October 4, 2006

Lift your head up high and scream out to the world, "I know I am someone" and let the truth unfurl...     ~Michael Jackson

Plateau Buster - Day 3

Continuing my plateau buster. Here is my menu and stats for the day...

Weight - ??? (My husband DID hide the scale...dang it!)

Breakfast: 1 egg/approx 2 TB shredded cheddar cheese 

Snack: Blue Raspberry Swirl Profect VILE

Lunch: Chicken patty with 1 slice of American cheese 

Snack: Blue Raspberry Swirl Profect VILE 

Dinner: Probably 2 scrambled eggs 

Daily totals (Calories/Fat/Protein): 826/43/101 

Water: 64 oz. 

Vitamins: Done 

Exercise: Free weights and some cardio (approximately 1/2 hour) 


October 3, 2006 -102 lbs.

It's too high to get over (yeah, yeah), too low to get under (yeah, yeah). You're stuck in the middle (yeah, yeah), and the pain is thunder (yeah, yeah)...     ~Michael Jackson

Plateau Buster - Day 2

Continuing my plateau buster (tonight was challenging...I was VERY hungry come dinnertime!). Here is my menu and stats for the day...

Weight - 191 (I stepped on the scale (bad, bad me! I asked my husband to hide it before tomorrow!)

Breakfast: 1 egg/approx 2 TB shredded cheddar cheese

Snack: Blue Raspberry Swirl Profect VILE

Lunch: 3 pieces salmon/avocado roll with brown rice (bad, bad) and 2 pieces avocado roll with brown rice (bad, bad)

Snack: Blue Raspberry Swirl Profect VILE

Dinner: Grilled chicken patty

Daily totals (Calories/Fat/Protein): 800/21/101

Water: 64 oz.

Vitamins: Done

Exercise: 2 miles on the treadmill and 15 minutes with the ab-roller


October 2, 2006 -101 lbs.

I said you wanna be startin' somethin', you got to be startin' somethin' ...     ~Michael Jackson

Plateau Buster - Day 1

Today I am starting the plateau buster diet. Here is my menu and stats for the day...

Starting Weight - 192

Breakfast: 1 egg/1 slice of American cheese

Snack: Fruit Punch Profect Vial (or, should I call it a VILE)

Lunch: Roast Beef (3 oz.)

Snack: Blue Raspberry Swirl Profect VILE

Dinner: Lentils (3 oz.)

Daily totals (Calories/Fat/Protein): 925/33/106

Water: 64 oz.

Vitamins: Done

Exercise: Free Weights and some cardio (30 minutes)


September 6, 2006 -98 lbs.

From the life to the light, from the dark of the night to the dawn, he is so in my heart, he is here, he could never be gone. Oh, why is it thus we are here and so soon we are gone?...     ~John Denver

For the life of me, I cannot understand why the death of the Crocodile Hunter is effecting me so profoundly. Granted, I used to watch him and enjoy him but that was a long time ago. Part of me thought he was a genius and part of me thought he was certifiably insane! But, he was always entertaining and both his laughter and spirit were infectious. I think part of what bothers me is his age, too...44 years old is far too young to die. And he has two young children...what a terrible tragedy. Fundamentally, though, he was an amazing advocate for wildlife and his boundless energy and enthusiasm will be missed. My heart goes out to his family and friends. God bless you, Steve Irwin...may you rest in peace.

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September 3, 2006 -98 lbs.

So don't delay, act now, supplies are running out. Allow, if you're still alive, six to eight years to arrive...     ~Smash Mouth

Good day, everyone! I am here to talk about a product that I am head over heels in love with...and I am sure many of you have tried them already. Spanx! I love my Spanx...I could not imagine life without my Spanx. I just spend a ridiculous amount of money (including 2-day shipping in order to get it in time for my cruise) for MORE Spanx! I mean...seriously... God bless the creator of Spanx! I loved it the moment I tried it but then someone else recommended Lipo in a Box. I had to try that, too...in case it was better than my beloved Spanx. I am here to say...IT IS SO NOT BETTER. I was so disappointed in it. And, what's worse, the Lipo is NOT returnable...so I officially hate that company.

I am a little giddy today on this (finally) sunny Sunday. I think it is because of my gown. I bought a gown on Ebay for my formal night on my upcoming cruise. It is a brand-spankin'-new-with-tags apple-red gown from David's Bridal. I won it for 35 dollars. What a steal! It arrived yesterday and...it fits me SO perfectly that it looks like it was altered for my body. And the best part is that I felt LOVELY in it! I mean...you rarely get the chance to dress up like that (unless you are in a wedding...and then you are stuck with the bride's taste...OR if you are going to a prom...and, let's face it, none of us are prom aged, anymore!). So...formal nights on cruises are a great excuse for getting all gussied up. I am SO in love with my gown...you have no idea! I will most definitely be taking pictures to show you! I also won another gown (a little more expensive but even more beautiful) for my second formal night (yay! TWO chances to get dressed up!). I rationalized it like this...I might have spent about 125.00 on two gowns...but, if I bought even ONE dress in a store, it would have cost more than that, right? So...maybe I will only wear them once...but so what!

Well, I should return to my cleaning. It is never a good idea to break from cleaning because now I do not feel like getting up. But I will! It is too nice out to sit and surf the net! I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend! Be safe!


September 1, 2006 -97 lbs.

