Protein Absorption MYTH!

Oct 09, 2007

Protein Absorption MYTH from the Diet and Nutrtion Forum


I wanted to let you know - I have been actively researching this question.
The answer I come up with is that this whole 25-30 g protein per serving is a myth.  There is no data I can find to support this claim.  In the research, I find nothing.  To the contrary,  I find info supporting my original idea - protein metabolism is a dynamic process and is not limited by volume as suggested.  Protein synthesis in your body IS limited by the quality of protein you consume.
The additional idea that only body builders need more protein - well don't you think a protein starved RNY patient has needs at least equal, if not in excess of that bodybuilder?

Protein & the kidneys - the protein load only affects the kidneys if you have kidney disease.  For regular folks, get your fluids and you will be fine!

If someone disagrees - please take me to school!  But don't come back at me unless you have reliable, peer-reviewed data!  Heresay and 'someone said' doesn't cut it!

My advice - get your protein in and ignore the people who think they know how much protein you can absorb!  You are fine!

Danielle Halewijn RD

National Cancer Institute

Jul 31, 2007

There was an interesting discussion on the main board, this morning, concerning Robin Roberts, breast cancer diagnosis. It made the little wheel in my head work overtime, when I was asked if I had undergone genetic testing for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 markers for breast and ovarian cancer's. My sister died of breast cancer. My mother died of liver cancer. My grandfather had colon cancer and his sister died of ovarian cancer. Either way you look at it, Im a target for a possible cancer diagnosis, one of these days. Anyway, one link led to another and I found an instant messaging system, at the National Cancer Institute website. You CAN IM an agent and recieve answer's for your question's concerning locating a center or specialist for your particular problem. These LIVE agents can NOT give medical advice but they can help you locate a source, to obtain help. For me, Im looking for a genetic specialist, who might be able to help me get these tests for my peace of mind, if nothing else. For those interested in Alabama. Here is the contact info for our state.Early detection is the KEY to surviving cancer so do not hesitate to seek help! I will update if and when I can have the testing done.

NCI Information Specialist : R. Lynn Holt , M.S. , C.G.C.
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Department of Genetics
KAUL 202 D
1530 3rd Avenue South
BIRMINGHAM AL 35294 0024
ph: 205-934-4983
[email protected]

Sandra K. Prucka , M.S.
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Kaul 202C
1530 3rd Avenue, S.
BIRMINGHAM AL 35294 0024
ph: 205-934-9500
[email protected]

They are both able to do genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer which includes the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

Chicken Tarragon Salad

May 27, 2007

I love recipes by Sandra Lee! delicious chicken tarragon salad, I do not use this amount of mayo tho. I use more low fat yogurt, instead.

1/2 cup non-fat mayonnaise (recommended: Best Foods)
1/4 cup non-fat plain yogurt (recommended: Horizon)
1 teaspoon poppy seeds (recommended: McCormick)

1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh tarragon leaves
2 (7-ounce) cans cooked chunk chicken breast meat, rinsed and drained (recommended: Tyson)
1 cup red seedless grapes, cut in 1/2
2 ribs celery, chopped
1/4 cup chopped walnuts and/or pecans (recommended: Planters)
6 cups spring mix lettuce (recommended: Ready Pac)


In a small mixing bowl, whisk together mayonnaise, yogurt, poppy seeds, and tarragon to make dressing; set aside.

In a medium mixing bowl, combine chicken, grapes, celery, and walnuts. Pour 1/2 cup of dressing over mixture and stir to combine; set aside.

Put spring lettuce mix in large mixing bowl with 1/4 cup dressing. Use tongs to toss.

Arrange 1 1/2 cups of spring mix lettuce on each plate. Top with 1 cup of tarragon chicken. Serve with remaining dressing on the side.

Orange Mocha Latte

May 25, 2007

STARBUCKS is EVIL! The orange mocha latte with soy milk and no whip cream contains 40 grams of sugar and 49 carbs. RIDICULOUS! I just returned from Starbucks, fortunately i had my daughter with me. I bought the orange mocha latte with soy milk no whip cream, tall. WONDERFUL orange chocolate taste. I will just experiemnt with protein powder, Millstones Chocolate Velvet flavored coffee and some SF orange Davinci syrup and try to come up with my own version. I ended up giving it to my daughter after a few sips. It was good, but the 49 carbs and 40 grams of SUGAR kept flashing before my eyes and I just did not want to risk having my first dumping episode. Just proceed with extreme caution!


May 23, 2007

MMMMMmmmmm Orange Creme  LIGHT Frappucinno! Orange Mocha Lattes! Just orangy!

May be low in calories, even with soy milk and NO WHIP CREAM, still high in carbs!! HIGH IN SUGAR, even the light version! I can tolerate sugar, I will try this, and if I like it, use it only as an occasional treat.

