WOW! Ive lost 150 lbs - 210 lbs

Dec 03, 2008

Im so happy! achieved another goal!  only two more pounds and i will no longer be in the OBESE category.  i will only be "overweight"

What am i doing?  Really not that much.  I am generally obeying the band rules.  getting more excercise because i am generally more active.
I DONT DIET!  i really eat what i want.  yes even a desert now and then.  but i try to listen to my band.  my band will tell me what i can and cant eat.
it usually tells me it doesnt like breads or pasta. but even then i have some on occasion.  I promise you i will get some more pics up.  i weigh less than the pics up now.

Goals achieved - down 143 lbs 11/17/08

Nov 16, 2008

I was looking at my goals and i have two goals that are almost reached.
one was to loose 150 lbs.  I only have 7 lbs to go! and the other is to no longer be in the obese category as far as BMI and that i will get at 208 - 9 pounds from now!  One of my big goals is to get to onederland which would be to weigh 199 lbs or less!
I also looked at all the goals i HAVE achieved!  1) not shop at specialty sized stores 2) loose 100 lbs, 3) exercise 3x a week, 4) weigh under 300 lbs.   All of those and others have already been acheived!   wish me luck!

Ya Man! Back from Jamaica!

Nov 10, 2008

Ya man! just spent a week in Jamaica!  it was a blast.  I went scuba diving almost every day!  My vacation was full of activities!  Scuba, snorkeling, hobie cat sailing, kanoeing, swimming, hiking, zip line..... was also full of eating..even desert!  and alchohol! eating was curbed because of my band.   overall with the exercise and the eating drinking i somehow ended up about even in weight.   ill take that for a vacation!  it used to be i would gain 10 lbs on a trip like that!
my band has allowed me to enjoy a vacation i never would have as a super-obese person. i never would have the stamina to scuba and do all the activies every day like i did.  heres to the band!

Closer i get, the harder it gets 10/14/98 down 137 lbs

Oct 14, 2008

im only about 50 lbs from my goal and its starting to get harder to loose that weight.  In order to loose more i need to step up my excercise.  im inconsistent with it. 

1 year anniversary - its not a race 8/28/08 down 129 lbs

Aug 28, 2008

Its now been 1 year since ive had my surgury.  I think I have done a great job at my progress.  I feel so much better. im way more active, i am enjoying my life so much more.  I was on a death track.  i was rapidly gaining weight and my health was plummeting.  i needed to do something and my surgury was the best decision i made in my life!  One thing that I have learned over this year is that this journey is not a race.  At the beginning.  i was always concerned if i was loosing quickly enough.  What i have realized is that it doesnt matter how quickly I loose, it matters that i eventually loose and get to a healthy weight.  Im well on that progress to healthyness!  Ive already gone from a morbidly obese 51.7 bmi to about a 33 bmi and soon will be out of the obese category.
The best thing about my weight loss is my energy.  I have so much more energy for everything!  Im doing bike rides, walking, and many other activities i couldnt do before.  Im going at a pound to a pound and a half loss a week.  if i keep on loosing at that pace, that will be fine.  as long as i eventually get to my goal.

Mountain Hike 07/02/08 down 117 lbs

Jul 02, 2008

I went with a friend on an hour and 15 minute hike.  This was real close to my house and the trail has beautiful rocks jutting out of the mountain caused by a fault line.  But the rocks are different colors.  Actually the rocks are from 250 million years ago.  The park is amazing.  Well, when i was 360 pounds, i wouldnt have been able to enjoy this park. Why?  When i was 360, i could barely walk 10 minutes without hurting.  Now? Well, now im active!  Im doing these amazing hikes.  Im doing 3 hour bike rides!  Sometimes i feel like ive been re-born.  Ive been given another chance.  A chance to be happy.  I have always been lucky to have good friends and really have not had a bad life so far. But I have been iffy on my health issues.  Now im very healthy and plan on being even more healthier!  My life is dramatically changing and changing for the good!  Heres to LIFE!!!!

weight loss comes in bursts 6/24/08 down 115 lbs

Jun 24, 2008

I dont loose any weight for about 2 1/2 weeks then all the sudden im down 3 pounds!  go figure!  Sometimes it gets frustrating looking at that goofy scale in the moring and nothing happens.  and then when im just about to give up i loose 3, LOL!

