Three weeks out.

Dec 27, 2008

I had my surgery on December 9th, and most of the time, I feel great.  I have noticed that I get tired very quickly, but I know that is to be expected.  I have lost a total of 27 pounds since November ( when I had my PAT's).  I have lost 23 pounds since leaving the hospital after surgery, so I think I am doing pretty good with the whole weight loss.  I am having a hard time finding things to eat...I was doing well on the liquids, cause, well, there isn't much to choose from there.  But now that I am on purees, I don't know what to eat, or how much of it to eat.  Sometimes I feel like I am eating too much, it is so hard to tell.  After I eat, I am tired.  Not sure if that is normal or not...but that's what has been happening.  My clothes are starting to fit a little looser, but I don't think I will notice any big changes for a while yet, and I am ok with that.  I have moments, where I wonder if I did the right thing, but know deap down that I did...and I can't wait for the end results.  I am looking forward to a New Year, and new beginnings, and all the changes, and things that are soon to come my way.  


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Surgery Date
Jul 06, 2008
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