Greek Yogurt

May 22, 2007

Coming Soon! Double the protein of regular yogurt! Use the STORE LOCATOR options for one, near you.

Muscle Milk Protein Bars

May 17, 2007

As promised in my post from yesterday, I gave this *new to me* protein find a try  this morning. I LOVE these! Very close to a candy bar if not better. I can easily satisfy my sweet tooth with just half a bar. NO protein smell, NO protein taste. Natural chocolate coating on the outside, very thin layer at that, next a very thin layer of caramel, next layer resembles a 3 Muskateer bar except it has a soft but firmer texture, and looks like peanut butter instead of chocolate. For me, this would be used as a meal replacement bar. I have no problem tolerating sugar so I didnt dump on these ( never have dumped on anything as of yet). I no longer eat red meat of any kind, no pork, so my protein sources are limited to cheese, grilled  chicken breast on occasion, some tofu when cooked right, grilled salmon, beans and legumes and protein shakes. I rarely eat eggs, have never liked them but will try an omelet on rare occasions so for me, these bars would not be detrimental to my health. If you can tolerate 14 grams of sugar and like myself, find yourself turning into a vegetarian, I say give these a try, you will not be disappointed! I tried the vanilla toffee crunch. it also comes in a Chocolate Peanut caramel with 11 grams of sugar, i just do not care for peanuts so I will stick with the vanilla toffee crunch.

I will not pay the ridiculous price for these at GNC tho. $2.29 per bar! I have found them for $13.99 for a box of 8 on ebay, but almost $9.00 in shipping and handling so STILL ridiculous. Ive posted the other source at 14.35 per box of 8 bars. I will check into the shipping and handling charges and will keep searching for the best deal. When i find it, I will post it.

Protein Bars

May 16, 2007

Are there ANY out there, worth the frustration of searching for, and ordering? I am at the mercy of the protein God's, here. We have 2 GNC stores locally, BOTH need to be shut down for good! They are discontinuing Power Crunch bars and ISS Oh Yeah bars here.. I wasnt too crazy about Power crunch AFTER I found ISS OH YEAH WAFERS!  

I only had 4 small shelfs to choose from ( and that is in both stores) to begin with. I was perturbed to find out this news today. My ISS OH YEAH bars have been replaced by Muscle Milk protein bars in vanilla  toffee crunch. SOUNDS decadent enough but I dont care if it tastes like the BEST thing in the world, it's still overpriced at 2.29 a bar! Yep, I did buy one to try, if I like it, I will  shop around  for it, online, but if I cant find a "wholesale" price for it. I will just keep right on ordering the ISS OH YEAH WAFERS from the vitamin shoppe online. I wish we had a vitamin shoppe here, the closest one to me is 92.6 miles.

Here are the stats on this *new* to me, protein bar:
calories: 290
fat: 10 g
cholesterol: 5mg
sodium: 310mg
potassium: 110mg
carbs: 30
sugar: 14g
protein: 25g

Doesnt even sound healthy to me, but I eat so very little anyway, I need to find something I can tolerate and actually enjoy eating, at least once a day.

I know the sugar content will make alot of folks dump, but I have never dumped, as of yet. I haven't pushed it either to find out if I can but if I eat this and get deathly sick (or so I think, from what Ive read) then I will know not to waste my money on this. I tried the Muscle Milk shakes and can not stand those. Im off to work shortly, so will wait till morning to see what this is all about, if I get sick, Id rather get sick at home.I'll let ya know.

Vanilla Soy Milk

May 09, 2007

Ive never been a fan of milk. Even as a kid I didnt like milk, cereal, cheese or even ice cream. NOTHING that had milk in it. Well, since WLS I see I have to find a source of calcium I can live with and LIKE! A friend, suggested trying Silk's Vanilla Soy Milk so I did. I use it with Matrix Cookies and Cream and it makes one YUMMY shake! I TRY to have 2 shakes a day with this milk. If interested here are the stats:

Silk Vanilla Soy Milk
serving size: one cup
total fat 3.5g
total carbs: 10g
protein: 6g

from the box: "One 8 oz cup serving of vanilla soy milk provides you with 6.25 grams of SOY PROTEIN,  vitamins A,B12,D Riboflavin and Folate, Postassium, Iron , Zinc and Selenieum, 230mg of beneficial Omega 3's, 30% reccommended daily calcium,, absolutely delious ( and it is!) smooth and creamy vanilla soy milk. Its free of lactose, dairy, cholesterol, glueten, eggs, casein, peanuts, MSG and worries" LOL. It works for me much better than regular or skim milk, even better to me than carb countdown., One half gallon container will last me for weeks. I bought this one last month, almost empty and the expiration date on it isnt until June 19, 2007 so it will last a long time. Try it!

Tribute To My Mother

May 08, 2007

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