Ups and downs

Oct 20, 2009

The good news is that I am now more than 50 pounds down :)  I was weighed on Friday and in just three days, I was down another 5 pounds and that was almost a week ago so I'm sure that I am now down more than 50.  I plan on checking the scale when I pick up some paperwork from my pcp later today.  My incisions are healing nicely and I'm thankfull that the two major complications- infection and leaks- seem to be clear for me now.  I am doing great phyiscally and WALKED TO THE CORNER yesterday!  OK, so it's only 4 houses ... but it's more than I have done in a long, long time and I can't believe I'm on my way!!!  My 19 yr old son gave me a hug :)

The down side... I just found out how miserable it feels when a food does not agree with you.  I am on phase two- pureed foods.  I did ok with the 1oz of scrambled eggs, great with tuna and great with mashed potatoes.  I tried a personal favorite today, cottage cheese, and spent the day in such horrible cramps that even water started it all over again :(  I finally called my surgeon's office and they told me to take some of my left-over vicodin.  I wish I did it hours before because the pain was gone immediately.  I had my son pick up some yogurt and some humus and we'll try those and scratch cottage cheese off the list for a while!

The weight loss is starting to show- my face already looks noticeably different to everyone- and my clothes are getting big on me.  I am so glad I did this!


About Me
New Britain, CT
Surgery Date
Jan 11, 2009
Member Since

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