Jennifer F. 22 years, 9 months ago

Hi Tina. I was just reading your post and I too had Dr. Boe. My surgery was Aug. 24, 2001. I'm so happy to see you doing well. And your right, cream soup is a wonderful thing after all those popsicles and jell-O...uuuggghhhh! Congratulations to you and I hope you are feeling good.

bek4901 22 years, 10 months ago

Hi Tina, How are you doing-this first week on the "losing" side? Be good to yourself and listen to your body. Most of us didn't feel like "running", so just walk, even if it's s-l-o-w. Have a good day and remember each one will be better!! God Bless

Heidi H. 22 years, 10 months ago

***Hi Everyone*** I went and visited Tina this evening, and she was doing just fine! She even got up and walked a little and sat in a chair for a while. She said she is feeling pretty good, but is thankful she still has the morphine pump for now. She said Dr. Boe had to repair 2 hernia's, remove her gallbladder, and also had to remove her appendex because a gallstone managed to attach to it.(sounds crazy, huh?!) As we were getting ready to leave, she thought she may be coming down with a fever, and she had me feel her head, and she was quite warm, but once she was back in bed, she said she was starting to feel much better! WHOO-HOO!!! Way to go Tina! So happy to see how well you are doing just one day post-op! Can't wait to join you on the "other side" God Bless! ~Heidi

DELORES T. 22 years, 10 months ago

~~~~~Angel Update~~~~ Spoke to Tina at 8:00 this morning. I must say that she is an amazing sister. Sounded very strong, she said that she is not in pain at all. Her only complaint was dry mouth and some nausea. She has not had any ice chips yet, she has to do her leak test soon, I know she is looking forward to that great experience, WHOAHHHHHH. In addition to her WLS, they discovered 2 hernias (removed them), gall stones (removed it), and her appendix was not the healthiest (removed it). In spite of all this, she was upbeat and thankful that God was there working through the surgeons hands. We had to get off the phone, her mother was trying to get thru, and we could have gone on and on. I will call again this evening and post any new developments tonight. All AMOS sisters and brothers, let's give a great big shout out to Tina.

mlouhof 22 years, 10 months ago

Tina, Congratulations! Sounds like you are doing great, good for you. Keep up the good work. We will be watching for your posts. Marylou

Vickie C. 22 years, 10 months ago

Tina, Congratulations on your surgery! I am glad that everything went well. I wish you good luck and good health with your recovery. A WLS friend,

DELORES T. 22 years, 10 months ago

~~Angel reporting in~~~ Called the hospital at 7.30 this evening. The switchboard rang Tina's room, no answer. I called back and asked for the nurse's station. I was told that Tina was skateboarding in the hallway {ha ha}. Seriously, she was taking her first walk. The nurse said she was doing beautifully. Surgery was a total success. I will call back tomorrow morning, hopefully will be able to talk to Tina or her mother. Please visit her page and wish her the best. Delores Thames

Sybil T. 22 years, 10 months ago

Hey Miss Fluffy,I soooo happy that God has chosen you to help get this message out to our community! We generally, just stay fat and all of our life's! So best of health, and Good luck my dear, I can't wait until my date on Aug.29th I"ll be praying for you to get to the other side, your wls sister. Sybil Trice

Gail R. 22 years, 10 months ago

Just a note to connect with all WLS sisters who have the same surgery date as myself. May all our surgeons have steady hands and happy clear thoughts on 8/8/01. Will be saying prayers and thanking God. Keep me in your thoughts as you will be in mine. Its really good to know others will be going through same. GOOD LUCK & GOD BLESS !!!!!!!

Jenper 22 years, 11 months ago

Hey, there! I just wanted to say that I will probably see you skulking around the halls at BTC on the 8th - I'm having surgery there with Dr. Schlessinger on the 7th. :) Yay for us!!! I've only heard good things about Dr. Boe, too, so I'm sure you are in very good hands. Maybe I'll get to meet you in the the time you get there I'll be on the other side! Woohooooooo!
About Me
chicago, il
Surgery Date
Mar 01, 2001
Member Since
