6 weeks out

Jul 28, 2010

My glorious six week appointment.  What a difference.  I can finally start solid foods, some veggies, maybe some fruit.  Granted it will be a struggle to come up with different foods because I don't like to cook, but I'm slowly trying to experiment.   I'm down 31 lbs which is awesome.  I'd probably be down more if I was faithfully exercising, but the motivation can't be found.  I have to repeat Just Do It. 

I had labs done on 7/14/10, one month from surgery.  YOWZA, what a difference a month makes.  Everything improved from my last labs done in April.  I was so surprised and excited at the same time.  Here is a brief list of the improvements....

Glucose now 84, in April 282
Cholesterol now 136, in April 223
Triglycerides now 216, in April 791 (and that isn't the highest, my highest Trygl. levels were once in the 4,000's)
HDL now 25, in April same
VLDL now 43, in April - no idea, never been tested due to high triglycerides
LDL now 68, in April - no idea, again to high triglycerides.
A1C now 7.9, in April 11.6

YOWZA SHAZAAAAM, I was thrilled with those results.  It is amazing what can happen to your body in just one month.  My next labs will be at 6 mos.  Can't wait!

At 31 lbs lost people are noticing and asking me if I notice.  Of course I notice, but not completely.  For example, when I stand naked and look in the mirror front and side I don't notice any change.  I still see my huge belly.  But when I put on clothes I notice more.  Especially my profile.  I can see a thinner me.  I'm happy to say I haven't worn any item of clothing I wore pre-op.  Everything is semi-new.  Most of my 2007 clothes are for summer and are getting big.... especially my pants.  I walk around all day long pulling them up.  That drives me crazy.  I might have to invest in a belt.  But I still don't have a waist... just a nice soft round belly.  Then again, if it helps my pants stay up, i'm all for it I guess.

Everyday I'm amazed at how good I feel.  There is a little bit more pep in my step now a days.  I still do a little heave hoe walking up a few flights of stairs, but I can easily bound up my flight of stairs at home.    Now I need to hop on that exercise train so I can get those endorphins charging up to help me feel even better.  The nurse today said at this point and up to 8-9 months , surgery is doing 80% of the work and I'm doing 20%.  After that initial period, the numbers will be flipped.   It's best to maximize everything right now.  Get in good habits now, rather than later. 


About Me
Colorado Springs, CO
Surgery Date
May 17, 2008
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