Major SV made 101 pounds lost!!!! 4/15/08

Apr 15, 2008

I did it!  i got past that 100 pound mark...i was wondering if it ever was going to come!  i get a fill on thursday...probably need it!  i have a feeling its gonna get alot harder to loose from here.  Im excercising much more and soo much more energetic! 

Yearly physical 4/01/08 down 99 lbs

Apr 01, 2008

Im so excited!  My yearly physical had good results!  He thought it was great i lost all the pounds (98lbs).  Everything came out great.  My blood tests turned were awesome.  EVERYTHING was within range except my HDL cholesterol.
It was wierd...last time my LDL was 90 and this time its 90 and should be under 100 (which it is) HDL was 32 now its 35 and should be 40+.  He is going to keep me on lipitor because he thinks the cholesterol is a genetic issue and not necessarily a weight issue.
He told me i can lower down my cpap settings, yeah!  Maybe sometime i wont have to have the cpap!
I was able to get of altace (blood pressure med)!!!  My blood pressure was 108/60 this time.  We are going to try without the pills to see if its ok without it.
My arthritus in my ankle has dramatically improved!  Before surgury, was only able to walk 5 minutes and it would hurt bigtime.  Now i can do 45 minute walks without a problem! yeah!
My goals are to increase my excercise to get my HDL up higher.  loosing weight might get rid of cpap, who knows.  I also want to start some weight training to tighten up some of that loose skin!
anyway, im sooo excited!!!   I LOVE MY BAND!

So much more energy! wow! 3/25/08 down 97 lbs

Mar 25, 2008

Its amazing!  97 pounds ago.  i was basically having problems WALKING!  it was terrible.  I have arthritus in my ankle and with all the weight i would walk with a limp and my ankle would always hurt.   Now, daily i do 30-45 minute walks with my friends!  My ankle is not hurting very much at all!   This weekend i also went out dancing!  it was a blast!  in about anything i do i have more energy than before!  This surgury was the best decision i have made in my life!     
im slowing down on weight loss..i used to be a 3 pounder a week person, now its around a pound a week.  i dont long as i get there thats what matters.   Ive been waiting and waiting to get to my 100 pound loss almost there only 3 lbs to go!  i will post when i get there!

Broke plateau 02/27/08 - 268 down 92 lbs

Feb 27, 2008

I have generally been loosing weight at a good pace.  Then in february all the sudden i was slowing down.  Always hanging around the same weight.  Then all the sudden i lost 5 lbs!  yeah!  its wierd how it just all the sudden goes down!  I was starting to do some more excercise and am still not consistent like i should be.  I really need to kick in gear my excercise program.  Its been a great ride so far. I have met some great people and continue to meet more.  this surgury has been the best decision i have had in my life.  im sooo excited KNOWING that i will get down to normal weight!  i cant wait!

No longer morbidly obese! 278 lbs down 82 lbs

Jan 29, 2008

I did it!  im no longer MORBIDLY obese.  I am now in the obese category.  Thats pretty cool...i was SUPER MORBIDLY obese when i started (bmi over 50) bmi right now is 39.9.     What a terrible name (MORBIDLY) obese!  i guess whoever created it wanted to get thier point across.  if you dont loose wieght soon, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!  Helloooo!  McFly!!   i feel so much better with all that weight gone.  each time i loose weight i feel alot more makes sense...82 lbs is a lot!  

4th fill 01/11/08 284 lbs down 76 lbs

Jan 11, 2008

Well today i got my 4th fill and im down 76 lbs.  My doctor is sooo thrilled with me!  i got my fill and they only put in .35 ccs making it 8.55 ccs in a 14cc i have plenty of room to go.  i dont think this fill is going to be as tight as the last one...but we will give it a try...doing liquids today and we will see how it goes!  i went to a lap band group to have dinner at red robin.  Some are jealous because im loosing so much quicker than others....but im male and that helps.  each day i feel better and and i am gaining in confidence!  Before my arthritus in my ankle was so bad i could barely walk straight!  Always limping... now im walking much easier!  its amazing what 76 lbs does!   on one of the posts, i calculated my weight loss in a different way...76 pounds is equivilent to carrying around 3 tires, one extra human head, a human brain, and an ostrich egg!   wow!  no wonder i was always soo "TIRED"!  LOL!!!   This journey has been awesome..and thanks to this site im meeting so many cool people and im enjoying the road as i reach my goal!  bye for now!

