Complications figured out

Jun 08, 2010

After a few days in the hospital for dehydration and further testing, I finally found out today what's been causing my issues.  I do have an ulcer.  It is not perforated, though, so meds should fix it.  From what I have seen online, it's about a month for it to heal.  I'm down a lot more weight- total loss of 183 pounds now.  I am amazed with the progress and the changes in myself.  I had walked down the street to the store before the pain got too bad and hopefully I'll be back to that again soon.  I am down to a size 30/32 in Avenue and other "standard" plus sizes and have bought a few more things from Walmart.  I know from here, it will go fast and I'm excited- soon I'll be smaller than I was 20 years ago!  I've said goodbye to the 400 pound mark and I'm just 18 pounds from saying goodbye to the 300 mark.

I look in the mirror and barely recognize the person I see.  I have a neckline again and almost have a chin.  My stomach is shrinking as are my arms.  In some ways, I already look better than I did when I was this size before.  It's actually hard for me to buy new things because I don't think I am the size I am now.  I know that doesn't really make sense and it's hard to explain but I still see myself as almost 500 pounds.  Heck, that was me for a long, long time so it's not surprising it's taking a long time to get past seeing myself that way.

It's funny- before surgery, I dreaded getting on a scale, now I love it.  Before surgery, I hated to look in the mirror, now I look each time I pass one.  Despite the ulcer, I am so very glad I had this surgery and I am so thankful my surgeon did such a great job!

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New Britain, CT
Surgery Date
Jan 11, 2009
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