Summer UPDATE!!!

Jul 02, 2012

First, I want to congratulate myself on getting under 250lbs this past weekend. I started the day Sunday at 252.6 and by 10:30pm, I was down to 247.8 and this morning was down to 246.0.

Thank God for the 100+ degree weather and the softball Gods letting me play a total of 8 games this past week.  I also dont suck anymore as my swing now has some pop to it and I've been lining triples with a bit of ease lately.

I also just spoke with my nurse on my 6 month follow up...

A1C is at 6.1 (still high for now but a hell of a lot better than the 13.2 it was at the time of surgery)

All other levels were great except for a low vitamin D level.

Other than that, I am on my way to the GQ Magazine Cover in no time...


4th Week Update!!!

Jan 12, 2012

So I got to 297lbs this past weekend and have been stuck there this entire week...  I know, I know...  I havent gotten my 60min of walking (More like 20-30min) in but I am excited...

Yes, I may have hit a major snag by not going any lower but I am also not going any higher...  I haven't been under 300lbs since God knows when...  I am also excited because I have my monthly follow up next week and I hope to be cleared to start lifting weights (I've been on lifting restriction since surgery).

What drives me you ask?  I am glad you asked.  What drives me is the following:

1. I want to be alive to watch my kids (when I have them) grow up and live off their income when they make it as a pitcher for the New York Yankees (I am allowed to dream, aren't I?)
2. I want to know what it feels like to be 65 and be diabetes free and just healthy...
3. I want to be the best softball player ever (ok, maybe not ever) without having to have someone run for me.

This weekend, I will kill it in the walking department and by next Friday, I will update that I will be UNDER 290lbs...  Bet on THAT MoFoS!!!

I am OUT Dis Motha!!!

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Jan 07, 2012

 Yes! I've reached my first goal. I now weigh 298lbs.
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3rd UPDATE!!!

Jan 06, 2012

So this week has been a bit rough since I am no longer losing 4-7lbs a day.  However, Today I got down to 300.2lbs.  Do you know what that means?  It means that soon, I will be a lean mean 299lbs of Sexy Beef... (At least my wife thinks so...).

I am having no problem eating 3 or even 4 oz at any sit in.  However, I am sticking to eating what my nutritionist recommended.

Ground Turkey, Chicken Breast, Tuna, Slice of whole wheat with a slice of cheese.

As for my water intake, I am not getting 64oz, but more like 55oz or so throughout the day.

I also have been very sick with a damn cold this past week that hasnt allowed me to walk as much as I want to given that the temperature is so damn low all of a sudden.

On ANOTHER happy note...  I have not had to prick myself with Novolog (insulin) the past 2 days because my blood sugar levels have been under 150mg...  YAY FOR ME!!!!  (That sounded so weird because I actually just screamed it out at work...)

The next Update will be next friday and by then, I will have met the 1st of my many goals...

Holla at Ya Boy if You Sexy Like Me!!!



Dec 30, 2011

So I had my 1st Post Op Appointment with my Nutritionist and she was as excited for me as I was.  I was cleared to begin solids (You know I wanted that damn egg...).  In 2 weeks, I have lost 30+ lbs and was doing great with my water and protein intake (Once I found one that I could tolerate).

After meeting with the Nutritionist, I headed to see my surgeon and have the staples removed.  Another satisfied client.  He was ecstatic that I had lost so much weight so fast and that I was walking an hour / day by the 2nd day I was home.  He said I am on pace to possibly be one of his best results in his patients.

I then went home and my lovely wife prepared me a single scrambled egg in skim milk (only had 2oz and she ate the rest).  Took me about 5 minutes to get it down and though it had no taste, we'll add some flavor the next time around.

For today, we made 4 2oz cups of Pureed Tuna with 2 tbsp of Light Mayo and skim milk (12g of Protein right there)

Meal times are 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 6pm

I am Very Happy so far and cant wait to be cleared to lift and for Softball season to come so I can get to the cages and start working out for the season.


1st UPDATE!!!

Dec 29, 2011

I had my surgery scheduled for Dec 14th as my birthday gift to myself.  Unfortunately, my Blood Sugar was at 370 at the time the surgery was set to begin and therefore got pushed back to Dec 16th.  At the time of the surgery, I weighed 332lbs (down from 347 on Oct 31).  Spent 6 days in the hospital while my Blood Sugar came down to a respectable number.

Now that I am home, I am getting in my walking by just walking in circles around the house.  The scale at home says that as of Christmas Day, I stand at 312lbs and my Blood Sugar is steadily in the 130s - 140s (which means NO INSULIN SHOTS unless it goes to 150 and above).

The past couple of days have been really rough because I have my entire family and Mom's cooked meals around the holidays are absolutely the BEST!!!

I've stuck with the protein shakes and water.  I use the Atkins Protein Shakes (Very Tasty) and I drink water (mixed with Sugar Free Hawaiian Punch....  Even More Tasty...

I cant wait until I see my Dr on the 29th and he clears me  to eat solids and gets these damn staples out of my stomach.

I already know what I am going  to eat when he clears me...  Gonna use my Eggies to make me a hard boiled egg.  (YUMMY!!!!!)

Protein Shakes

Dec 21, 2011

Is it me or do these protein shakes wear you out after a while???

Surgery DONE!!!

Dec 16, 2011

After waiting 2 days to have the surgery, I finally had it on the 16th.  Not feeling much pain but I guess that is the medication taking effect.  They are keeping me in the hospital for two days to monitor my sugar level and bring it down.  I am looking forward to this new beginning of my life.

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Last Step B4 Surgery Date...

Nov 28, 2011

So today is my appointment with the Nutritionist.  Once I meet with them, I should be able to get a surgery date.  Hoping all goes well.  I am ready / excited / nervous / concerned / worried / happy about my upcoming surgery.

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 28, 2011
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