
Sep 05, 2009

Just when things were rolling along pretty smoothly, I get a slam down.  I know I never mentioned any of this before because this blog has been about weight loss, not the sob story of my life.  Especially since many women have gone through and continue to go through much, much more than I have.


When I was 29 I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  The years following have been filled with numerous surgeries....too many!  I've had bi-lateral mastectomies and many reconstructive surgeries.  The last one was Aug 2008 to replace a failed implant.  Each and every surgery had some sort of complication.

The upside is....I never had to have chemo (caught it at stage 1a) AND...of course, that I am still here and cancer free at the moment (so are my two sisters).  Whoo hoo!

The decision to have weight loss surgery was really hard given all my previous surgeries, and my friends and family (who are very supportive), were kind of surprised at me considering another one (elective this time) given my track record.  I do nothing by the book...LOL.

So, the news....I noticed this morning that my other implant is showing signs of leakage....which means another surgery to correct it.  My stomach is turning just at the thought of having surgery so soon.  And...if I don't take care of it right away, the "pocket" where the implant sits starts to close up....meaning more extensive surgery later on.

I'm still reeling at the thought of last year's visit with the damn self righteous, conceited, arrogant, (but incredibly talented) plastic surgeon who, when I went back to him last year at 234 pounds, went on and on for almost the entire visit about my weight and did I know that I was 100 pounds overweight?  I should do something about it.  (Duh....I'm overweight?  You're kidding.  I should do something about it....like go an a diet?  Hey, why didn't I think of that before?)

He had me in tears. 

So there I was, sobbing.....I explained that for the previous 6 months, I couldn't walk or exercise because of torn cartilage in my right knee.  Complications from THAT surgery had me out of work for 6 weeks.  Yes, I did put on quite a bit of weight....between the pain from knee surgery....and breaking up with my fiancee of 6 years...and moving into an apartment (all in the same 6 months)....to say I was depressed was an understatement!  But wait...add to that I NOW need another surgery....and you want to know WHY I'm so depressed?

I swore that I would never go back to him (even though the surgery DID turn out awesome).  To boot, I gained another 10 pounds over the next six months.  There...I showed him...ha!

So while I thought I would have a stress free, relaxed, do whatever I want kind of weekend....on my list today....find a reputable plastic surgeon in my area (very, very tall order)....sigh.
Hmmmm....or maybe just go to the Arts & Crafts fair in New Paltz as originally planned?


About Me
Marlboro, NY
Surgery Date
Mar 28, 2009
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 12
