Complication Nightmare

Jul 23, 2009

I just returned from being in the hospital since Monday.  

I thought I was doing pretty good, but this past weekend was really bad for me.  I developed diahrea on Saturday.  Then it seemed everything I sipped tasted very weird.  I usually have no problem with my protein drinks, but for some reason I just couldn't get any down.  Even water tasted strange.  I must have tried 6 different drinks over the weekend, but every one of them tasted weird to me.  I started to worry when the diahrea didn't stop and I was sure I wasn't getting in enough liquid to compensate for what I was losing.  I also started getting a very strange bile taste in my bad I kept gagging!  Then I had a burning pain in my upper abdomin.  I went to a support group meeting on Sunday, but couldn't stay because I felt so bad!  I kept running to the bathroom all night.

Finally, I called the surgeon's office at 6am on Monday and the covering doc told me to go to the ER.  I really do hate emergency rooms!  They started an IV and then the waiting game started.  Eventually a doc from the surgeon's practice came in and said they wanted to do a CT scan to make sure there wasn't any problems with the surgery.  The CT scan showed a large gallstone in my gallbladder, but other than that, everything else looked okay.  They had no idea why I had diahrea, so they decided to admit me overnight to watch me.  12 hours later, they finally found a room for me.  They had me in quarrantine because they weren't sure if I was contageous.  The trips to the bathroom were absolute agony!  My bottom was so irritated and sore that every time I went, I would bleed.  Then the diahrea was so spontaneous, I couldn't even make it out of bed.  I ended up wearing a humiliating is that?

During morning rounds on Tuesday, the PA from the surgeon's practice came along and told me that since all my tests came out negative, I would be going home.  I burst into tears.  How could you send me home when I can't control the diahrea?  How would I not get dehydrated?  And why would you send me home in worse shape than when I got there?

Then to make matters worse, I couldn't get a nurse to come in to get me another Depends.  5 hours later and numerous rings on the callbell, I finally got the attention of a nurse's assistant and told her I was going to call a Patient
Advocate.  I guess that was the magic words.  A "mental health" nurse came in and said that the nurse on duty thought I needed a visitor!  Can you believe it?  I was so pissed!  I told her that since I've been in, there were so many mistakes made and so little attention to what I needed, I was so frustrated. 

First, the kitchen sends up a tray of liquids for me.  The tray consisted of 8 packets of sugar, two apple juices and a regular jello.  Okay, are they trying to kill me????  And what was I supposed to put the sugar in anyway?

Then, I asked over and over if I could get some kind of cream or ointment for my butt since I am bleeding and raw from going so much.  Nothing.

Well....apparently she has some power there, and by the afternoon, I had a packet of baby wipes, a container of Tucks, a tube of this really amazing cream for ulcerated skin, a bag of about 10 Depends and a tray of acceptable liquids for me to drink.

I'll finish this later.....gotta go lay down....sigh!


About Me
Marlboro, NY
Surgery Date
Mar 28, 2009
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