Exercise- affordable

Mar 06, 2011

Ok, so since last blog, I was still seeking more methods thats suitable for me while free..as we all know this economy is weak and so are my pockets right now.. So old fashioned use whats in your accessibilities got me thinking of resources long forgotten. Beside cans, milk jugs, bricks, chairs, furniture, pillows, balls, etc.. what else slipped my mind? Another persons body! oh yes, they can flat board against leggs and we can push them forward or sideways for inner thigh toning.. and remember the super man? no not the dance or the nasty versions, but when as a kid we would hoover our friends in the air with our feet and hands and we was on our backs? ok some may think I am crazy, but this was what we kids did when we didn't have tv all day was made to go out and play.. this is another topic.. anyways, My husband entertained me with my visions of bringing the old days back.. when there was not all this gym and equiptment available to everyone, I got alot of work out in my leggs an was so happy.. and he had fun watching me grunt and toss him around like a rag with my leggs..haha.. but was fun.. oh and another part of my exercise I am adding, the broom, is not just for sweeping, it can be brought into exercise plan as well.. I lung with it over my head and behind my shoulders.. not a heavy item but its a suitable method of endurance for me. IF you can not afford tension cords, use panty hose.. yes I made that happen too..lol.. Ok nuff for now.. gotta go tend to my family and fit some exercise in my day!


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