Bmi change and other stuff

Feb 12, 2009

So, I am down 20 points on my BMI and how things have changed. I am wearing smaller sizes, I can push the seat up in my car..I feel great. 

I can't begin to say how happy I am that I have had this surgery. I am down 120 pounds. I have never lost this much weight before and it's just plain amazing.  I love everything I have done with this surgery..i can't tell you how happy I am.

I recommend it to anyone...
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First five k

Jan 30, 2009

So...I registered for my first 5K.  My weight watcher leader is getting together a group to participate in the walk for the american heart association.

I completed a playlist with dings to being training and I can't wait to be able to complete a 5KI.  Me.  Who would have thought it!!

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New weight capacity hit

Jan 22, 2009

So, I am finally under 350!!  I am at 349!  This is very exciting for several reasons:

1) I hit a new weight capacity level
2) I am closer to twoterville than I am away from it.
3) 50 more pounds and I enter twoterville.

I am also over a third of my excess weight gone.  In four months.  I just can't get over how wonderful this surgery has been.  I meet with my family doctor today to have him give me an rx to check my levels.  I can't wait to get the results back and see how they have changed.

Next month I meet with my surgeon for a followup. I know he will be happy since I met his goal.

My only con is that I didn't go to the gym this week.  But -- I will go tomorrow and Sunday to make up for it. 
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January 2009

Jan 10, 2009

I am down 101 pounds today.  What a feeling.  I am officially in no man's land..I have NEVER lost this much weight before.  2009 is going to be such a great year.

I am still a long way away from goal, but still wow. 

I am sticking to the rules and making lifestyle changes. I can now do 1.25 miles on the treadmill in the morning. 

I just can't to see where I am in 2010.
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Six Week Update...

Nov 03, 2008

Oh what a wonderful thing. I went to see Dr. Neff today and he was very pleased that I was doing so well. He actually said that I had lost more than he expected and to keep up the great work.

He also said I have to go back to work in two weeks.  I would have liked more time, but oh, well.  Everything happens for a reason.

I am down 60 pounds -- well, 46 since surgery.  And I started back to the gym. 

Don't forget to vote tomorrow....

Damn Stalls..

Oct 29, 2008

So, I have been in a stall for the past two weeks. So when I went to the nutritionist, I was exactly the same from two weeks ago. Grr...even in inches.

But she said I am eating just as I should...and doing everything right, so I am great there.

I saw Dr. Neff at the hospital, and he gave me the ok to hit the gym, so tomorrow it is.  I have to do that to get this weight off. Walking around the complex isn't going to do anything at all.

I 'officially' have my follow up with Dr. Neff Monday, I'd love to lose SOMETHING before then. 

Update -- Just over two weeks

Oct 08, 2008

I still can't believe I had surgery just over two weeks ago.  I have lost 36 pounds since surgery, and 50 pounds overall.  Fifty pounds.  I'm so happy, I just can begin to explain it.

For the first time, losing weight isn't just a's a reality. The weight is coming off, and I am doing well. I never imagined not being hungry...not having to eat. Sure, I have head hunger..but it's so much easier to say no, now.  Why..why did I wait so long?

I keep looking forward, to will I look then? To next life is going to be so very different.

My doctor is happy and for the first time in a long time, so am I. 

I have a date!

Aug 27, 2008

September 22nd!!!

2nd Appeal Hearing .. here I come

Aug 05, 2008

The date for my hearing is August 12th. Six days away.  Kelley, the lawyer from obesitylaw, said three things could occur:
1) they cancel the hearing just before we meet and approve me.
2) we have the hearing, and I am approved -- we should know the following day.
3) we have the hearing, I am denied, and we go to Independent Review.

Of course I am hoping for #1.  I really do not understand how they can keep saying no. At my size?? I feel like I did my part, I compromised to go RNY instead of sleeve, due to their experimental issues -- can't they do their part and approve me?

I have to write something up for when I speak...I just hope I can state my feelings, and my case, and be coherent..and not cry.

About Me
Pitman, NJ
Surgery Date
Nov 30, 2006
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