Whoa - Got sick

Apr 02, 2008

April 2, 2008
OK, so I now know for sure that my surgery really happened.  For awhile, I wasn't sure.  I mean, I never got sick, could eat anything without a problem, and I felt good all the time. 

I was in a rush to get to a meeting and I ate a little of the stew I had made the family for dinner, and I ate it in a rush.  I drove my kids to meet their friends and I started feeling sick.  I couldn't leave the parking lot.  My mouth was watering like crazy and I felt so sick.  I sat in that parikng lot for 40 minutes before panic set in.  I knew I was going to throw up.  I HATE throwing up.  I bargain with God. I try deep breathing.  Anything to avoid throwing up.  I was also embarassed because I was in the main parking lot in town and I didn't want anyone to see me. I moved my car to the far end of the lot and frantically looked for a bag or someplace to discretely get sick.  Thank goodness I didn't clean out my car today like I hd planned and there was a plastic bag in the car.  WHen I did finally throw up, it wasn't that bad.  I was surprised. I guess the absence of stomach acid does really make a difference.  I found the nearest garbage to throw te bag into and I felt SO much better.  Lessons learned - 1. the rules apply to everybody.  You have to eat slowly.  2. Getting sick isn't such a big deal.  Not fun, but nowhere near as bad as presurgery.  3. Always have a plastic bag in the glove box just in case!

Shopping :) and rambling thoughts about being 1 month out

Mar 24, 2008

March 24, 2008
Today I went to the Talbots outlet with my mom.  How fun it was to try on clothes and have them fit!  Before surgery I was a size 2x or a 20.  I am so happy to fit into a regular XL and a size 18.  I have been disappointed at my slowing weight loss, so todays shopping trip made me very happy.  I really can't wait to fit into regular (non woman's) sizes.  It will be so awesome to shop wherever I want. 

I am now a little over 1 month out.  I don't get sick unless I overeat.  I am still struggling to get my protein and water in each day.  I do eat small amounts of carbs.  I am trying like heck to eat protein first, veggies second and small amounts of carbs third.  I am working on not drinking 30 minutes before and after meals.  This is very hard for me.  I have always been one to drink huge amounts of diet soda during meals.  I have given up soda, but I still like to have a sip of water or crystal light with my meals. 

I feel like I should be more militant.  When I read these boards, people talk about not having any carbs until they were 6 months out, having sensitive pouches, getting sick or being lactose intolerant.  I have had no complications and I don't get sick.  One of the men in my support group always talks about how he is so grateful that he dumps and gets sick, because it prevents him from from ever going back to where he was.  I worry that maybe I have it too easy.  Maybe I need to suffer so I don't go back.  Maybe I will stop losing weight...

Thank God for Jill.  When I was sure that I was slowing down too much, she commented me and told me that I was right on track.  That I was following her weight loss pattern.  She lost 21 pounds the first month and 8 pounds the second month.  We started out at about the same weight and size.  She went from a 2x to a 2 - IN ONE YEAR.  You have to understand, she is my weight loss hero!  I can't imagine EVER being a 2. The thought of changing my body so much in one year is mind blowing to me.   My big goal right now is to fit into a 14!  So reading her comment reassured me and gave me hope that maybe I may follow in her footsteps.  Sometimes, I read about people who had this surgery and they lost some token amount of weight and they gained most of it back.  Ive only been out 1 month, and I can convince myself that that is happening to me! LOL  Jill's comment put me back on track.  I am so grateful for this website and the support that we all give each other.

Slowing Down

Mar 18, 2008

March 19, 2008
It seems like my weight loss is slowing down.  I am down to 215.2.  I have to really make an effort to get my water and protei in.  For the past week, I have been far off the mark.  Its my TOM and all I want is carbs.  I am psyched because I usually gain during this time.  It's nice to see a loss no matter how small.  

We are leaving on our college visit/Florida vacation trip this afternoon.  We are going to visit Virginia Tech and Georgia Tech with my son.  Then we are off to visit my parents in Florida for a week.  As usual, all of the details of the trip are on my shoulders.  For the life of me, I cannot understand why my husband tends to be useless when the pressure is on. Can you say passive-agressive???  Oh well, I will do what has to be done and try to focus on having a good time.  Both of my boys have outgrown almost all of their summer clothes.  I have to shop today for them.  I have to go to the bank, go to the grocery store.  I have to put the car top carrier on the car and pack everything - All before 3:00 when we are leaving. Yikes.  I'd better get going!

