6 weeks out

Jul 28, 2010

My glorious six week appointment.  What a difference.  I can finally start solid foods, some veggies, maybe some fruit.  Granted it will be a struggle to come up with different foods because I don't like to cook, but I'm slowly trying to experiment.   I'm down 31 lbs which is awesome.  I'd probably be down more if I was faithfully exercising, but the motivation can't be found.  I have to repeat Just Do It. 

I had labs done on 7/14/10, one month from surgery.  YOWZA, what a difference a month makes.  Everything improved from my last labs done in April.  I was so surprised and excited at the same time.  Here is a brief list of the improvements....

Glucose now 84, in April 282
Cholesterol now 136, in April 223
Triglycerides now 216, in April 791 (and that isn't the highest, my highest Trygl. levels were once in the 4,000's)
HDL now 25, in April same
VLDL now 43, in April - no idea, never been tested due to high triglycerides
LDL now 68, in April - no idea, again to high triglycerides.
A1C now 7.9, in April 11.6

YOWZA SHAZAAAAM, I was thrilled with those results.  It is amazing what can happen to your body in just one month.  My next labs will be at 6 mos.  Can't wait!

At 31 lbs lost people are noticing and asking me if I notice.  Of course I notice, but not completely.  For example, when I stand naked and look in the mirror front and side I don't notice any change.  I still see my huge belly.  But when I put on clothes I notice more.  Especially my profile.  I can see a thinner me.  I'm happy to say I haven't worn any item of clothing I wore pre-op.  Everything is semi-new.  Most of my 2007 clothes are for summer and are getting big.... especially my pants.  I walk around all day long pulling them up.  That drives me crazy.  I might have to invest in a belt.  But I still don't have a waist... just a nice soft round belly.  Then again, if it helps my pants stay up, i'm all for it I guess.

Everyday I'm amazed at how good I feel.  There is a little bit more pep in my step now a days.  I still do a little heave hoe walking up a few flights of stairs, but I can easily bound up my flight of stairs at home.    Now I need to hop on that exercise train so I can get those endorphins charging up to help me feel even better.  The nurse today said at this point and up to 8-9 months , surgery is doing 80% of the work and I'm doing 20%.  After that initial period, the numbers will be flipped.   It's best to maximize everything right now.  Get in good habits now, rather than later. 


3 week post op

Jul 08, 2010

Yesterday I had my 3 week post op.  According the the dr's scale I've lost 17lbs.  According my parents scale I've lost 21lbs.  Hmmmm that is a 4 pound difference.  Now that I am back at my house I've hidden my scale.   I try not to dwell on the fact that I feel I should have lost more weight.  I don't want to compare my loss to others, I know everyone is different.  However, when one struggles with weight  and weight loss those old thoughts start creeping in.... why am I not losing weight, what am I doing wrong.  I try my best to curb those thoughts.  I know I'm going to be successful.  Even with the 17lb loss I see a difference in some of my clothes.  I'm able to comfortably fit into a size 26 that isn't elastic.  I'm notorious for elastic wastebands.   I can't remember the last time I put on something that zipped and buttoned up.  

My surgeon says I'm right wear I should be.  My BMI went down 2 points to 40.  I will not hop on a scale until my 6 week appt.  Even if I go visit my parents..... I WILL stay away from their scale.  My war wounds seem to be healing fine.  My JP drain incision finally closed and stopped leaking.  I thought it was going to leak forever.  

It's time for another semi-icky protein shake.  I haven't gotten to the point where I can make yummy ones yet.  shame on me!!!!
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Continuing on...

Jul 06, 2010

The surgery....   I wasn't super nervous about the surgery itself.  I just wanted everything to go smoothly with no complications.  While I didn't have any serious complications, I did spend most of the day in recovery.  After surgery, my blood sugars started going up.  I was put on an insulin drip and was watched over until early evening when they finally moved me to the intermediate ICU.  That first day was such a blur.  In recovery I was in and out.  When I got to my room I remember being very very thirsty.  Every time I swallowed I could hear my throat inside my head.  it was soooo scratchy and unbearable.  The nurse on staff said I couldn't have any ice chips until the next day.  I knew that was wrong, but was to out of it to speak up.

