Well, I have been searching this web site for about 7 months, and finally figured out how to post a message. I am 27 years old and mother of 3 children, ages; 11, 9 & 5 1/2. I weigh 273 and I am 5 feet 3 inches. I have been obese for the majortiy of my life. The only thing I can say is that it sucks. You can never buy the "cute" outfit or the "In Style" outfit at the store. You have to truck you big butt over the the "big girls sections" and buy floral!!!! You can not fit in the movie theater seats, ValleyFair rides, or even through the swinging gates at the Metrodome let alone their seats. I have suffered from gallstones and heart burn and my blood pressure has been a little bit high. This is the begining of my reasons of wanting to have this surgery. I have already been to the seminar in May of 2006. I had my first appointment with the Nurse at St. Paul Surgeons. I have my Psy. Eval in September and my nutrionist appt. in Oct. I have been considering this surgery for about 5 years now. I did try to get this surgery done about 2 years ago, but my insurance "CoreSource" did not declare it "Medically Necessary". I have since then changed employers and my new insurance is Health Partners Open Access, which I have contacted them and in my situation, I fall within their guidelines for approval. I am just waiting on the last bit of appointments in September and October. I am very excited. I am hoping to have more confidence in myself and to not be so hard on myself.

History of Weight:

1/22/07 Pre-op weight 267.8 (scale at hospital)
1/25/07 Discharge weight 267.1  -7 ounces (scale at Hospital)
1/28/07 250.0 -17.8 pounds (scale at home)
2/3/07  244.5 -23.3 (scale at home)
02/12/07 241.0 -26.8 (scale at home)
2/22/07 237.0 -30.8 (scale at home)
03/03/07 233.0 -34.8 (scale at home)
03/22/07 221.5 -46.3 (scale at home)
04/09/07 214.0 -53.8 (scale at home)
05/03/07 205.0 -62.8 (scale at home)
05/15/07 199. -68.80 (scale at home)
05/28/07 194. -73.80 (scale at home)
06/19/07 185. -82.8 (scale at home)
07/03/07  178. -89.8 (scale at home)
07/19/07 174. -93.8 (scale at home)
07/30/07 171. -96.8 (scale at home).
08/06/07 169. -98.8 (scale at home)
08/08/07 167. -100.8 (scale at home)
08/14/07 164. 103.8 (scale at home)
08/24/07 162. 105.8 (scale at home)
09/04/07 160. -107.8 (scale at home)
09/10/07 158. -109.8 (scale at home)
10/03/07 156. -111.8  (scale at home)
10/25/07 150 -117.8 (scale at home)
10/29/07 148 -119.8 (scale at home)
12/17/07 144 -123.8 (scale at home)
3/10/08 158
3/24/08 160
4/7/8 161.2
4/21/08 160.4
5/1/8 161.6
5/4/8 161.4
6/3/8 166.4
6/16/8 167.6 *Gained 24 pounds*

About Me
St Paul, MN
Surgery Date
May 17, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Before surgery
6 months out

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