Buh Bye 220's

Mar 03, 2008

March 4, 2008
Yahoo!  The scales say 219.6.  I am only 5.6 pounds away from my 5 year low weight.  I can't wait to blow past that number and to get to onederland.  I am hoping that I will be there by my anniversary on April 22.

I went to my support group meeting at my doctor's office last night.  A heated discussion broke out about eating McDonalds/treats after surgery.  One line of thinking was - that is the stuff that got you fat, why even touch it.  The other line of thinking was - you need to have a new relationship with food.  You need to learn to respect it and not abuse it.  I'm not really an all or nothing type of girl, so to think that I will NEVER have another treat in my life doesn't seem realistic to me.  On the other hand, I have gotten myself in a lot of trouble with food and lack of self control.  I om only 12 days out, so I still have so much to learn about my new tool.  I am learning to recognize the "I am full" signal.  I am not yet even close to experimenting with (former) trigger foods.  

I had a all day training at work yesterday.  I saw co-workers that I haven't seen since before my surgery. They did not know that I had the surgery.  They were all telling me how great I looked and that I was glowing.  It was nice to hear some complements so soon after surgery.  16 pounds does make a difference, but it's kind of like throwing a deck chair off the Queen Mary!  I have 75 more pounds to go! I am thrilled with this new tool.  For the first time in my life, I really believe that I will hit my goal!  What a feeling!

I'm free!

Feb 29, 2008

Yesterday my staples came out!  Yahoo.  It didn't hurt a bit.  I feel like I am free.  I can move in any direction without pulling.  I am down 131/2 pounds since the day of my surgery 9 days ago.  I feel great.  The only thing is, I still get tired very easily.  I need to pace myself and not try to get too much done in a day.  That is a lesson that I have been trying to learn my entire life LOL, but now I have to, or I get so sleepy.

I also feel like I am free of the constant desire to eat!  You have no idea how great this feels.  I am not continually thinking about food, looking for snacks, planning what we are going to eat next.  I feel lik I am free of this mental bondage.  Now I just think about what will get the most protein in.  I am so glad that I had this surgery.  I can't wait to see all of the good things that my new life has in store for me.

Goodbye 230's

Feb 25, 2008

February 26, 2008
When I checked into the hospital the day of surgery, I weighed 236 (down from an all time high of 244).  The day I left the hospital, I weighed 244!  I know it was from all of the fluids they pump into you, but it was kind of a downer.  The next time I weighed myself I weighed 234.  OK now we're moving in the right direction!  This morning I wieghed 228.4.  Goodbye 230's forever. I will never see those aweful numbers again!  I know that you are not supposed to keep weighing every day, but for now during the rapid weight loss stage, I am thrilled by it.  When my weightloss slows down, I will start weigning less frequently. 

I am blown away that this is working for me.  I know that sounds crazy - it works for everyone.  But for some reason, I wasn't sure that this would work.  I was hopeful, but I don't think I was entirely convinced.  How silly is that. Maybe that is part of the reason I got myself into this problem in the first place.  

It is often said that it's not the weight - it's the reason for the weight.  From the first time I heard Oprah say this, I have been trying to figure out what my "reason" was.  I had a great childhood.  I was raised by 2 sweet loving parents.  I am close to them to this day.  I have a great life.  I am truly blessed by what God has given me.  What led me to find my comfort in food and why the heck did I need so much comfort???? I am hoping that I will discover this during my journey and deal with it once and for all.

I'm Home!

Feb 23, 2008

February 23, 2008

I am officially on the losers bench.  I went in for my surgery on February 21.  My surgery was scheduled for 7:30.  I had to be there for prep at 6:00. As soon as I was called, they gave me a gown and a valium.  I never had valium before, so I was pleasantly surprised to see how it took the edge of my nervousness.  When the nurse tried to get my IV in, she couldn't and called the anestheologist in to do it.  He got the IV in and asked how I was feeling.  When I told him that I was still nervous, he gave me something else and the next thing I knew Dr. Brolin was saying "Gwen wake up, your out of surgery now ."  Wow is all I can say!

