Sep 02, 2008

It really hasn't been a secret to me...just wanted to get insurance approval before letting the cat out of the bag... I am being selective at this time, but it's not a secret. 
I told my best friend from growing up, I have known her for almost 30 years... she was supportive but had some misconceptions about WLS because of her cousin, so I went over everything and she understands better and will be a source of support. 
I have had only negative response, which is good for me right now...I know that this won't be the case, but for now...positive is good!!

I just can't wait for Oct 9th!!!


Aug 26, 2008

I can't believe it... I got the call today... I was approved and I have the surgery date that I wanted...Thur Oct 9th!!

I am still in shock...I am so excited...a little nervous...but mostly excited to start the next chapter in my life!

Last Wed I got a call from my insurance lady, Mary...she said that Medica called and said there was only 2 structured weight loss visits in my info packet...WHAT?   Oh my gosh... I remembered my May visit to my PCP and we talked about I said I would have the nurse fax it over to her and then we would be set.
On Thur Mary called back saying that the report said nothing about weight loss and was about a foot rash (I'm so lucky to break out from products that shoemakers use for their shoes)... I thought the nurse had faxed the wrong visit report because I went back for my food thing in June...
I called the nurse back to say that she faxed the wrong one and she said no...she was looking right at it and it didn't say anything about weight loss...I was so sad...I didn't know what to do.  I called Mary back and to her that it was the correct report and what do I do now...
It just happened the Dr Sund, my bariatrician had an opening the next day at 11:30...I would be there...
On Friday Aug 22nd I had my 3rd structured weight loss visit...
and on Tuesday Aug 26th, I got the call!!
I am so ready for this new chapter in my life!!
Thank you for everyone that is supporting me!!!  I couldn't do this without each and every one of them!!

It's about time!

Aug 14, 2008

Well... as we speak Medica has my information... my last apt with the bariatric group was over 2 weeks ago. I was calling the insurance lady everyother day...poor thing... but it took over 2 weeks for the psychologist dictation to be typed...unacceptable... so i called the clinic director to find out what the problem was... she took care of things... :) 

Please keep your prayers for me that insurance accepts my case on the 1st try!

I am hoping to have surgery in October....

I am so ready for this...  it seems like it is still soooo far away!!

:) Sooooo Happy!!

Aug 03, 2008

I saw the surgeon, Dr. Drew on Friday! After he was 1 HOUR late... He thinks I am a good candidate!!  We are just waiting for the transcription of the psychologist clearance report to be completed and then we can submit to insurance!!!!  I am so excited...

I was intending on having surgery in Oct because of my work schedule and going on a work conference in Sept, but now that things are wrapping up, I don't think I can wait until Oct... I hope that he has a specific date open in early Sept so I can have it then...!!!

I go back to the Sleep Institute tomorrow to get the results on my CPAP use, but I really haven't been able to use it that much because it's so uncomfortable.... but oh well...

I am reading and re-reading my patient handbook and getting all of my ducks in a row...
I am just concerned about how to mourn the loss of food... I know that I will be able to eat most foods someday, but not like now.  I will ask my OH Support Group how they dealt with it...

I am preparing my family for the all the ups and downs and how I will have to eat from now on... They are nervous and scared. I wish that I could give them the confidence that I have in this process.  I am a bit scared too, but I just have to give this up to the Lord, because I know that this is the only way for me to ever get health back...

Hip - Hip.....

Jul 28, 2008

I have been cleared by both nutrition and psychology!!! 

My apt with the surgeon is on Friday!!

I'm so excited!!

:)  Update on Friday...

Oh, and I am still not having very good luck with the CPAP... :) 

Ho Hum....

Jul 18, 2008

Well, it's been a bit since I last posted....  let's get an update in shall we...

I have been trying to wear my CPAP at night...but numerous times I have woken up in the middle of the night with it off of my head and laying on the bed....I have been ripping it off without even knowing it... great!!

I went to the nut on Monday 7/14, he was nice enough and asked alot of questions, I see him in 2 weeks for the follow up for the 600 question "test" that I took on Tuesday 7/15th.  I am praying that he realizes how prepared I am for this surgery and that he wont require me to come back for a 3rd visit, the same goes for the nutritionist, my second visit with her is on 7/24.    I am just so anxious to get all of these apts over with a get the insurance submitted!!!

I have been buying a ton of protein samples to find other flavors that I like and have been reading religiously to get recipe ideas.  I also bought a Cuisinart ice cream maker for those protein ice cream recipes...very excited to try those out!! 

Going to meet a couple more OH'ers on Monday I think...very excited!!  That's all I have for now... :) 

Impatient is my middle name...

Jul 06, 2008

I had a great 4th of July weekend...the weather was great, a little on the humid side...but the sun was wonderful!!

I am getting so impatient for all of these appointments to be over with and get a surgery date!! 

