (I don’t have a dishwasher either)
Decorate my bedroom (a rental that I’ve decided to stay another year in)
Stop eating bread and/or chips before a meal

