
Mar 09, 2007

Well, I got the final call everything is approved, I am having the DS procedure on April 25th. 

I am excited!

I know the road will not be easy, but I look forward to the challenge. Yesterday, I went to the cardiologist for an annual EKG and nothing has changed. I have a LBBB, but the doctor said the risk of something happening was minute as compared to keeping the weight on another day longer than necessary. That was good enough for me.

I would like to know what to expect from here so I going to be reading more in the coming weeks regarding this benchmark in my life.


Feb 22, 2007

Today I went with Cecillia to schedule the surgery. I am going to have to delay the procedure until the end of April because of my travel. 

I can't wait! 

I'm glad Cecillia was able to join me and meet the Dr. Spaw and his staff. They are all very nice and clearly focused on the patient's needs.

I also ran onto a little glitch. While my wife and I work under the same health insurance plan, we switched to me being the priniciple plan holder instead of her. This means we need to seek re-approval.
I was also approved for gastric bypass, while I prefer the DS. So, the long and short of the story is, we are in a waiting game again :(.


Feb 13, 2007

Just wanted to check in and say that I have now been approved! Im happy..I'm scared...I'm thrilled...I'm nervous. To say the least. some very mixed emotions going on inside of me. I have a heavy travel schedule so I don't think I can have the procedure until April. It's just good to know that I am finally going to have it. An added bonus is the fact that my doc and the hopital are 'in network' now. i guess the wait reall was worth it. Stayt tuned...

The Journey begins...

Feb 06, 2007

Hi there!

I've been investigating WLS for several months now and have made the decision to move on with action. I've been through an initial consultation and my doctor felt I am a prime candidate for the surgery. I've submitted for pre-authorization and have been denied. I am trying to decide whether or not to appeal or do the things the insurance company is requesting which is a 6 month medically-supervised weight loss and wellness program.

I travel quite a bit with my job and have a great supportive wife and four kids.

I thought I would update my situation. After being down a few weeks about my preauthorization denial, I decided to get moving. I gained over 20 pounds and started this part of my journey at 479. Since 6/15, I am down to 452. I am walking 3-4 times a week and recording everything I am eating. I am determined to make it. To have the WLS is my central focus and goal.

About Me
Albuquerque, NM
Surgery Date
May 27, 2006
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Before & After
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This is me in 2006
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