200 lbs

Mar 12, 2010

Well this is a long time over due.  I am doing fine friends.  I am cycling 5 days a week and doing 3 weeks of strength training...that is why I am not losing weight...  I am happy though.  For all that don't know I was told that the band that was used for my procedure wasn't the right one so I am in dispute about the doctor replacing it and I think that it is gonna work.  I will keep you all posted.  God is good.

205 lbs

Sep 03, 2009

Hello All:

I can truly say this has been a journey for me.  I recently found out that I have one of the older version bands and therefore it is not working properly... nevertheless I am still losing weight.  I just want to post publicly and say that I am glad that God is taking my weight off in moderations BECAUSE I would probably lose my salvation otherwise... 

That's what keeps me going and I will keep you all updated...  Right now I am not doing too much of anything just cutting back..  I will keep you all posted.  I love you all of you..

I have no clue

Jul 08, 2009

Hello Family.
I am just chatting cause I haven't in a long time.  I hope you all are having great results.  I have joined a boot camp on Saturdays and if you would like to see the weight fall off and get toned join a class.  I feel the intensity the whole week.  I got a fill the last Friday so I am hoping for wonderful results.  My schedule is hectic with work, school and then tending to my son.  I know that it will all pay off in the end.  Remember hold your head up and keep it moving.  Don't get in stuck in your own self pity.... you may not be where you would like to be but you're not where you used to be... so take a moment and celebrate that...   Anything that is worth having is worth us all working for so DONT GIVE UP....  BECAUSE THE BEST IS YET TO COME... JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE.... I WILL KEEP YOU POSTED....  J


Jun 15, 2009

I am unaware of my weight today but I am doing well.  I am just posted cause I havent in a while.  I really havent been focusing on losing weight cause life has been throwing me curve balls hear lately.  Fortunately enough to say my friends say that I look like I lost more weight.  I will check and update you all.  I am realizing that God is in total control of my life and I am glad that he did not allow me to lose all of the weight at one time.  I would not be the same.  Change is always good even if it is not so quickly.  I am so glad that I have you all cause I know you're watching me progress and I am doing the same with you all.  There is a new park in my neck of the woods and I am gonna explore it today at the tennis court.  I am definitely looking forward to the new me and I also have new pictures I will post.  I been outdoors here lately but no real form of exercise but I have been drinking protein shakes and I am loving them.  I didn't like them at first but they're doing the trick for me now.   I have so much to say and not enough time.  Stay tuned...  Hold your head up and hang on.  If you're depressed about your weight I am a living witness that if you allow God to be first in your life he will add everything you need even a new look.  Don't be dismayed or discourage God is not sleep.  Faith without works is dead so if you're not doing anything don't expect a major difference.  Push your way through.  It may hurt and you may get tired but find it in yourself to finish the course.  Put the remote down and back away from the table and explore the other side of the person you used to be....  Peace and Love...  THIS IS WHO I AM NOW.... I AM DISCOVERING THE NEW ME.
1 comment

Still 211

May 05, 2009

 Hello All

I am feeling so good today.  I actually ran for 21 minutes this morning and I feel really good.  OMG.  This is going to be my new thing.  I walked out of the gym and I could feel the sweat drenching off of my body.  For my birthday I went out and had too much of a good time and so now I am having to play catch up.  I thought that running would be hard for me but now that I have had a breast reduction it is a wonderful thing.  I will admit that I am very tired when I am done but I feel like a million dollars afterwards.  I am considering getting my band adjusted but still don't know yet.  I think it is fine where it is.  So my plans are to workout an hour and run as much of that hour as I can on Monday through Thursday and chill out on the weekends.  I am still at 211 and it is definitely time to get on my A game if I want to wear some sort of swim attire this summer.  Well so much for now...  Just keeping you posted.

211 lbs

Apr 27, 2009

 Well I feel better physically and mentally.  I just turned 32 and I feel like I have crossed over one hurdle in my life.  The prednisone (steroid) didn't do me so bad.  I did eat a lot but I managed to put on only 1 lbs.  I have been up on the elliptical machine for an hour and I wasn't tired for some reason.  I went out dancing for my birthday, had heels on all night and stayed on the dance floor.  While I have always been able to dance it has been a long time since I could dance all night and with heels on and for that matter a whole lot of things..... and not get tired.  My immediate goal is to get under 200 lbs.  I am going to be in the gym like crazy and I'll will post with a picture and a little conversation then.  Thanks for all of the responses from my friends.  You all keep up the good work.  
1 comment

Not feeling well

Apr 16, 2009

 Well this week has been a challenge.  I forgot to let you all  know that I have been suffering with asthma since I was 2 and every now and then I have a moment.  As a matter of fact the steroid that they had me on put 60 lbs on me in 3 months.  I wasn't able to do much as a kids cause I was on all kind of medication and my family thought that I would get sick...  So I was just a butterball. Not that I want you all to jump on the band wagon at the pity party - I just want you all to know about me.  So I am  back on the steroid for the next 7 days and I may gain some lbs but that  is not my plans.  I am gonna work harder...  cause I am a survivor.  I don't do everything that I am suppose to do but I put forth my best effort.  I think that I am gonna join a support group sometime in the near future.  I am contemplating on another fill cause I already don't feel like I eat enough..  or I can get my weight under 200lbs and then get another one.  I don't know..  I been lifting weights at Curves and I feel the burning in my legs..  I think I am on to something...  I am so looking forward to getting on the scale and weighing 200lbs.  Pray for me and I'll do the same for you..  Stay tune for birthday pictures next week.
1 comment


Apr 11, 2009

 I forgot to add that I work out about 5 times a week now and I drink lots of water.  I am starting to feel like I am losing weight and this is what keeps me going.

April 11th - 210lbs

Apr 11, 2009

 Well it hasn't been easy getting to 210lbs.  I have admitted to myself that it is a working progress.  I was just looking at my avatar picture and I look totally different from the picture alone.  I still question if the lap band was for me... because everything is slow on my end.  But this is where I am today.  

About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2008
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