I'm convinced (1 month post op)

Nov 01, 2013

My body is not built to be healthy! lol I know that sounds weird, but everything they have me able to progress on I can't handle. For example, now that I made it one month (Hallelujah!) I can have soft foods, so I don't have to puree everything. Well I only pureed for like 3 days anyway. I'm suppose to be able to eat 4 to 6 oz every meal: No. Only 2 oz at a time! Chicken: No. Wasn't suppose to start low fat deli meat, but that's a Yes. Not suppose to have beef, but that's the ONLY MEAT that doesn't get stuck! Beef and potatoes are golden and everything else is a no lol so weird! And tonight, I had sugar free icecream (3 teaspoons) and it was heaven! frown And I was satisfied with just a taste. I think that's my biggest NSV is that I can be satisfied with just a little. Also, I had a tablespoon of sesame chicken and 1/4 cup of beef and broccoli from the Chinese food and guess what: I didn't get sick! lol I know some would judge this behavior as being wrong and sabotaging but I've lost 40lbs my first month. And like they say, every BODY is different. Maybe my surgery is to not make me not eat those things ever again, but to be able to eat like a normal person (even if that means doing so before the schedule). enlightened



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