Year After....

Jun 24, 2011

How do I feel? I am happy with my weight and everyone around me tells me i look my best ever. I still need and want to lose more pounds to reach my goal. From size 28 I am size 14/12. I would be more than happy to be size 10 or 8. So, i still need to keep going. I don't have much hair, but i handle it... it kind of helps because it's curly. I am thinking in the future to do a tummy tuck and surgery for my arms. I don't know why, but i've seen that other girls have not that problem and they were the same weight or more than me, and their arms look great. =( I still can't wear short sleeves shirts nor dresses because i dont like y saggy arms =( ewww! .. so that's something i am trying to "fix".

I am not feeling yet comfortable with bathing suit because my arms, and my legs... you can notice the weight i've lost by looking at them.. so i still cover myself up.
In my personal life, i am still single.. i dated a guy from 8 or 9 months and it was a disaster. He is "still" around and i hope soon it's for sure over. Disaster because since the beginning it was all a lie. He was married, still involved with the wife and seeing us and being with us both. Major drama. So i just spent more time crying than smiling. I guess that kind of got me out of focus with my weight and myself. I lost my job, and it has been difficult to find a new one. So financially, it's not good either.

I am sad, not totally depressed but just sad, hoping that soon my situations will change. I've seen many girls are happy with their weight loss,... i am... but, i thought i would be having more fun. What am I doing wrong? My marriage was really bad, i try to be a better person and woman for the next relationship, but this man just broke my heart completely. Sigh! Is it worth it to be nice,kind,faithful to men when they just abuse you,lie and cheat??.. i say, to be a total bitch makes you happier, and you don't get at all.  I feel so stupid. Sigh...

I am glad though, that many ladies are happy and have a better changed life after their surgery. I am still waiting for my happy transition... well, that's all for now...

going bald???

Aug 03, 2010

I am losing my hair extremely much and it's bad, very bad.
i don't know when will stop or how i can stop it. sigh. plus i started working and i am working over time, i don't know if that has to do with the stress i am having or what. i barely see my son because when i come back home he is sleeping, and then i wake up next day very early in the morning and come back late at night. sigh.
long time i haven't logged in OH or even check my messages. i am worry about my hair. =(

which scale to believe?

Jun 24, 2010

I went to publix today and i did dare to get on the huge scale there in the entrance (it was my first time doing that). so.. it says 298 lbs ..i was like WHAT?????????... the scale i have at home says 304lbs which i follow and believe? grrrr.. it sucks..
now i dont know how much i accurately weight.
well, after that nice surprised about my weight... i went to search a gift for my friend's baby boy that is having a baptism this coming saturday. Before i left, i wanted to check the dresses and see which one fits and which one i would like to buy (if i could and if it looks nice of course hahahah). I never bought dresses in my life, actually, i pretty much hated them as a teenager and then after my pregnancy there was no dress that looked good on me because i was just pure enormous. So i picked a few, and by my surprised they all fitted well.  hehehehe.. it is size 22. Let's remember i was size 28, and there are no nice dresses on that size but just awful colors and styles that looks like living room curtains. I must say, i am now a fan of dresses and i can't wait until i wear one that could look good on me. Btw.. the only dress i have worn was my wedding gown which i want to get rid of...grrrrrrrrr... i cannot find anywhere to sell it or whom to give it.
Well...anyways... i am still wondering how much i really weight
1 comment

Loose clothes

Jun 23, 2010

So, im trying my clothes and i see that all my pants are so loose. Sigh. I don't want to go shopping because when i keep losing some more the same thing will happen. I can't go out like that with baggy pants because it looks awful. it kind of looks like my butt is melting down. Anyways.. so i search and search in my closet for some old clothes i saved when i was less heavy. So, thanksfully i found one pair of pants that fit good. Not tight, not loose, just good. I noticed they were size 22... i was happy because i used to wear size 28 (my biggest ever). 
I will have to customize my clothes... sewing them and stuff... at least so i can wear something for now. for sure i will need to get new undewear and bra, because that i can't shrink. i am afraid that my breast or butt will go away.. i mean, i do want that but not all of it.
i am on 305 pounds right now, i am happy that soon i will be out of the "3" and start on "2" and then "1" yay!!! last time i saw the scale starting with 1, i was 15years old with 120lbs pounds (which i was still classified as "heavy"...silly me).
I am eating almost everything now, but very very small portions. I should say that hot dogs, pizza, hamburguers and soda makes me wanna puke and get me dizzy. ..even when i smell it!!! i can't smell fried food because the same happens. Does anyone goes through this too? i am eating lots of fruits and vegetables. I am still looking for my ideal protein. I am out of vitamins and i am searching which one to take from now on. I was on the vitamins the nutriotinist gave me but i think i can get more for a cheaper price. My hair is doing fine, not lost like i thought it would.