Letter to my Dad on Fathers Day 6/15/08 - down 112 lbs

Jun 14, 2008

Dear Dad,

Dad, It’s been 11 years since you have passed away.  At the time you left our world I felt relieved and happy that this was the end of your life on this earth.  Not happy that I am loosing a dad, but happy that you will not be suffering through your life as it is.  You have to understand, you were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. This disease not only affects you but greatly affects your caretakers.  You were diagnosed with it years before.  I slowly watched the person I knew as “Dad”, the person I looked up to, the person I tried to emulate, become a person I do not know, a person that could not take care of themselves or even know who I am. 

Dad, I want to remember you as the dad I looked up to and revered.

I remember the time you took me fishing that we caught a TON of fish.  I think we caught a ton because it was stocked a lot and you paid for the use of the pond.  But to me I was catching fish with “MY DAD!”, and it meant the world to me to be fishing with dad!

I remember dad showing me how to ride my bike.  It wasn’t easy at first and I probably fell once or twice, but he got me back up and I did it.

I remember dad being there for me when they kicked me off the boys baseball team because I was too fat to make the weight limit for that team.  My dad simply got me in Boy Scouts softball and I had a ton of fun there!

I remember dad grounding me for a week and taking my privileges away when I caused a real small fire on back patio.

I remember dad waiting up til in the morning when I stayed up late with my friends.  I tried to sneak into the back so he wouldn’t notice, but he was there ready to talk to me.

I remember hugging my dad when I finished college and I could feel that I did something good in his eyes.

Dad, there were so many other things I remember about you, good and bad.  But most of my memories are truly good ones!  I was probably not the best son that you could have had, but I probably wasn’t the worst either.  But I hope that if you were still here on this life you could look at me and say you were proud of me.  Because I know that I am very PROUD to say that YOU are my dad.  You are in a better place now.   I love you DAD!

Love your son John

Keeping Active 6/2/08 down 112 pounds!

Jun 02, 2008

This summer I plan on keeping very active.  I just bought a real nice mountain bike.  There are about a million different trails around my neighborhood for me to explore.  Wow!  Its soo amazing!  Nine months ago, I was barely able to walk.  With my arthritus in my ankle and the extra weight, I could only walk about 10 minutes and my ankle would start hurting.  Everyone told me I didnt walked, but waddled! LOL!  Now, Im doing 40 minute walks and biking all over! Nine months ago I was hiding from the world.  I would go out with my girlfriend to the movies or dinner.  But I would always make up an excuse to not go to functions where theres alot of people.  I was loosing confidence in myself!  It was affecting everything, my job, my love life, my friends.  My friends were all wondering why I wouldnt want to go out.  They didnt care how much I weighed.  But I did! I felt bad about myself and was getting worse!  
My outlook on life has now changed DRAMATICALLY...Im so much more confident in myself.  At the moment I dont have a girlfriend, but I know that will change soon.  But now Im finding I am more confident talking and seeking out that special person.  This weight loss has opened up many more opportunities to do more and exciting things!  For example, I used to golf, but stopped playing because of my weight.  Well this summer I am planning on starting it back up.  I know I relly suck at it, but at least im out there!  So...anyway...wish me luck because im going to be OUT THERE this summer!!!!

Slowing down on weight loss...need to kick it in 105 lbs lost

May 15, 2008

I seem to be slowing down on my weight loss.  Last week i didnt loose any weight.  I need to get back into a regular excercise habit.  I do alot of excercise one week, and then the next week i get lazy...ok...time to kick it in!  I seem to have decent but not amazing restriction.  It definitely prevents me from eating alot.  I cant seem to eat tortillias, bread and pasta.  They seem to get stuck.  I also am going to try the platau buster diet and hopefully the changing of diets will get this thing kicked in again!  wish me luck!
