Still having nausea but in good spirits

Jun 21, 2009

I don't know if you have seen my posts of late with the pics of my belly and all the problems I been having. The yeast or bacterial infection, and I am still having problems getting more than a liter of water in. I am ashamed to say that I have given up on getting my protein in and am down to random vits intake because of the meds I have to take for the yeast or bacterial infection, whatever it is, I have to take liquid Batrim and it turns my stomach. I have had extreem nausea. I had extreem nausea right after surgery and they had to send me home with two anti nausea meds, and I have been taking them to counter act the Batrim, yet I am still having problems getting all I need down.

I have lost 28 pounds without even trying. I am eating whatever will go down even carbs. I have resorted to spegitto O's with hotdogs, and most thing with mash potatos or lots of mayo. Yes I have the farts from hell after the carbs but at least they are staying down some of the time.

All of this being said I just told Stormy D that I feel fortunate in my recovery because my wounds are healed and I didn't have to have an open DS with all the drains and stuff that come with it. I read my posts and I think that I sound whiny, but I am not whining. I am just keeping everyone updated. I really do have a good attitude about it all. I feel it is like a comdey of really stupid ailments and gota laugh at it. I am still itching and now I itch all over arms, legs, between my shoulder blades which is the worst. I use a butter knife to itch it, or a door jam! I think it is due to dry skin, but there are hives on my arms as well. I am breaking out on my chest with pimples, whatever that is from. I am weaker than a one week old kitten, and have to sit in the bottom of the shower when I take a shower. I just washed my hair for the first time in a week because I can't keep my arms raised long enough to wash it and my husband hasn't been able to find the time to wash it for me like he usually does.

I am up till dawn trying to get as much water in as I can, yet it is still only about a half liter. I was told to start drinking juice by my NUT and Dr Pomp if I can't get the other stuff down. They also said don't worry about the carbs or vits just make sure to chew my Flintstones to make sure I get in my B vits in. The NUT said that the B's depleats quick and you need to make sure you get them in. It has been about a week since I have had any protein shakes because of the nausea, but I do get in some protein in food but not much.  It is my hope that after I finsh the Batrim I will be rid of the nausea. Even with the Zofran I still have nausea which I am sure in part is due to the dehyration. I guess if it doesn't get better in a couple of days I will go and get more IV fluids from the Hospital again. Oh well such is the way of my life right now. I would indure another whole month of this rather than have any of the other complications I could have!! Leaks, open DS, drains, infected wounds! I am ok with all of this, as long as I don't have any leaks, or bad infections, I would call this an ok recovery.