They made me get up and walk towards the evening.   I just remember walking hunched over with a walker and it took every ounce of energy I had.  I was in pain of course but it wasn't unbearable.  Every time I tried to sit up or switch positions it felt like I did a million sit ups.  Ouch.  

I was able to get some ice chips when the night nurse came on.   Bless her heart that she knew I could have some.  Mind you I couldn't have a lot until my upper GI, but just to lubricate my throat and lips was a miracle.

My stay in the hospital was only suppose to last until Wednesday.  Unfortunately because of my blood sugars I stayed until Thursday, staying in the intermediate ICU the whole time.  Boy can't wait to see THAT hospital bill.  Overall my hospital stay was pleasant.  I got up and walked around as much as possible.  Each time I wanted to walk I had to call a nurse because there was so much stuff to unplug.  I couldn't just get up and go.   

Some helpful items to take to the hospital..... Chap stick, a robe, laptop (if your hospital has wifi), brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, handi wipes or wash cloth to give yourself a quick wash.  I wasn't allowed to shower until wed.  YUCK  and bring a pillow for the ride home.  It really helps to have something to press against your belly and hold the jiggle when going over bumps.

Because of my blood sugar problems the only part I didn't like about my hospital stay was Tuesday my sugars had to be check every hour!!!  Wed every two hours!!!!  the tips of my fingers were black and blue.  By the time Wednesday came around I would sit on my hands when the nurse came in. :)

I was super super glad to get home.  I was on liquids only, clears and protein drinks.  Talk about having a difficult time getting in my protein.  Sleeping was my biggest problem the first couple of weeks.  The first week I probably got 3 hours of sleep.  I had to sleep propped up in bed.  That worked for a awhile until my butt got sore.  then I moved to the recliner.  The second week was slightly better.  I was able to sleep on either side, but I had to put a pillow under my belly.  If I didn't my stomach, on the inside, felt like everything was stretching out to capacity.

JP DRAIN REMOVAL - OUCHIE MAMA.  Of course everyone is different.  The following Wednesday after surgery I was able to get my drain removed.  When I asked the surgeon if it was gonna hurt she said I won't lie to you, it will feel like I"m pulling your insides out.  WHAT????  Now I was nervous.  I tried my best not to tense up.  I tried to remember to breathe deeply.  Even though it didn't last that long, the pressure I felt was surreal and not painful.... but yes, it felt like my insides were slowly being pulled out.  When it was out I felt an immediate pressure in my chest.  I had to lay on the table for 5 minutes before I asked myself, how in the hell am I going to get up????  Luckily my mom was there to help me out.  The rest of the day I was soooo messed up.  Nauseous, still had tightness in my chest.  I don't ever want to go through that again.

As of today, I'm doing great.  I have minimal discomfort near one incision.  I'm successfully getting in my protein and my liquids.  There is a day here and there where I only get in half my protein, but I think everyone has those days.  I think I'm one of the lucky ones.... I haven't had anything that disagrees with me.  I can feel when I drink to much water, but I have a hard time reading my body on fullness from food.  I just stick to my alotted amount and keep it at that.  I don't want to push it.  At this time I'm allowed to have cottage cheese, egg beaters, sf jello, sf pudding, and one other thing I can't remeber.  Tomorrow at my 3 week post op class I will learn what else I will beable to add to my diet.  Even though I already read my wls bible and know what they are.

I haven't been hungery at all.  I have to stay on schedule to eat.  It is weird not being hungry.  As each day goes by, I can tell I'm hungry because I start feel weak and faint.  My pouch doesn't tell me I'm hungry but my body does.  It is weird not to feel hungry.  Everyone says oh you are so lucky not to be hungry, it must be soooo easy.  HAHAHA if they only knew.  I've never had to remind myself to eat.  Now I have to.  I'm sure as time goes by, hunger will return.  My plan of attack at this point is to measure everything and document everything to keep myself accountable.  Making good healthy choices is a way of life now.  I know this surgery will benefit me in so many ways and I can't wait to start feeling and seeing those benefits.  I haven't had any WOW moments thus far, but body is not healed and I'm not 100%.  If I stay on track things will fall into place.  I'm super confident of that.


