Appointment with GP

Apr 27, 2009

I saw my GP today.  For my back pain but also to discuss WLS.
I got a script for a muscle relaxant that I can take through the day and a referral to a neurosurgeon for my back. I don't want surgery but Dr. R (GP guy) said this surgeon is really conservative in doing surgery.  He has PT facilities available along with injections and other tricks in his bag.  I'll phone tomorrow for an appointment. I have to grab a copy of my MRI before heading there but that won't be a big deal.

As for the WLS:  Long story short-he'll sign off if my cardiologist thinks everything is okay.  And I already know that my cardiologist, Dr. C, will sign off.  He thinks the weight loss will help the high BP and slow down the CAR (coronary artery disease).  SO...YIPPEE for me!

He refered me to Dr. Pohl, so I'll call Dr. P's office tomorrow to get the initial background information and get started.  BTW, Anyone know him and give me a head's up on his procedures? I'd greatly appreciate it!

I also need to contact my insurance company again with obtaining more information about my coverages and what the plan will pay for.  I got a tenative yes, but I want to make sure they are correct. 

I am going to attend a support group for WLS peeps-who have already done the surgery.  The information said that people who are interested are welcome to attend.  That's tomorrow night at 6pm.  I'm looking forward to getting more information (if there is any more out there!)

Oh, and I was surprised by Dr. R---he recommended lapband instead of gastric bypass.  I thought that was interesting as we talked about a goal weight and he felt that 150 would be a good start (since I'm 5'7'')  That will be about 130 pounds, depending on the day.  Also half of me.  WOW.  I also told him that I would lose the weight and keep it off, but I'm doing it for my health.  So if my body is at 165 and everything is healthy, I'm gonna be okay with that.  He liked my attitude.

I started a high protein diet.  It was rather hard as I wanted to snack all day.  No cravings or anything, I just wanted stuff.  gotta figure out why that's happening.
Gonna post a post and then heading to bed.  I think the medication is kicking in. ~another YIPPEE~


About Me
Pawtucket, RI
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2009
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