Monday, June 8

Jun 08, 2009

I'm still not sleeping well.  I am not taking any pain medication so the achiness and radiating pain are annoying.
I'll start back on the muscle relaxants and see if that will help any.  It was a beautiful day again!  I decided that I wasn't going to get out and walk; I'm sore and hurting and didn't want to add to the issues.

WEIGHT:  I weighed in at Dr. G's office today at 284.  That's with my clothing on.  I guess my clothes could weigh about 2 pounds.  So that means my scales are pretty accurate.  And my math is wrong.  I'm only down the 9 pounds from the NUT's visit.  ~smile~  I'm okay with that!

DIET:  I have had my 8 glasses of water (minimum) today along with about 55 grams of protein.  I did have 2 slices of whole wheat bread when I said I wasn't going to but it was below my minimum calories so I'm okay with it.  I'll start to slowly phase the bread out and add the veggies in.  Hubby is going to make up about 10 pounds of roasted veggies for me later this week. I hope to keep that going each week so that I can get my carrots and potato's-keeping those to a minimum-and I can steam broccoli.  I am going to start eating a small salad everyday to try to get at least 1 serving of veggies in.

EXERCISE:  I did some housework today, along with a bit of laundry and I did walk to the car and go to my appointment with Dr. G.  My right leg was really bothering me today.  I'm trying to eliminate the pain medication and it's been a struggle today.

SUPPORT GROUPS:  Wednesday 6.17--Living Life WLS Group (Jules' group) from 7-9pm at Roger Williams Hospital.
                               Tuesday 6.23---WLS Support Group from 6-7pm at Miriam Hospital.
                               Thursday 6.25--Weigh to Win Support Group from 6-7:30pm at Roger Williams Hospital 

APPOINTMENTS:    TTuesday 6.9--Gallbladder ultrasound @ Roger Williams at 9am
                                Friday 6.12--Heather Gagliardi-/Nutritionist at 8am

I had my first appointment with Dr. G today.  She feels that I am a good candidate for Gastric Bypass.  We discussed the Lap Band and although it may work, the Gastric Bypass will probably help me more with the sugar/carb issue.  The dumping syndrome will be a big determent.  Which is what I thought!  She seemed impressed with my take charge attitude in seeing the psychologist, the nutritionist and getting the gall bladder ultrasound.  They are to schedule my endoscopy and call me.  I need to submit letters to Dr. Cannistra-cardiologist and Dr. Roland-Internist requesting their approval for the surgery.  I don't think it will be a problem.   So, things are progressing. 
I did state that I would like to have the surgery near the end of July and she wasn't sure about the insurance bottleneck/approval but thought that would be a good goal. A new birthday!

I'm currently not eating or drinking in preparation for the gallbladder ultrasound.  And it's SOOOOO hard.  I'm used to drinking every 10-15 minutes while awake.  So I'm pretty thirsty.  But I just have to go until 9am and then the test and then I can drink! 6 weeks ago I would have 'died' from not being able to eat.  Now it's drinking!  A good progression, me thinks!

INSURANCE:  Dr. G's office has all the information and will start the insurance process.  I'll call them back in 2 weeks (especially after my endoscopy) to see what else is required and where we stand if I don't hear from them first.
Note to self....need to contact Dr. G's office on 6.22.09 regarding insurance.

EMOTIONS:   Doing well today.  I was excited to head to my appointment with Dr. G and I'm still excited.  I'm expressed my excitement to my husband today and he's still concerned that I'll leave when I get skinny.  But he only expressed his concern once.  I realized today that I become frustrated with him when he does express himself and I need to not do that. I want him to feel comfortable and able to express his feelings, too.  Maybe then, he'll allow me the same courtesy!  
I'm frustrated with work issues but hopefully I can get those resolved tomorrow.

WORK:  I worked from home today. I got a lot accomplished.  I realized today; I don't want to work for a few months.  I'm wanting to recover from the back surgery, I want to recover from the WLS and get back to feeling good before going back to work.  I also feel that if my employer is just waiting for a reason to let me go (which I know is the case) just let me use my short term disability before you let me go.  Is that a terrible thought or bad reasoning? ~shrugs~  I'm praying about it daily to see where God wishes to lead me.

MISC:  Mycah goes home on Thursday afternoon for her Dad's wedding.  I'm going to miss her for those few days.  But she'll be welcomed warmly when she comes back home and I can't wait to hear about the wedding.
It's about 2am and I think I'm going to finish this up and try to head to bed. 
I feel good about this blog.  I feel great about getting my thoughts out of my head!!


About Me
Pawtucket, RI
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2009
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 21
