I don't know what's going on

Jun 12, 2008

I stayed at 284 for what seems like weeks.  Then, one morning I woke up and the scale jumped 3 lbs.  Now, I am at 274 and the scale won't move again.  What is going on with the 4's?

It got too hot...

Jun 11, 2008

I just had to join the gym.  I went for the first time today.  It was fun.  I walked on the treadmill and did some ab and back exercises.  I am going to try to go in the morning and evening.  I need to go twice a day to prepare for my sister's wedding.  I am currently down 40 lbs.

Walking, walking, and more walking

May 29, 2008

I decided to go for a walk today around my neighborhood.  My husband is still not feeling well so I didn't want to go too far since I was leaving the girls with him.  I started walking up my block, not knowing where I was headed.  I ended up taking a 40 minute walk.  Now, as you may have read in previous posts, I generally walk at least an hour at the track but today was more difficult.  There are no hills on the track.  I was exhausted when I returned home.  It was a good walk though.  I am proud of myself.  Thank you, Jesus.

It Moved...

May 28, 2008

WIth all of my complaining about the scale not moving, I stepped on it this morning expecting to see 284.  On Tuesday afternoon, it was 284.  On Wednesday morning, it was 284.  On Wednesday afternoon, it was 284.  So, why would today be different.  I don't know but I tried anyway and guess what.  It was.  The scale read 281.4.  It is so amazing how quickly these changes occur.

Not So Depressed

May 28, 2008

I am feeling better now.  I went to see Dr. Singh today.  While there, I also ssw the nutritionist and his nurse.  All three said that I was doing what I was supposed to be doing and to keep it up.  They said that sometimes it will plateau and then just drop.  So, I feel much better now.  Still at 284 but it will drop soon, I'm sure.


May 27, 2008

I just came from seeing my PCP.  I lost 11 lbs. since the last time I was there however, I have been sitting at 284 for about a week and a half now.  Maybe 2 weeks.  I said before that I felt like I would be the only person who wls would not work for and right now, it feels true.  I have been eating properly (with the exception of the 2 whole wheat pasta days last wk), exercising, and taking my vitamins and the scale won't move.  And, on top of that, my labs are perfectly normal.  She said that around this time when her patients who have wls come to see her, their labs are off because of the weight loss.  But not mine, they are normal.  In fact, they look great.  I am simply depressed.  And, on top of the top of that, my baby girl had an asthma attack today and no one knew she had asthma.  So, I will be giving asthma treatments for the next 24 hours but I still need to work.  I will have to find someone who can do it for me in the morning until I get off.  It could be my husband but he's still sick and has to have another mri done in the morning.  I tell you, when it rains, it pours.  But, God is still good.  I just needed to vent.  Be Blessed!


May 22, 2008

I jogged at the track today.  It wasn't a lot but it felt good to be able to do.  I'm looking forward to being able to do more in the near future.  I walked/jogged for an hour and 5 minutes.  I decided to focus on the amount of time I wallk rather than the number of times around.  I always seem to lose track.  I'm finding also that walking is giving me a chance to unwind from my day.  The school year is almost over and the children are losing their minds.  By the end of the school day, I am mentally, physically, and emotionally drained.  I am going to have to do something different soon because walking around the track, before I started to jog, was getting boring.  When I started jogging, I was so preoccupied with not stopping until I reached my target that I didn't focus on the boredom.

Ah-ha Moment

May 20, 2008

This morning, I had my first ah-ha moment since the surgery.  As I put my clothes on, I realized that they fit.  I was disappointed for a few minutes.  Not disappointed that they fit but disappointed that they were not too big.  Some of you may be wondering what the ah-ha moment is in that.  Well, the ah-ha moment came when I realized that my clothes were too small before the surgery, and I was too unwilling to accept that.  These same clothes that I wore to work today did not fit nearly the same as they had before.  For instance, before, my shirt was snug and I had to keep pulling it down.  And, I had to suck in my stomach in order to button the pants that seemed much shorter then.  Now, my pants were comfortable, I didn't have to suck anything in to get them on, and my shirt was nice and roomy.  Not too big and not too small.  Just right.  Someone should have told me sooner.

I wonder what the next ah-ha moment will be.  Hopefully nothing like this one.

2 pics added and no longer super obese

May 16, 2008

I am no longer super morbidly obese,  I have dropped down to extremely obese.  That's still too big but I'll take it for now. 

I added two pics showing my 4 week progress.  They are not the best 2 pics because my shirt is loose.  Maybe I'll take another pic with the grey outfit so that I can really compare the before and after.  I can see the difference in my face.  What if it keeps getting smaller...I am going to look like a skeleton...ill.


May 15, 2008

I didn't take my daughter to track practice today because this cold just has me feeling icky.  She didn't want to go anyway.  I knew I still had to exercise so I thought... hmm, I think I'll try Tae Bo.  What in the world was on my mind?!  I must have thought I had already lost 100 lbs.  I am exhausted.  I kept up pretty good but Billy Blanks has too much energy.  It did open my nose up some so I actually feel a tad bit better.  Now, if that wasn't bad enough, I went for a walk afterwards, around the block.  Then, to add insult to injury, I did some weight training when I got back in the house.  I tried to do some crunches but my I have to get a mat.  My back can't adjust to the hard floor.  I also need to find my jumping rope.  I am about to push this thing into top speed.  I am going to make the most of these 12 to 18 months.

About Me
Baltimore, MD
Surgery Date
Dec 30, 2007
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