Welcome 2010

Aug 01, 2010

Welcome 2010!!! Share  Friday, January 1, 2010 at 10:27am | Edit Note | Delete A New Year is really a fresh start for people and time for them to make the most of their lives and to make changes as they see fit. I am going to do just that in 2010. Making a fresh start...ready for the journey to begin. For those that don't know already, and for those that have sent messages to me in the past few weeks asking for updates, I am going to have Gastric Bypass Surgery in 2010!

I have completed my testing here in Evansville and now on my 43rd birthday, January 14th, I will be going to Carmel Indiana (where I have chosen to have my surgery) for my final test before turning the surgery into my insurance. On the 14th I have to have a Psych evaluation, and many have jokingly asked if I would pass it, hopefully they WERE joking. LOL.

From what I understand during that appointment, the psychologist will pretty much say if he thinks you will be a good candidate or not. I think I am, but we will soon see what Dr. Stote says. Once all the paperwork is sent to the insurance we just play the waiting game (kind of like I have been doing for the past 60 days since I went to my orientation and had to wait for my insurance to change so I could at least have this surgery done.) Patience is NOT one of my strong points, but I have had no choice and have been pretty patient in this regard. I believe the insurance process is about 6-8 weeks.

Once you get your approval in the mail, then you schedule a nutrition class and some further testing in Carmel and then 2-4 weeks after that your surgery is scheduled and you are on your way to becoming that better person.

This is not something I came up with overnight, I have really been praying about this ever since the notion came in my head. Yes, several of my friends have taken this path, and I must admit, everytime one of them came and said "I am having this surgery" I thought each of them was completely nuts. Now I am in that mindset about having the surgery, and believe me I have had tons of support, which makes me so much stronger, but on the flip side I have had the naysayers, much like I used to be. Although, I must admit, I kept my feelings about my friends having the surgery to myself, I am not as rude as some have been to me. But that is the difference between me and them....such is life.

The main reason I am choosing to do this is for my health. I have two of the co-morbidities they talk about--sleep apnea and diabetes. And I want both to go away...tried to take care of weight loss on my own for several years, and it works for awhile, then the air goes out of my will power and there I am gaining the weight I have lost back and usually more. 2010 is the year I take control of me again, and start living my life with a second chance.

I wont apologize for blogging my steps along this journey, it is the writer in me, and many of you have asked me to keep the progress on here. If someone doesn't like it or deem it appropriate, all I can say is don't read it. I am not doing this for anyone else other than me and my true supporters...

More to follow after my Psych Exam.....Love to all, and Happy 2010!!



About Me
Evansville, IN
Surgery Date
Nov 17, 2009
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