I think if i dont have the time or patient to sew my clothes, i will donate them to goodwill.  I am happy that i am not 3x on shirts, but 1x :) yay.. progress!! and i am starting to get used to heals (never ever wear them often, but i want to be more femenine anyways lol )...oh oh!.. btw.. i notice that i am walking faster now, and i climb the stairs even faster too without losing my breath. hehehe

God bless.

many changes..

Apr 26, 2010

Hi everyone,

These last weeks i have noticed many changes with myself. I am more flexible in doing physical things and i don't have pain in my legs or chest. I can play more with my son and i don't get tired when i lift him or take him for a walk. I have lost 48lbs and i am feeling this way. I can't wait to know how i will feel when i loose 100!! :) 
Many friends and family are noticing my lost weight... i notice more in my face and how loose my clothes are getting. I am planning to join the gym since i am getting tired of walking only to the same parks and doing circles around the baseball field.

Also, i started giving away some of my clothes that are too loose for me now. I am not making no new clothes shopping...yet! because im waiting until i am in below 200lbs. I am learning about my tolerance of food. I am knowing my stomach better than before and i do not vomit anymore. I am happy that i don't have stomachache anymore. I am eating a bit solid foods now and a variety of juices. I hate the protein that i am taking, so i will check which other i can drink.

My bra size is getting less as my pants too... but i don't focus much on it or i will get paranoic. I don't weight myself everyday, but every week. I write only the number of my current weight in my calendar to compare the difference, and i look back and i like how the numbes getting less and less. I love summer dresses, but i have NEVER wore one.. so i can't wait until that happens.

I will try to post some more pics. Good luck to everyone that has surgery this week!
God bless to all.


stomach ache

Mar 22, 2010

i cannot tolerate even water right now because it makes me have a stomach ache and then vomit. I don't know if it has to do something with the flu i got, or what. I just called the nutritionist and Dr.Sosa and Dr.Sosa told me to go to the Palmetto Hospital.   Can't believe i have to go back there. I am trying to drink today, and if it continues with the pain and vomiting i will go. Anyways, right now i can't go because i dont have transportation and it is all the way to Hialeah.
I still have the burps and it hurts a little bit when i swallow the liquids. I think i will go back to the liquid diet now. Sigh. I feel more thirsty than hungry, i wish i could drink two liter of juice/water at once if i could.


i can't stand the burps..

Mar 11, 2010

I have been trying to eat on my second liquid diet... but i can't stand the burps. Even when i drink water or juice,i can feel the air coming up and it hurts. I try eating soup and the same. Also, i throw up because the air inside hurts me so much i just feel like getting rid of it. I am afraid to eat soup or anything else on the list. I am just on juice now.. even though i still have the burps but i get thristy and i have to drink it. I drink slow but still i have the burps. I am not eating anything else but fruit juice and water.
I am afraid of trying any other soup...and painfully i drink the juices and water. Is this going to be forever?

new liquid diet

Mar 04, 2010

My staples are out and i am happy that it didn't hurt at all.
I also saw the nutritionist and i am on the next liquid diet, with the protein shake. I am glad that i will taste something else. At least, i can eat other sort of soups too. I was tired of the clearn liquids. I am feeling better and better, and feeling almost 100% heal. Getting used to my new diet and feeling slowly my clothes a bit loose. Yeepee! 20lbs less!!
Good luck for all the ones that are recently out of surgery.. my best of luck, and great wishes for all!


20lbs less...

Mar 02, 2010

I have lost 20lbs since my pre and post surgery.. wow.. thank you liquid diet! ..
hopefully i will be out of the liquids this coming thrusday  that i will see my nutritionist and sosa on the same day.

I am slowly walking, still hurts and slowly i can  again sleep sideways.
I don't know about you guys that already went through this but my stitches start ichting. Of course, i try not to touch them but...arrggg.. i can't say that it does not bother me.
Showering has been difficult, painful, but successful.. hahaha..
the protein taste ewwww.. but i am happy that we don't have to drink that our whole lives like the vitamins.
I can't find my camera, i think i will start posting my pictures since i have non recent.
Does anybody knows how to get that weight loss graphic chart on the profile? I want one!!


back home...but can't find the instructions... sniff!!

Feb 28, 2010

i came back home yesterday....and i still feel lot of pain while walking.
i am so clumsy that i dont know where i put the instructions for how to take the vitamins and the other medicine.. sigh..
if anybody could send me the instructions please do.. it would be a GREAT help since i dont know how much to take..sigh..
i feel extremely bad about this, nervous and trying to find online or somewhere here in how to do it... im a bit scare and i am thinking on waiting for tomorrow to call the fitness office for the instructions until i find my folder or if they can provide me with another one. please...if someone can help.. i would be forever grateful.



About Me
Miami, FL
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2009
Member Since

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