2nd and 3rd baby steps

Apr 28, 2009

The first baby step turned into a 2nd baby step as I called Dr. Pohl's office and was told I would have to attend a seminar first.  I didn't get the name of the gal I spoke with (which is VERY unusual for me) but she was very nice and answered my questions.  Maybe not with answers *I* wanted to hear but nonetheless, they were answered.  ~smiles~  I will be attending the seminar at Roger Williams Hospital on May 13 at 6pm and I will be filling out the attendance form - she stressed this several times!

I also called the pre-approval department for my insurance company and spoke with a very nice lady about my insurance coverage.  I left all the details and someone was to phone me back this afternoon but didn't.  I'll phone tomorrow morning to confirm that I am covered.  Once I get confirmation of approval, I'll feel better.  I'm pretty certain I'm covered since my last phone call to them was a few weeks ago and I was told I was -"You have a great insurance plan...can I work for your company?" is what the customer service rep asked.  ~laughing~

I started tracking what I eat, again.  I had gotten away from it for the past month or so but starting back and watching what I eat now has me more motivated than ever to change now before surgery so I won't have a hard time afterwords.  I researched protein choices and shakes this evening.  I'll start trying a few...maybe I'll find one I can't live without!

I also scheduled an appointment with a neurosurgeon.  I'm going to have him check me out, check out my MRI and nerve tests and see if there is anything he can do for the back pain, as well.  I need some relief.  I am taking a new medication through the day...a muscle relaxant that's not supposed to make you sleepy.  I used it all day and no sleepiness but horrible burning in my back and down my leg.  I didn't take the 3rd dose and the burning sensation is fading.  I read online where some people tend to have worse pain in the beginning but once they are used to the medication-things start to turn around.  What do you do when your pain level is at a 7-8 to begin with?  Making it go to 9-10, while working, doesn't help.

I'm gonna try to get some sleep now; insomnia has been hitting me hard for a few weeks. 


About Me
Pawtucket, RI
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2009
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