Day one was spent blissfully unaware on morphine.  Day two was spent trying to cool off.  I spiked a fever of 104.6.  Yikes was I hot.  I had a fan, cool compresses, ice chips, nothing worked.  After my leak test, I was allowed to have tylenol.  That brought the fever down to 101. I have my first meal as a post op.  Beef broth, cherry jello, and apple juice.  Wow, those things never tasted so good.  That warm broth felt so good going down.  I was able to walk more and more.  Because of the fever, they had me do a chest xray.  It showed that I had a little pnemonia in my right lung.  No antibiotics - just breathing exercises.

Day three was the best.  I got up and felt so much better.  The fever was gone and I was able to do such much better on the incentive aspirator (a tube thing with a straw that they have you blow into) My IVs both aspirated into my hand, so I was taken off the IV.  Next my drain came out.  Finally I was able to take a shower.  Boy did that feel good! 

It's amazing how this surgery makes you appreciate beef and chicken broth and a warm shower!

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

Feb 20, 2008

I love ya tomorrow, you're only a day away.....

February 20, 2008

That's right, tomorrow morning I will wake up and drive to the hospital.  My plan is to ask for relaxing medicine as soon as possible.  I know - what a baby, but that is what I plan to do. This time tomorrow, I should be up and walking!  Not scared right now,  I am excited and a little nervous, but thanks to all of the wonderful support I have found on this site, I am no longer scared.

Last supper will be pizza.  I have been so good this week.  I just want to have my last 2 slices of pizza for dinner.  Breakfast today was a protein shake.  Lunch was oatmeal.  Snack was pumpernickel pretzles.  I see a carb them going on here!!  Can you say "comfort eating"?????  Well after 7:00 tonight. that is all over and behind me!

I can't wait to join everyone on the losers bench!

I'll post again as soon as I am able.  Until then, wish me luck and say a prayer for me, my doctor, and the anestheologist!

Three days away

Feb 17, 2008

February 18, 2007
I can't believe my surgery is only 3 days away.  I am so happy that my mom is coming up from Florida tomorrow to be with me and to help with the kids.  I read Carnie Wilson's book Gut Feelings.  It is inspirational, but I find that the OH boards are even more inspirational.  

Sometimes I am so calm about the surgery that I can't believe it.  Other times I am freaking out.  I am most worried about the surgery itself.  I know that post surgery I will be in pain/sore and complaining about the size of the truck that hit me.  I am not worried about that.  That's what pain meds are for:).  I am worried about the actual procedures that I will face on surgery day.  You know, the IV, the blood tests, the prep, the abesthesia tube... I realized one thing that is helping me to calm down is to realize how fast 24 hours goes.  

Think about it - the prep/surgery time can't be more than 5 hours.  In fact, if all goes well it will be 4 or less.  When I go on vacation, a week flys by!  When I am trying to get something important done at work, 4 hours flys by way too fast.  I am sure that the prep/surgery time will also go by fast.  Thank God for all of the posts OH.  From what I read, people get prepped, get something to relax them, and the next thing they know, they are waking up in recovery.  I hope that is the case for me!  I met with my anesthesiologist last week as part of my preadmission testing.  He was so nice.  He told me that I would get something to relax me before they even give me the IV.  I am a big baby when it comes to the IV, so I was thrilled to hear this! (I can't imagine how I got through 3 c sections - I am such a baby!)  I can't believe a week from today, I will be back home taking the baby steps on the beginning of my new life road.

Met Miss Dolly!

Feb 12, 2008

February 12, 2007

I went to Bariatric Eating today to get some of the things I will need post op.  It was such a positive experience!  I met Miss Dolly (Theresa White).  She had me try several different types of powdered protein as well as some tasty syrups that can be mixed with the protein powders.  I also tried a bullet drink mixed with crystal light - yummy!  I was nervous that I wouldn't find anything that I liked.  I was worried that the protein powders would taste chalky.  I was wrong - I liked everything that she had me try!!  She was like a heaven sent angel - she gave me so much confidence.  What a great store - they have everything that you could need and then some!  I am going home tomorrow with a suitcase full of food.

Now I just need to decide if I can make the date of February 21 work. If not, I will have to reschedule for some time in March.  I really wanted to drive down to Florida with my family over Easter break.  If I don't have the surgery next week, I don't think I will be in any shape to make the 2 day drive.

About Me
Colts Neck, NJ
Surgery Date
Jan 02, 2008
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 31
Time for an Update
Status update
Lose weight - Add confidence
Lose weight - Add confidence
