Jun 15, 2009

I am unaware of my weight today but I am doing well.  I am just posted cause I havent in a while.  I really havent been focusing on losing weight cause life has been throwing me curve balls hear lately.  Fortunately enough to say my friends say that I look like I lost more weight.  I will check and update you all.  I am realizing that God is in total control of my life and I am glad that he did not allow me to lose all of the weight at one time.  I would not be the same.  Change is always good even if it is not so quickly.  I am so glad that I have you all cause I know you're watching me progress and I am doing the same with you all.  There is a new park in my neck of the woods and I am gonna explore it today at the tennis court.  I am definitely looking forward to the new me and I also have new pictures I will post.  I been outdoors here lately but no real form of exercise but I have been drinking protein shakes and I am loving them.  I didn't like them at first but they're doing the trick for me now.   I have so much to say and not enough time.  Stay tuned...  Hold your head up and hang on.  If you're depressed about your weight I am a living witness that if you allow God to be first in your life he will add everything you need even a new look.  Don't be dismayed or discourage God is not sleep.  Faith without works is dead so if you're not doing anything don't expect a major difference.  Push your way through.  It may hurt and you may get tired but find it in yourself to finish the course.  Put the remote down and back away from the table and explore the other side of the person you used to be....  Peace and Love...  THIS IS WHO I AM NOW.... I AM DISCOVERING THE NEW ME.

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About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2008
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