Kevin Mann

"My surgeon was wonderful and he made sure all of my questions were answered right away. My hospital stay was great, and even though there is a lot of physical discomfort that comes along with this surgery, the staff went out of their way to make sure I was comfortable, and even kept me amused while I was there. I especially enjoyed staying in the step-down unit. The nurses there were so fun! I highly recommend having your surgery at this hospital!"

Michael Barker

"I had my first appt with Dr. Barker on October 22nd, & it went great! I was taken back to the examination room pretty quickly, after height & weight measurements, but there was quite a wait once I got into the room. About an hour, so make sure you have plenty of time for this type of visit. It was well worth the wait, though. After waiting a month to go to the appointment, I think I would've waited all day if I had to. lol. Everyone says he's so serious, but he smiled & acted like a normal person(a very smart normal person. lol). He talks quickly, but I had no problem keeping up. He is very professional, & answered all my questions thoroughly(I had a lot). There was even a student with him during the visit & he was teaching him as we went through the appointment. He was very supportive of my choice to have RNY instead of the band or other types of WLS. Thankfully I don't have many health problems aside from being overweight, so after discussing my lab results, EKG, & chest x-ray, & explaining everything, he answered all my questions, & told me to come back after seeing the nutritionist & health psychologist. He said he didn't see any reason why I shouldn't be approved. I have my psych appt on November 15th, & my nutritionist appt on November 16th, so the process is going much faster than I expected. He said I will only see him two more times before surgery. Once, after I'm approved at the psych & nut. appts, to get my final approval & a surgery date, & then again in four weeks to discuss the two week pre-op diet. I was surprised to learn about the pre-op diet, though. He said two weeks of clear, calorie-free liquids. So basically..water. lol. I'm kind of scared of that, but I know I can do it if I set my mind to it. Overall, he was very friendly & informational, & got me out of there fairly quickly. Can't wait to have my next appt with him! If you have this doctor you are VERY lucky! Everyone who I've talked to, who has had him for WLS has said that he is an amazing doctor, & he does loosen up during post-op. I've heard he's the strictest in the practice, but gets the best results.. :o)"

Portsmouth Naval Hospital

"I had an emergency C-section at NMCP when I had my daughter, and it was a great experience. It was very comfortable, and I had my own room. Over-all a great experience. :o) I can't wait to have my bypass there!"
About Me
Raymond, CA
Surgery Date
Sep 30, 2010
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