Like a poem poorly written we are verses out of rhythm, couplets out of rhyme, in syncopated time...     ~Simon and Garfunkel

So...for the first time, I am going through some marital distress. And it sucks. It has nothing to do with WLS...although I can understand why everyone would assume that. Do you know what the divorce rate is of people who have WLS? It is WAY higher than the national average (don't have the exact number, though).

Anyhow...it is not because of WLS and I will not get too much into it on a public forum...but it is a bummer. And I do not think it is my fault. Oh, sure, SOME of it is, no doubt...but it is too bad that people change over time...and not for the better. :::sigh:::

And, to top off the wonderful atmosphere inside my head, last night I had a dream about my ex-therapist. I have not thought about him since I stopped going months ago. But last night I had a dream that I was screaming at him...I was telling him everything that he did or did not do to make my theraputic experience a nightmare. I truly thought that I was, at this point, neutral about the whole therapy debacle. I guess not. For some reason, I have this annoying ability of solving problems in my dreams! What I mean is...if I have a disagreement with a friend or if something else bad has happened, I will dream that the situation has been made right....even when, in reality, it has not. I also dream that people or pets who have died are alive and well again. This might be wonderful while I am sleeping, but it is a bummer in the early morning light!

So last night I dreamt that I told the therapist that he was terrible to put what he did in my recommendation letter (I told him this in reality but not with the overwhelming anger I unleashed upon him in the dream). I told him that it was even more irresponsible for him to accept me as a patient. I obviously rubbed him the wrong way at our very first meeting. He should have taken the high road and told me that it was not a good idea for us to try to work together. You see...I am the type of person who struggles to make relationships work...even bad ones...so I would not have given up. But the way he talked to me in some of the session was terrible. He never offered any advice...he only just sat and stared at me. I understand this is a (stupid) method that some analysts use...but I told him how terribly uncomfortable it made me. And he was not talented enough to try something different. Or maybe he was not inspired enough...which, again, would be further proof that he never should have taken me on as a client. My dream ended with my yelling at him for being, perhaps, the world's worst therapist. I asked him how anyone who has done a job for 30 years could still be so horrible at it. When I woke up, I was really angry. But, you know, I think that dream released me from any guilt *I* may have had for how things turned out. I considered myself a complete and total therapy failure. But, you know, I did not do anything wrong. I just wanted to trust someone enough to help me with my 19 years of depression. And, while I was obviously a bad judge of character, beyond that, I finally realized that *I* did not fail therapy! He failed me! And, believe it or not, that was the most theraputic thing that came out of the whole mess. I should have just analyzed myself.  

On a more positive note, I lost another lb. last night! Yay! Three lbs to go until I am a member of the Century Club! I really want to make it before my cruise next week...then I will have a nice, round number to celebrate! Have a great day, everyone!


August 30, 2006 -96 lbs.

Drench yourself in words unspoken, live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins...the rest is still unwritten...     ~Natasha Bedingfield

Today is my 7-month Surgiversary! I can't believe it! Whoo hoo! I had wanted to lose 100 lbs by my 6-month Surgiversary and have yet to do it by my 7th but, yanno, that is okay. Things are great. Congratulations to ALL of us!!


August 28, 2006 -96 lbs.

 Every other day of the week is fine...but whenever Monday comes you can find me crying all of the time...     ~The Mamas and the Papas

So, despite the icky weather, what are three things I am happy about today regarding WLS? I should try to make this a daily entry! Let's see...

  - I am happy that I am no longer "obese." I mean, besides the obvious derogatory meaning, I just hate that word...it is an ugly word.

  - I am happy that, after I got my hair done this weekend, it did not continue to fall out as it normally does. And it was definitely less dry. Maybe the hair loss tide is finally turning?!

  - I am able to dance around holding my son. He LOVES when we do this. It wears me out but I love it, too. I turn on 80's tunes and we just bop all over the place. The sound of his laughter is the greatest reward of this WLS!!

I am so thankful today!!


August 27, 2006 -95 lbs.

 My body is in Onederland...     ~My apologies to John Mayer

FINALLY! The scale moved! Actually, yesterday morning I stepped on the scale and it read 199.8. But I shifted slightly and it jumped to 200! I could not get it back to 199! Grr! But, later in the day, AFTER I had eaten twice, I hopped back on the scale and it read 199.8 again. So I took that as my official venture into Onederland. This morning I was terrified that I would get on the scale and be 200 again (I have been fluctuating between 200 and 201 for weeks now). But, NOPE! I was actually down to 198.6! Whoo hoo! Of course I had my camera at the ready!


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I want to thank everyone on this board for their encouragement. You all said I would get here and, sure enough, here I am! Now...5 more lbs until I am an official member of the Century Club! I can't wait! Have a great night!


August 23, 2006 -93 lbs.

I'll be there for you. These five words I swear to you. When you breathe, I want to be the air for you. I'll be there for you...     ~Bon Jovi

Why did I choose this lyric? I am 99% positive that this was my Senior Prom song (1989). I was rummaging around my attic looking for old clothes that might possibly fit me (a really insane task since I was only ever this weight in 1997 courtesy of Phen Fen...and then not since HS...and I did not keep clothes from HS). Anyhoo...I looked in the attic and found....my prom gown! I really did not think it would fit me but....it did! And here is the proof...


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Am I a dork, or what?


About Me
Pequannock, NJ
Surgery Date
Oct 24, 2005
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