I spend the evening read and re-reading my insurances website and requirements for surgery... I think I will qualify without a problem....but that is my biggest worry right now...not getting insurance approval... oh, and having gained more weight by the 14th with my next apt on the 14th... I guess I was supposed to sign a contract saying that I would not gain any more weight, but I was up 2 pounds on my 2nd visit, but that could have easily been water weight...but it still makes me nervous... the dr never did have my sign the contract... so i guess I am safe until they figure out that I haven't signed, but I won't take that chance, I will focus on low carb high protein this week.

I'm going to go the St Joe's support group on Tues...  just knocking of the required items off of the list... it will be nice to talk to more people who have been through it...

I have been really addicted to the OH website...somedays I just can't seem to get enough of it... 

It's hitting me....

Jul 02, 2008

What a beautiful day it was, from what I heard, I didn't see daylight until I left work.  :) But at least I saw the sun!!  

I finally get fitted for my CPAP tomorrow morning, they want me to wear it for a month before downloading the info.  I was getting anxious about the nurse finally getting around to calling me back to schedule the fitting, it took 3 days for the NP at the Sleep Clinic to write the order and fax it over to the CPAP people, I was annoyed to say the least.  But tomorrow it begins...

My apt with Dr Drew is one month from yesterday...and I was hoping that all my apts would be complete by that time but I think that I had too high of expectations to think it could be done by Aug 1, but like Randall said..."Expect a Miracle!"  

I usally spend a nice chunk of time everyday on the board reading the general board and then to the MN board...I read Connie D. story and read her journal entries... and it hit me... for as long as I remember, this has been my life...being overweight and I want so bad for that to be the past!!  I'm such an impatient person...I just want the insurance approval to come through the first time and let's get this party started!!  

I just have to be steadfast in my faith in God and that He has a plan for me and that I will do my part to make it happen, I can't do this alone... He has come through for me, EVERY SINGLE time that I have needed His strength and love and help... I can't forget that He won't let me down now....

Tomorrow is like an all school reunion in my home town for the Fourth of July... and I am not going, because I am bigger than ever and I don't want classmates to see me like this... but I can't wait until next 4th of July!!!  

There are so many things that I am not doing now, but think in my head "I cant wait until the next time...etc. etc. etc..."  I know that's not the best way to do or think of things, but this is where I am right now...

Is it October yet?

Jun 30, 2008

Well it's been a couple weeks since I last updated, since then, I have had my first PT, dietician, and follow-up sleep study results...

PT apt - 
Melanie is my PT, she is great, she did a couple of strength tests, endurance, and flexibility tests... then we made a plan, 4-5 days a week of at least 30 min aerobic activity and 2-3 days a week strength training, I go back in 7 weeks.  

Dietician apt - 
Hollie was my RD, she was nice.  I told her that I was lactose intolerant and didn't care for meat very much and she didn't seem to listen since I left with a plan to track my protein intake for 2 weeks by eating eggs, cheese, and I think I will have to reiterate my preferences to her on my follow up in 6 weeks.  

Sleep study follow up-
I passed, with flying colors... damn it!  No sleep apnea on this study, but she said that they could have missed something because it wasn't a normal night sleep for me, I felt very restricted and didn't move like I would have normally moved.  But I do snore on my back and my side, so I will be put on the CPAP because I have an Epworth score of 22... for those of you that don't know about the Epworth score, 7 is normal and 18 is a, I don't think I have narcolepsy but I am very very tired all of the time.  So after a month of CPAP I will go back and have them download the info, I am waiting for the nurse to call me back to go in to get the machine, they better get moving, my apt with the surgeon is one month from tomorrow, I wanted everything to be done by then.   So all seems to be going well... I just want it to be October and surgery day!! :)

Linda A. and I met over at Caribou last week, she is so great!! I am so glad to have met her, I can just see how happy she is and she is a great mentor and glad to have her in my corner!! 

Sleep Study Update...

Jun 14, 2008

Well last night was my sleep study...

I am always just wiped out on Friday nights, just want to get home and crash on the couch...I feel like my eyelids weigh a thousand pounds and can barely keep my eyes open... but since I had my study I had to stay awake. I arrived at 8:30pm, the nurse showed me to my room, looked just like a hotel room without a restroom, it was just across the hall.  I changed into a pair of shorts and t-shirt.  The nurse then put 2 different "belts" around me, one at my waist, one above my chest.  I had 2 leads on my legs, 2 on my chest, 5 on my face, 1 on my neck, and I think 6 on my head, plus a cannula in my nose, and oximeter on my finger... needless to say it wasn't a very restful night.  I think I went to bed at 11, but I don't know, there isn't a clock in there.  The nurse came in once to rehook a lead on my head, it had come loose.  I am usually allregic to all the tape and stick stuff, so I was sure I was going to have 5 huge red marks on my face after taking them off in the morning. I was awoken by a voice over the intercom... it was 6:45. It took 2 minutes to remove all the stuff and about 30 min to put on... I didn't have to have the CPAP put on lastnight. I go back in 2 weeks to see what the dr says.  So...who knows! My next apt is with the Physical therapist... I'll update then! :)

About Me
Surgery Date
May 31, 2008
Member Since

Friends 47

Latest Blog 21
Let the Countdown Begin... T -10 days
Take That!!
I didn't know I was a Hurdler...
One Month to Go!!
