
Dec 14, 2008

151.4!!! woohoo!!


Sep 30, 2008

Well alot has changed since my last post! I am down to 160.2! I have been working out for 4 weeks now! I have about 25 lbs to get to my goal weight! I am really excited! I hope that everyone is doing well and will keep everyone posted on my progress.


May 16, 2008

I am still 194! It is almost like my body doesn't want to get smaller! WTF!?
I even have Restriction!!!!!


Apr 20, 2008

I am so excited! The scale has begun to move AGAIN! And not up!!!! It is going DOWN! My fill kicked in last Sunday and it feels SO good! I am keeping my fingers crossed that it stays this way for awhile! WOOHOO 194 and I can't wait to see the 180s, 170s and so on!!!

8.6 ccs in a 10 cc Band!

Mar 24, 2008

OK got another fill! We'll have to see what happens now. Not sure how it can help when you are already not eating alot anyways!

Still the same!

Mar 19, 2008

Well I am still the same! I weigh 199 as of this AM! I FINALLY started exercising! YEAH for me! I did  25 mins Eliptical, 3 reps 10 push ups 3 reps 25 sit ups! I can't even believe I could do the push up, even if they were girly push ups! LOL Iam going to MAKE myself walk to get the kids from school! There is NO EXCUSE for me not doing so!  I rememebr when I was in Basic Training and we WALKED EVERYWHERE or marched, whatever! I lost weight in Basic Training, not that I was heavy like now. But from where I was in HS, I was! I feel alot better too. I have been really depressed lately. I guess me writing it down and saying it will help me and maybe help others know they are not alone.  I don't ever remember being this depressed... I was sad when hubby was in Iraq for a year, but not even as bad as I have been... BUT anyways, I feel good today and that is ALL that matters! One step at a time, that is how I am taking it!  I have been drinking 2 protein shakes and a dinner that consists of protein and veggies and have not had ANY weight loss the past week.  So I will go back for a fill Monday. Not sure how that will help when I am not eating that much anyways. We will see..... I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend! I am off to see my new niece and have the kids meet her for the 1st time! She is so cute! I am the luckiest aunt ever!!! Michelle


Feb 27, 2008

Well I am under 200! WOOHOO! I hope it stays that way!!

5 MTHS OUT! Fill #4!

Feb 03, 2008

I am 5 mths out and only down 30 LBS... It is taking alot longer than I thought it would. I have some restriciton finally after my last fill last month. I am hoping that  tomorrow will be my last fill for awhile!! 

6 weeks out..

Oct 18, 2007

Well, I am down 21 lbs, I am a little disappointed. But, I know it will only get better.  My clothes are starting to fall off of me, so that is a good sign. I think I look like I have lost weight. It is time for a fill. I am going to try to get one next week, maybe that will help.  That is my update!

4 weeks out...

Oct 06, 2007

I am down 18lbs! The 1st week I lost 15 and then for 2 weeks nothing and last week I lost 3 more lbs.  I am hoping to go for a fill in a couple weeks. I am feeling way better than I did after I came home from surgery.

About Me
Lithia, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2007
Member Since

Friends 40

Latest Blog 13
8.6 ccs in a 10 cc Band!
Still the same!
5 MTHS OUT! Fill #4!
6 weeks out..
4 weeks out...