Happy New Year 01/01/2008 286 lbs

Jan 01, 2008

Happy new year everyone.  In 2007 i have lost weight at a good pace.  One of my friends said i was loosing weight "like a rockstar"!  And ive accomplished this mostly with the band.  I have totally changed what and how i eat.  I eat mostly protien, low carbs and have found my taste in food has DRASTICALLY changed.  I have survived the Christmas holiday time and it was tough with all of the cookies and candies and the parties, etc.  It will be nice to get back to normal life where i can more easily control what i put into my mouth.  Even with the holidays i did end up loosing some weight.
The year 2008 is going to be great transformation year for me.  And hopefully transformation for the good.  I know i will be working for another company and I have many goals in that area to accomplish.  But as far as health, my big goal is going to be eating right and excercising on a regular basis.  When i was 360 lbs I was limited on how i can excercise because of my arthritus in my anke.  But now with my 74 pounds lost, I am not having as much problems with my ankle...(YEAH!!!)   so i dont have an excuse anymore.  I have joined a January excercise challenge that will be 1000 minutes of excercise i need to complete in January.  that will be an average of 33 minutes a day.  wish me luck!

Hard time w sweets near christmas holidays 12/18/07 292 lbs

Dec 18, 2007

I used to have 1 hard candy a day to satisfy my sweet since there is alot more temptations of sweets during this time, its getting alot harder.  i had a cookie from work...i also was eating some russel stovers candies...its so hard to keep away from that stuff!  i feel so guilty!   i am now on a no-sweet pledge someone started on one of the posts...wish me luck!

Two-derland! 11/27/07 299

Nov 27, 2007

I made it to two-derland!  im 299 which means im two-hundred something! Yeah!!!   That was a big goal for next big goal is to loose 100 lbs!  stay tuned!  I went to my nieces house for Thanksgiving. My niece has a boy named Dyllan.  He is three years old. (Yes im a great uncle!).  When i got there Dyllan brought out his light sabre, then he brought out his trucks, then he brought out his plastic castle, then we played video games, then we played with swords.....then we ate, then we watched the spiderman 3 movie...Im not sure which one of us had more fun.  
i ate about a little more than a half a plate of turkey dinner food.  normally i would have at least 2 heaping plates full minimum!   i waited an hour and half and had one piece of pumpkin pie...i think that was actually the first piece of pie i had since starting this was good...i ate it real slow!

third fill today 11/16/07 306 lbs

Nov 16, 2007

I had my third fill ap band now has 8.2CCs of fluid on 14 cc band.  This one is much i noticed getting water down is much harder, i cant gulp anymore. i tried to get down a protien shake and started sliming.  so i got on the website and made a post....everyone said this is fine and keep on liquids and then go to mushies. eventually i will be set...lets hope!  I guess i really never felt "real" restriction...and now im getting a taste of it!   my 2nd fill was somewhat restrictive at first and then loosened up the last 2 weeks.  but i was still able to loose over 2lbs a week during that.  I went to vegas last weekend...i will try to put a couple of pictures up so u can see me and my progress.   I LOVE MY BAND!  I feel im doing great!  I already feel so much better.   
One thing i wasnt thinking would be an issue is emotional issues.  Ive been FAT JOHN all of my life, and suddenly im doin good, loosin weight and even though im starting to physically look better and feel better, i still have the 360 lb FAT JOHN hanging around in there and he will always be with me.   I know this is a journey and this is a journey thats going to take some time for my mind to catch up with what is DRAMATICALLY happening with my body.  
Another thing that has happened is im finding out that i am meeting such WONDERFUL people on this site.   Im gaining friends, hopefully for a long time, that are going through this dramatic physical and mental transformation we are going through.
i know some of this might not make sense, but its what im thinking at the time