7/6/10 - On my way....

Jul 06, 2010

I had RNY surgery on 6/14/10.  After 3 years of researching and talking to 2 co-workers who had the same sugery I decided to start my journey. 

In March I went to my surgeon's educational seminar.  After attending Dr. Snyder's seminar I was convinced he was going to be my surgeon.  He is warm, caring, to the point, extremely qualified, and so dedicated to helping over weight people.    3 days later I called his office to set up a consult and got an appointment for April 28.  Between now and then I had a bunch of prep work to do.  Dr Snyder's office had all the forms I needed to fill out on his website.  This was a huge help, but at the same time I was almost overwhelmed with the amount of paperwork.  Some forms were 1 or 2 pages, but other were 10 plus.  There was a new patient form, medical history form, previous weightl loss attempts form among them.  I thought it was a HUGE advantage that I could take my time filling out all the forms BEFORE my consult with Dr. Snyder.  I made double sure that when I went to my consult, my forms were going to be completed.

Along with the forms it was also recommended to have a pulmonary consult and psych evaluation done.  I was cleared for surgery by the pulmonary dr and as for my psych eval, I had been seeing a therapist for a year prior and she had to complete a form provided by Dr. Snyder.  Now that was easy.

April 28, 2010 - I was super excited for my consult with Dr. Snyder.   I had all my forms completed, pulomonary and psych documentation was faxed.    I was so worried that I would have to have a sleep test done or go see a cardiologist.  But during my consult I was told that I'm ready to go.  No more tests were needed, I just had to attend the nutrition class, see a dietician and once those were completed my paper work would be sent to my insurance company.  I didn't have many questions during my consult.  With all my research I was already well informed of my choices, risks, and benefits.  Dr. Snyder felt RNY was the best choice for me.  At 5'8 he felt my ideal weight would be around 165.  At the time I thought, really?, that high.  I always imagined 145-150.  But who knows.  After being overweight for so long I have no idea what my body frame/type is.

May was spent waiting and attending my 2 hour nutrition class and a 1 on 1 with the dietician.  I felt my appointment with the dietician was a waste of time and money because every question I had was going to be answered in the nutrition class and I didn't learn anything new.  The nutrition class was awesome.  Each patient gets this binder book, basically the WLS bible that had EVERYTHING.  If ever I had a question, that book would almost always answer it.  The book was truly awesome and such a life saver.    I use it today, being nearly one month out and will continue to use it for at least the first 6 months.

Once I had my surgeon's requirements finished, my paperwork was submitted to the insurance company.  I was soooo nervous about approval.  A friend told me that with my BMI and co-morbities I should have no problem getting approved.  But come on.... ya just don't know until ya know.  Everyone says to keep following up with your insurance company to see if they received the paper work.  While I do agree with that somewhat I waited.  I was very confident in my surgeon's office staff and the insurance experts in his office.  I waited a week to call my insurance company, Anthem Blue Cross.  I first sent them email and they replied back with a specific telephone number I could call to check on my status.

On May 25 I called and got a verbal confirmation that I was approved.  A week after submission.  YAAAHOOOOOO.  However part of me didn't want to believe what some stranger was telling me over the phone.  Fortunately the next day my surgeon's office called to set up my surgery date because I was approved.   TRIPLE YAHOOOOO.   About 2 days after that, I got the actual letter from the insurance company.  My surgery was set for 6/14/10 at 10:30.   I was so thankful I didn't have to wait forever to get a date.    I had not quite 3 weeks to prepare and that was plenty of time.

About Me
Colorado Springs, CO
Surgery Date
May 17, 2008
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