It sure has been a wild ride lately

Jul 29, 2009

I haven't written in since the last post when my boyfriend brokeup with last Sept. of 2008, and since then I had pneumonia then the doctors thought I had lung cancer.  I ended up at the City of Hope and after removing a portion of my lung Dec. 08 the figured out I had Valley fever and still do, and I'm greatful for it cause it isn't cancer....It's taken me so long to recover from this and it's still not gone but I have every reason to believe it will be soon.  I thank God for all the illness and hip surgeries and wls everyday, because it's makes me remember that I have so much to show for the journey and would do it all again if I could have the results that I have today.

We only get what we can deal with, because God does know best and wants us to learn and grow stronger.


About Me
Corona, CA
Surgery Date
May 11, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo

Friends 41

Latest Blog 17
Stopped Smoking & brokeup with boyfriend!!!!
Met my goal & started dating!!
I'm doing OK!
Here we go!!!!
The New Year!!!!
Oh the holidays
Things are still changing
One week away from Hip surgery
Labor Day Challenge
