
Nov 22, 2006

Hello Everyone,
Well I went and had my " pats " on Monday.  OMG... talk about a loooong day.  I didnt get home until after 5, I left at 7 that morning. Omaha is about 2 hours from here. 

Was doing great, until they tell me that the ekg didnt look good. So, they set me up a stress test for today.  Of course with my knees I can't do a they did a ultra sound of the heart ( I can't remember what it is actually called ).  

I thought ok, a few pics of my heart and I would be done.  Well they didnt get to see what they wanted to see.  So now I've got another flying trip up to Omaha ( Falls City is not equpped for this )on the pulmonary clinic, so they can give me an iv full of meds that will increase my heart rate and they can get a good pic.  They also changed my bp med, said that it needed to be under control b4 surgery.  Everytime I get nervous or excited it goes up high.  

I know catching all this now is for the best.... I really do know that but...... NOW just 1 week b4 surgery????   Talk about some mood swings going on now..... 

Guess that's all for now, I wont know anything more until Monday.

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving !!

Huggs & Blessings,

Nothing New

Nov 15, 2006

Don't have anything new to add.  Just thought I'd ramble for a bit !! LOL !!
It is really starting to set in now. I go in for my "pats " on Monday...gonna be a long day.  
Been trying to keep up with the November board, watching everyone go in for their surgery, and come back from it. So very thankful, everyone seems to be doing great :)
My nerves are in an uproar, good thing my family and fiancee loves me so much :)
That's all for now, I'll post more Monday after I get back.
Huggs & Blessings,

Finally Have Something Else To Add !!

Oct 27, 2006

Hello everyone !!!

Well, it's now starting to become more real !!  Donna from Dr. Sudan's office called me today, and set me up with my last consult before surgery :)
I go in on the 20th for that, and I have to make an appt. with my pcp for another chest x~ray and EKG.  The only pre~op diet I have is 1 day before...liquids and a bowel cleaning ( yuk ).  Then she also tells me that one of my other dr's hasn't cleared me yet, and they're concerned about that. I had a bout with bladder cancer, but it wasn't invasive, so that shouldn't be a problem there. I'll call him Monday morning.
Ohhhh..... then she calls me back.... asking about some vaginal bleeding that was in my records... so, I explained that I've been menopausal for the last couple of years, and sometimes I spot. So, that's all ok...BUT....this surgery can start them periods all over again :( and she would suggest that I get on some kind of birth control !!! It's like I told her " thank God my fiancee has been fixed !! " Can you imagine getting pregnant now at 47 ( or will be after surgery ) ??!! 
Well, that's all the news I have for now.
Huggs & Blessings,

Everything So Far.....

Oct 22, 2006

3/15/06 I'll be attending a seminar on 4/5 and then on 4/10 I have my first consultation with Dr. Sudan !!! WooHoo!!!!!

9/15/06 Well a lot of time has passed since I've updated this. Sorry for that...but it's been that long since I've had any news. Now I have news LOL !! Yessssss...... I finally got my approval letter today YIPPIE !!!!! Of course, by the time I got my mail Dr. Sudan's office was closed :( but, it's allll good...I will call him first thing on Monday morning !!!! I'm SOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED !!!

9/18/06 Called Dr.Sudan's office and talked to Jill ( wonderful woman, very helpful ), I go up this Friday to go through the nutrition part of it. I asked about how long a wait I would have for the surgery itself and Jill said late October early November !!!! I can hardly believe it will be that soon !!! My birthday is in November....what a great present I'm getting !!! A whole new lease on life !!!!!
I hope everyone had a GREAT weekend !!!

Well, today I went in for my nutrition program ! Shelly is soo sweet and very is everyone in Dr. Sudans office.
Sad to say I've gained 15 pounds. So she helped me with a diet plan, didnt give me a set amount to lose...just whatever I can before surgery. She then went on to explain to me how I will be eating in the hospital, and the first stage at home. Pretty much what I expected, from reading on here. She gave me a few starter packs of protein shakes..enuff for 8 meals, and a couple bottles ( of 8 ) of chewable vitamins, her email, and told me to email her if I had anymore questions, or problems. All in all it went well !!
Now, I'm waiting for Jill to call me with a date, and another appointment with Dr. Sudan!!
Well, that's about all for now
Everyone tc

10/2 WoooHooo I have my date !!!! Nov. 29th....three days after my birthday...... what a great gift.....LIFE !!!
Jill had said orginally it would be late Oct early Nov, a bit later than we thought, but I will take it !!

Hello Everyone !!

Hi I'm Lori, I'm a 46 year old grandmother of 2 beautiful girls, mother of 1 son, who has just found out a year ago that there is alot of life and love left to live. I have met a wonderful man, who loves me for who I am, not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside. I have been exploring weight-loss surgery for almost 2 years now. I finally got my facts together and took them to my pcp. He agreed it would be the best thing for me.  I've talked it over with my family and friends and of course they are a bit worried, but they also tell me to go for it !! So I am !!
I enjoy swimming ( altho I wouldnt be caught dead in a suit right now ), love music .... and used to love to dance...still do, just dont look good doing it anymore LOL !! I also enjoy reading, good movies, and just started playing texas holdem... am addicted LOL !!
Would love to make some new friends on here, to chat about anything and everything !!!

About Me
Falls City, NE
Surgery Date
Oct 03, 2005
Member Since

Friends 39

Latest Blog 15
I'm Back !!
First CheckUp
13 Days Post-Op
1 More Day !!
3 Days and Counting !!!
6 Days and Counting !!!
9 Days & Counting !!
and So It Is.........
After Some Thinking........
