Jamie D.
Second stall...beginning to hate them!
Jan 28, 2009
Well, I have been on my second stall for over a week now, and I am starting to get pissed off. I haven't lost any weight in more than a week, and it is very frustrating. I don't know what else to do...I can't eat any less...I should be eating more, but I am just not hungry for more food. I should be drinking more, but it is all I can do somedays to get my 64 ounces in. I am getting in most of my protein on a daily basis, but even that is trying at times. I guess I just have to wait it out, and hope it doesn't last much longer. I am beginning to hate my scale, but find I am drawn to it most mornings. Ugh!
Things are back on track!
Jan 10, 2009
I am finally over my first of many stalls....I lost 7 pounds this week, and am very happy with that...So far from my highest weight I have lost 34 pounds...but I lost ten right before surgery...so I am down 24 pounds from day of surgery...which I am thrilled with. Yay me! lol
My first stall
Jan 05, 2009
I have been on a stall for weight loss for a week now. It is so frustrating. I understand that it happens from time to time, and that a lot of people have hit a stall at three weeks out, but when it happens to you, it's different. Tonight, I am going to start working out...nothing big at first, because let's face it. I haven't worked out in years, and I am out of shape, so I am going to take it slow at first, and just do the treadmill, and the gazelle, and the bike. In time, my work out will change, once the weight starts coming off, I wil have more energy, stamina, and will to want to exercise. My whole life, I always chose not to exercise, because I thought I was already big, and nothing I do will change it, so why waste the energy...now I am eager to change things, and change my life, and get the exercise ball rolling. :)
I am hoping that this will kick start my weight loss once again....I am getting in my 64ounces of water, plus other drinks, and all of my protein...taking my vitamins, and watching what I eat. So, I guess the only thing left is to exercise...so that's what I am going to do!! Wish me luck!
I am hoping that this will kick start my weight loss once again....I am getting in my 64ounces of water, plus other drinks, and all of my protein...taking my vitamins, and watching what I eat. So, I guess the only thing left is to exercise...so that's what I am going to do!! Wish me luck!
Three weeks out.
Dec 27, 2008
I had my surgery on December 9th, and most of the time, I feel great. I have noticed that I get tired very quickly, but I know that is to be expected. I have lost a total of 27 pounds since November ( when I had my PAT's). I have lost 23 pounds since leaving the hospital after surgery, so I think I am doing pretty good with the whole weight loss. I am having a hard time finding things to eat...I was doing well on the liquids, cause, well, there isn't much to choose from there. But now that I am on purees, I don't know what to eat, or how much of it to eat. Sometimes I feel like I am eating too much, it is so hard to tell. After I eat, I am tired. Not sure if that is normal or not...but that's what has been happening. My clothes are starting to fit a little looser, but I don't think I will notice any big changes for a while yet, and I am ok with that. I have moments, where I wonder if I did the right thing, but know deap down that I did...and I can't wait for the end results. I am looking forward to a New Year, and new beginnings, and all the changes, and things that are soon to come my way.
Good news
Nov 24, 2008
So, I just had my PAT's yesterday, and got the all clear for surgery. Two weeks to go, and I will be on my way to a happy, healthier life. I can't wait.
Jamie's Blog
Nov 06, 2008
Hi there, I started my journey about seven months ago. I am scheduled for surgery on December 9th, 2008. I have been overweight my entire life, and am looking forward to changing my life.
About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 06, 2008
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