Obtaining information

Apr 25, 2009

I've read through this website for the 2nd time in the last few months.  I love looking at the 'before' and 'after' photos.  Looking to see who looks like me 'before' so I can get some idea of what I'd look like 'after'. 

I'm looking into getting any and all information about the WLS doctors in my area.  I know the hospital I'd like to be at so that narrows down choices by 1 or 2.  I'm trying to find out what my insurance will be requiring for paperwork but I'm looking at the worst for them.  They'll want all sorts of paperwork and tests so I'm preparing myself for each step. 
Baby steps.
I took the first wobbly step when I signed up here.  I admitted that I had a weight problem.  (The pain also helped me realize that too! ~smiles~) 
Next step, a bit less wobbly was scheduling the appointment with my GP to get the process started.  I'm going in to see him in less than 3 days but I'm armed.  I'm armed with all the medications I'm on and all the health issues I have (he knows it but still good to have from me)  I'm armed with all the receipts for Weight Watchers memberships and meetings.  I'm armed with the Bally's gym membership paperwork and cost.  I'm armed with all the diets I've tried within the last 10 years.  I'm armed with all the food journals and exercise journals and lists of diet books that I have read. 
I want my GP to know that I am serious about this process.  It's not a process for wimps.  I know it's going to be hard.  I know I wont' be able to eat what I want.  I'd rather give up it all to be healthy. 

I've got a list of tests that may be required for insurance approval; I've had almost all of these tests done within the last year to 18 months.  I'm going to request copies from the appropriate doctors for my files.  Then if it ever is requested, I have a copy.

I just hope this process doesn't take years to happen.  I don't know if I can deal with the pain. 

~kelly jo....being hopeful today.


About Me
Pawtucket, RI
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2009
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