
Sep 24, 2011

I seemed to have lost the ability to return to blog and be involved online as I was. I been experiencing hardships and family loss and medical emergencies with in my family. To all my prayer warriors out there, please keep me and my family in your prayers and if any need prayers or just private special prayers, I do not need to know, as God knows all, I will include you. But asking to include us as we are going through tough roads right now. Thank you.

Now to up Date about me and my Journey!

My one year is approaching - OCT 26. wow can not believe it has been that long!..
I still drink protien shakes every day- can not eat enough protein in a day , get too full and I am not forcing and getting sick!
My scale addiction was forced to slow down, my second scale I bought broke... Dogs..St bernards keep laying on them! and can not afford to keep picking a scale up each time. So my weigh in are now at a Drs when I go.

I am currently doing very well with my RNY Bypass, no problems or complications ( knock on wood) I listen to EVERYTHING my drs tell me, ok I did sneak a few extra wheat thins..but thats it! lol

I can eat just about anything, but I did not find this out by just eating it, I would test a new food very very small taste, if went well, the next taste followed.. I would wait in between to see how my pouch and intestines endured the food, and I do not eat Pastas, maybe a teeny bite, but it does not make me sick just too full at once.. dont like the carbs..dont need them!

So, I eat, Taco's, hamburgers( portions yum) , chicken, turkey, beef, most soups, Pizza( in moderation) , heavy creams is what bothers my intestines- ewww.. , I can eat oatmeal, no sugar added Klondike bars...I know.. its a no no for sweets..moderation, but one day I did eat 3!.. whooo it was so good! but I wont do it again.. bad habits need to stay gone. I can also eat meat balls, pork, roast, veggies- Melons, yogurts, gosh the list goes on,.. so basically, I can eat what ever I choose, and it is mostly fresh and healthy foods. My favorites for my days are cottage cheese and fruit, cheese cubes and lean meat for snacks.. I also eat yogurt every day, its my thing ya
I do not eat breads, I tried, no probems, but its a no no for me, I had addiction to carbs before and do not want it.. so if a bread is on the menu.. I slide it aside or say no thank you.. ( few times I took a small bite of garlic bread).. I do not eat pasta, if there is meat sauce I will eat that with lots of cheese..I do not want to be a 3rd wheel at dinner or when eating out and the menu is not RNY friendly and my family should not suffer because I chose this life. SO I always find something I can eat or be creative with. And if there is soup options, I eat soups.. even if I had enough in a month, its to spend time out with my family.. and a few times I did bring my own food in my purse... and just ordered drinks for me.. I did not feel embarrassed or ashamed..and my family is well adjusted and we do great.

With all this, I have not had any set backs, I lost my 100lbs!!!!!. I got 30 lbs more to loose as Dr said 2 months ago...since then I lost 10 more pounds, so Im 20lbs from goal!!!!!!! oh yeah!!!!!

Am I thinking about Plastic Surgery..yes... but I am not doing tummy first.. I can handle it.. and going to get insurance to try to cover it or half..but the one I am saving for is my arms..bat wings....not shocked by them.. I had them BEFORE surgery, they are just more wingy but that is my number 1. ..then tummy..and if I need a thigh or butt lift we will see,,I been working out and I am not too bad off, is my butt saggy... well lots of mucsle that was there is gone and I had a big ol I can grab an lift if I want it it bother me..only if I stare in the mirror naked and start trying to rearrange my skin to see what it would look like.. but me..dont do that..LOL.. ok so I did it 4 times..and said NO ..Im good.. Im doing exercises to tone that area..and its slowly rebuilding the muscles...who would have thought..I hated my big butt, now I am trying to get one! LOL..

So as of today I am 185lbs. before the surgery, my highest was 287lbs.. I am making it!...Goal.. 165lbs... WHOOHOOO


About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 13, 2010
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