Haven't been on here for 7 years

Jul 15, 2018

Well I am over 15 years out from my WLS I weigh 195 so I am still 160 lbs lighter that I was. Recently my beloved husband died of lung cancer


as of now

Oct 30, 2011

down to 207 thats 19 ounds


Oct 20, 2011

Well I'm doing great I'm down 13 lbs and a total of 8" since 7th October 2011. WOO HOOOO I already notice a difference in my body less back fat. I wonder if the fat of regain will come off will melt off the same way it added to the body as I'd really like to lose my newly arrival of back fat and side "jello". bye for now update in a week


Oct 10, 2011

so far doing well was 224,6 now 216.6 since last thurs now monday 10-`10 keep it up fatty

off my a$$

Oct 06, 2011

its time off my ass walk time eat better time nuff said


Jul 29, 2011

Truth is I must exercise next check in lets see if i am doing it ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/

Reality..what a concept!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 21, 2011

June 22,2011 1 week into stillman diet later today I weigh and measure. got up to 220 lbs rediculous! here are the stats from last weds
l cf-18
l.lw arm-11
rlw arm-11
I'm going to update this later to see in print to see my progress,scales lie I hate scales weight is just a fucking number. currently my self image is very low I feel the excess fat on my body and it feels icky,gross etc. I guess the utter distain disgust that I feel toward fat people is self hatred fat is gross the most utterly disgusting thing there is fat people do not deserve anything. I HATE FAT PEOPLE the rolls of fat back fat big huge tummy rolls waddling freaking arms lifted up by fat just  gross gross gross gross wiggling giggling eewwwwwwww
got that off nothing personal talking about myself

Seeing myself as a loveable person

Sep 28, 2010

Wow I'm learning to finally really love myself amazing after being on this earth for almost 48 years. The weight issues have very little to do with weight. The eating disorder stuff either. I relize that I have wasted my most valuable resourse..myself. I HAVE the answers...big f-ing deal I need to walk in them shesh even saying that is sprinkling sugar on poop,for that matter so is that.......I AM LAZY...now it may seem weird after a begining of I am learning to love myself to calling myself lazy is a contratdiction but really its not I am kicking my wonderful loveable self in the butt. Yesterday I walked with Joel it was nice later this am we are going to walk again make it a daily occurance. Enough for now will check back in a month weight 206

Reflections on my WLS journey

Aug 07, 2010

I started this journey about 9 years ago best to my memory. I was very obese,technically super morbidally obese over 300 lbs. I was desperate to lose weight. I was also lazy wanting an easy way out. ( I learned that it was not so easy) So as chronicalled in this blog I started my WLS journey. I was really dissapointed that the whole shabang was going to take some time I wanted my surgery NOW (stomp stomp) !! I went to appointment for about 18 months until the paperwork was sent in for approval for WLS. I was approved. Backing up a bit the KP doc that I had appointments with in order to get cleared to be sent for WLS had told me that many people who have WLS end up with many problems after they have the surgery like surgical complications resurgery (happened to me) Severe depression (happened to me after the "high of losing" left) suicidal (happened to me..yup me never ina million years did I think that something like that would happen to me) That the average loss for a woman was 85 pounds ( I did better than that but I did it being real un healthy starving myself getting into for a time malnutriton and extreme low iron.
I ended up going from 349 lbs to about145 lbs and amazing loss pof 204 lbs a about the weight of a man. I was working at a job that I loved (driving a schoolbus for special needs kids) I was happy in my life things were good! Sure there were some issues but I was handling them with my indefatable spirit and my bipolar was under control my was able to deal with the other problems that presented themselves to me. Ok before I get to far aheah lemme talk about the surgery stuff I had my surgery in June of 2003 it went well until I had a stricture easy peasy I guess go to a endo doc get scoped stretch out the stoma no biggie..then from reading my blog I wrote "Something just did'nt feel right" Well that ended up being right I had a fistula (my 2 stomach portions had adheared together and there was a fistula (crack) between the two (not good) So ended up needing more surgery ended up with MRSA and CDIFF in my drain tubes 21 days in hospital "What a Mess" 
  Well so anyhow lots of things are in my blog entries about the complications that I had with my wls journey
 So now I sit here 7 years out at about 200 lbs a person who is afraid to eat feels compled to starve myself to get skinny

Well i am back on track

Jun 20, 2010

        I am able to get protein now afford going to the nutritonist etc so hopefully I will lose the 46 to get back to my docs weight and evenually to my dream weight of 120 which means lose 76 pounds. I know I can do it. I mean I did lose 212 pounds when I got down to 137 so why not again. Sure its harder being 7 years out (dang 7 years out) but I can do it food really suks its just a tool to keep you from dying I just need to look at food as medicine and do alot of protein shakes screw it I'm gonna get skinny if its the last thing I do I feel enormous at 196 like an ugly slob I hate myself fat. fat sucks and so do I. but once I get skinny I will be ok and not discusting.

About Me
Corona, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2002
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Before & After
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