4 Days Down...

Dec 07, 2009

So its been 4 days and its not exactly what I expected...but its still not a horrible experience! I really thought by the 2nd or 3rd day I would be able to get up and move around without hardly any notice...but the shoulder pain is kickin my A#%! The heathing pad is my friend even though it doesn't make much difference for me.  I have had a lot of gas pains too...i've tried the Gas X thin strips and although i feel a little relief, it isn't helping passing it.  Kinda gross but its just what i am dealing with...I can't even burp...very frustrating! So I am on full liquids now...thankfully! I miss food...more than I thought I would! I ask "can i just have a taste" haha I know I will be fine once i can get up and keep busy, and get my mind off of stuff..but right now I sleep, or sit and smell all the wonderful things being cooked in the kitchen! My husband is also having a hard time...he is feeling SO guilty for eating, or drinking a cup of coffee in front of me! So I am trying to be more aware so i don't make him feel so bad =) 
Anyway...i know it seems like i am doing a lot of complaining..but really i am not! I am still very excited about the journey..and can't wait for it to start =) I don't regret my decision by any means...just letting you all know of the things I am having a hard time with =)
Thanks to all of you for your support! Without that I wouldnt' be as far as I am =)


A New Start

Dec 03, 2009

So my surgery was GREAT!! I feel soooo good which i am surprised about! I truly thought I would be in so much pain..but hardly any at all.  Might be the pain meds though ;-)  Surgery was at 845 and I was home at 1220 ( we live about 45 minutes from the hospital) I woke up STARVING...which is weird to me thats one thing i didn't expect =)  I drank water, had ice chips, and tried a graham cracker but it was to sweet for me...but ate 2 saltines =) while at the hospital.
I have a lot of stairs in my house,so i was afraid about getting up to my room..but actually had no problems at all!  Since I have been home i have had water, ice, cranberry juice chicken broth and a couple crackers, i couldn't resist the crackers haha  Everything is sittin well don't have any gas pains, or shoulder pains as of yet...I had some nausea at the hospital but nothin since then =)
Ok I am babbling going to go...i will update more tomorrow =)
Thanks again for all the support =) 


Finally Here!!

Dec 02, 2009

So its just after midnight..and I can officially have nothing else to eat or drink...of course that makes me want to eat or drink everything in sight HAHA!! Anyway surgery is at 845 tomorrow and I am SO excited and just a lil nervous =)  ok so maybe a lot nervous!  But thankfully I have a great support system! 
I took the before pics tonight and also measurements SOOO glad I waited for the night before to do that...talk about depressing! HAHA
WEll I can't wait to post updates hopefully I will be back on SOOON!
Thank you for all of your suppport it means so much to me!!


Nov 17, 2009

Today has been the best day I have had in like a month haha!!   So i got my sleep machine...took my 5 year old son Tre with me and he laughed everytime i tried on a new sleep mask ahaha whatever...maybe it will keep him from sneakin in our bed in the middle of the night haha =)
AND I got word today my surgery was moved to Dec 3 instead of Dec 17! YAY!! That is the best news =) I am sooo excited that is just over 2 weeks! Thanksgiving will suck, BUT thats ok, i am willing to take "one for the team" and miss out =) 
Party for ME on Nov 28th now =) I can't wait!!


Nov 13, 2009

So today I heard back from the company that is going to supply me with my CPap machine! I have an appt on Tuesday to pick up my machine! Sooo that means I can start using it on Tuesday night!!  So I am hoping that I can change my surgery to Dec. 3 now...Sooo crossing my fingers!!!
Hope everyone is having great success with their progress!



Nov 02, 2009

So last night I did my sleep apnea test with a CPap Machine...it was the worst night of sleep EVER!! But I will do it and not complain (to much HAHA) because of the end result! So my nurse said as soon as I get my own CPap machine to call her and she will reschedule my surgery for the 1st Thursday that is 2 weeks out...I am pushing to have it on Dec. 3! I wish I could have it done on Nov. 19th but I think that is pushing it and I don't want to be disappointed!  So as soon as the dr. gets the prescription for the machine they will fax it and then I'll get the machine...hopefully in a week! SOOO CLOSE =)  I am trying to stay on track and not gain any weight...Halloween didn't help that though...I have such a hard time saying NO to chocolate..I told my husband to hide the bag so I will stay away from it...haha actually I have done really good only had 1 piece out of there..what hurt me was that every year me and the kids make sugar cookies shaped like ghosts and witches and cats and etc...and chocolate chip cookies...I can not say NO to cookie dough =( But back on track I am...because again of the END RESULT I hope you all are doing well...have a good night


Oct 23, 2009

So I got approved on Thursday Oct. 22 2009 after I sent the 2004 weight history! So I called my dr's office and made my PreOp appt...and they actually had one the next day!! Of course Thursday night I end up getting way sick...fever chills body aches I was like OH NO this is not going to stop me! So I did the whole "mind over matter" thing and actually felt better..fever was gone, still didn't feel 100% but was well enough to make my preop appt!! So me and my husband get on the road, late as always...and I am stressing thinking I am going to make it RIGHT on time!! Well of course there is an accident on the 2 lane hwy we took and traffic was stopped both ways...so long story short I had to cancel!! I was sooo mad!! Oh well everything happens for a reason I suppose! So new appt is Tuesday the 27th at 1230...better than 2 weeks away I guess! I try to be patient..I know some of you have had to wait MONTHS..even Years for your surgery...and it's only been a month tomorrow since I have even started the process...so I will just be patient and wait its only 4 more days (SIGH)
Hope you all have a good weekend!!
1 comment


Oct 17, 2009

So I got a call on Tuesday Oct. 13 that my insurance company is requesting another year of weight history before they will approve my surgery! Even though I sent in 60 months of history they said they want 5 calender years..I hate that they can just change the rules whenever they want!! So anyway I don't know how i managed it but I got my 2004 record in 3 days!! So my nurse re-submitted the approval and I am hoping to get approved next week!! Soooo excited! I have lost 8 lbs so far without doing the pre op diet...I think its already just in my mind set...I have started to eat breakfast which is something i have never done also drinking instant breakfasts' or Protein shakes...lots of water which again I am not used to doing. 
So now I am starting to kinda worry a little bit that I am not going to be able to make "good choices" I have failed at every diet I have ever tried, and even though I know this isn't a diet, I am afraid that somehow I will fail at this too!  I know its just me going through all of the emotions that I need to...but has anyone else gone through this? Is it normal???


About Me
Lake Stevens, WA
Surgery Date
Oct 10, 2009
Member Since

Friends 14

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