I had my surgery!!
Aug 17, 2013
I went in for surgery on Wednesday, August 14th at 6 AM. I was nervous, but extremely excited. My husband, son, mother and sister were there during my surgery.
They didn't waste any time at the hospital. I went in and had people taking care of me from the get go, They were awesome at the Goshen IU hospital. Patients having the Roux en Y surgery are walked to the surgery room, boy was that interesting!! Anytime I have had a surgery, I was already pretty loopy before going to the surgery room. This was different. I had to lay down on a table and outstretch my arms. Above me were many lights. It was very interesting. After I laid down on the surgery table, that's about all I recall. The next thing I knew I was in my hospital room and the surgeon came and told me I did wonderful.
I was so loopy the whole day of surgery, I do remember the pain, but the hospital was right on top of this continuously monitoring my pain and giving me medications as needed.
The 2nd day- I could really feel the pain, it felt like the pain I had experienced when I had bronchitis. An extreme pain especially when I moved. It was a pain just under my ribcage. This was the worst pain I experienced, I also had lower back pain from sitting and laying in the hospital bed all the time.
I did well walking, the doctor wanted me to walk every 4 hours to prevent blood clots. I will never forget how kind the staff were at the hospital. I had a nurse on 3rd shift that was extremely caring named Becky. I am so thankful for all of them, they were great!!
I did wonder if I was ever going to "pass gas". This was very important as the surgeon had added gas to my stomach to blow everything up during my surgery. I finally did on Friday. Dr. Gerig came in and told me I could go home and said I was doing perfect:) I am going home to stay with my mother during recuperation time. She has been so sweet and caring and wanted to do this for me. I so appreciate it and love her very much for being such a caring mother.
Even though I am still sore, I am so thankful for my decision to go through with this surgery. I feel like I have been given a gift, It is up to me what I do with this gift:)