Full Tilt Boogie .

mommy-mo-mo 16 years, 11 months ago

Hi Kathleen, I just wanted to let you know that your avatar of your beautiful daughters drew me to your profile. As I was reading I saw that your daughter passed. To say I am so sorry is not even enough, but just wanted to share how much my heart goes out to you. No one can ever know what it is like to lose a child unless you've experienced it, but having recently experienced death in my family, just helps me to realize what a strong woman you are to continue on, move forward, with your dancing, and Mary Kay and your pursuit of WLS. My prayers are with you and your family and for your future post of "I HAVE A DATE". This surgery has changed my life in just four weeks and I am now living life to the fullest having an even greater appreciate of how truly precious life is. God bless you, Monique
About Me
none of your bee's wax, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 37

Latest Blog 28
almost at 1 year post op
100lbs gone-normal bp w/o meds-full time cna job!
I am a CNA
' thank God for my wls
like a kid
full tilt boogie is signing in
and away we go...!
Post op tales
Pre op/Op/Post op/Plumbing anyone?
