Hi, my name is Kim, I'm a registered nurse, and I've been overweight my entire adult life.  When I was 19 I remember weighing 212 pounds, and I have only gone up from there.  I have tried many different things to loose weight.  After the birth of my son in March 2002, I went on LA Weightloss with about a 30-40 pound loss.  I gained it all back.  A couple of years later, when in nursing school, I went back to LA Weightloss and wasn't as successful.   I tried Weightwatchers after the birth of my daughter in April of 2007.  I lost about 20 pounds or so, but as always, I gained it all back.  After a few months away from Weightwatchers, I went back to them for a second time, and was unsuccessful yet again.  I had decided to just try to be "healthier" with out a weightloss goal, making those small changes the nutrionists always say to make.  But when my son told me I was getting big, it just broke my heart and I asked my doctor about gastric bypass. 

About Me
Panama City, FL
Surgery Date
Jan 30, 2009
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