I am just under 3 months out!

Jul 07, 2009

Ugh I really need to take some progress photos - I intended on every month but then I forgot to last month so I will just try to remember to take them this month!!

I am 44 lbs down - wish it were more but I will take it anyway!!

I have lost 38% of my excess weight so far!!  Not too bad!!  I am an impatient complainer though so I wish it were more LOL!

By 6 months I hope to be down 65 lbs.  I can dream right?

2 months and one week out...

Jun 16, 2009

down 29% of my excess weight!!  Woo hoo!!


Jun 07, 2009

I went to the gym all by myself Sunday.  I am not a gym type and feel uber self conscious.  I need to be motivated and pushed to go.  My hubby did not feel like going and I said "well I am going anyway"  something so small really can be so big!! 

I am just proud that I did it!!

Slow Loser

Jun 02, 2009

I feel like I am losing way too slow.  I have lost 1 lb in the past week.. and that was afetr a week of nothing!!  Hopefully my body is just trying to play catch up!!  May the next few weeks be filled with weight loss!

First day at the Gym!

May 27, 2009

So for my first day at the gym, I did the eliptical and treadmill.  I did 30 min on the eliptical and thought I was going to burst!!  My husband did a mile more than me in the same time but his fitness level is way better than mine.  Afterwards, we went on the treadmill.  I do not want to kill myself the first day, so I thought going easy was better than giving up.  I am lucky my husband is willing to stick around me while at the gym though.  I feel so self conscious there.  I know he is going way easy on his workout to help me.  

I worked out for about one hour... on the eliptical I burned almost 300 calories.  I did the fat burn on the treadmill and burned maybe 70 LOL!!

Facial differences!!

May 24, 2009

3 days out from surgery...

1 month and 1 week later (sans make-up, my usual look!)...


Carrots Please!

May 18, 2009

So now that I am eating healthier my kids are too!  I have always eaten veggies and stuff but it was accompanied by a whole lotta junk food!

My daughter saw me snacking on baby carrots and veggie dip and asked for some.  Usually she just licks the dip off the carrots and leaves the carrots.  I cut the baby carrots into strips for myself (I figured for my first time with raw carrots it would make it easier to take small bites and chew) so I did the same for her.

This time she ate the carrots and asked for more!

Feeling like a super star!!

May 18, 2009

OK well not really that wonderful but still, I am very excited!!  I am down 26.7 lbs as of today!!  I had a drawer of clothes I grew out of... a couple pairs of jeans etc.  Well I fit in most of them now!! A few are a tiny snug, but I can button them and zip them and they do not hurt!!  That feels good - I have not worn some of these clothes in 2 years!!

My kids say the funniest things!!

May 14, 2009

So I was talking to my 2 yr old, and told him we live in Rhode Island.  He starts saying "thats redic-o-lous, that redic-o-lous mom.  We don't live on an Island"

Later my daughter is trying to convince him we live in Rhode Island, then she tries to get him to say it "repeat after me Jakey, say Ro- Di- Land"  I loved how she was sounding it out the way she hears it!

A few days later in the car my 2 yr old says, "Mom, remember when you said we lived on an Island? That was redic-o-lous mom, we don't live on an island"

And a personal favorite... I was wearing sandals with jeans the other day... and my daughter looked at my foot and, you know how you can see the ligaments on your foot? She goes "look mom, your not fat anymore! Your just not fat anymore!"

4 weeks today

May 13, 2009

Ugh so today I am 4 weeks and weigh just .1(yeah - that is POINT 1) lbs less than last week!!  Good thing I have been taking measurements because my waist is still shrinking since last week so I know I am still getting smaller!

I am currently in the process of convincing my hubby to let us join a gym... Only 1 dollar joining fee and 9.99 a month.  They also have childcare for 2 dollars an hour  or 5 dollar monthy service- and video monitoring so I can check up on my babies.  Included in the fee is one on one training as well.  For 25 bucks, we would have 2 memberships and childcare a month - cheaper than most places for just one person!!


About Me
Formerly known as jdcRI, RI
Surgery Date
Jul 07, 2008
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